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Europe (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning
I am intrigued of how Americans feel towards Europe, as the US and Europe are the bastions of the free world as such.

Where do you think and how do you want Europe to go for decades to come?
Europe Nation, not the europe of banks. :mrgreen: sorry not american, but well, it's the same
I disagree with certain countries decisions on certain things, but other than that I don't mind Europe. So I suppose we can let you live for a little while... :lol:

My complaints about countries in Europe are the same complaints I have about my own country.
Europe as a whole is trying to remain (or become) competitive. Playing hardball with the United States. Many Europeans becoming agnostic, if not atheistic.

But that may just be my ignorance, as not being informed or educated of the modern Europe and where it stands today.

Still questioning the EU; quite wary of the eerily similar descriptions of the endtimes and the european ruling body.... :eek: :afraid: :beam:
Gandhi>Bush said:
My complaints about countries in Europe are the same complaints I have about my own country.

I totally agree.

I feel it's disrespectful to talk about Europe as a whole, I mean Europe is made out of many countries. Each country has something I dislike about them and sometimes they're different things.
GarzaUK said:
I am intrigued of how Americans feel towards Europe, as the US and Europe are the bastions of the free world as such.

Where do you think and how do you want Europe to go for decades to come?

Europe is greater than America, it has survived for centuries and was the core of civilization, what do I think, invasion and the conquering of Capitalist America, that's what.
Like Arch said, each country is different. The only problem I have with Europe in general, is the trend toward Socialism. I don't think it is sustainable and the economy will fail, which will impact us all eventually.
Wait for 20 years and see how the United States economy fairs against the European Union, already the Euro is higher of a currency, I laugh at you.
Squawker said:
The only problem I have with Europe in general, is the trend toward Socialism. .

That is it's strangth.
We don't have such an atrocious rich/poor gap as the US, or people who find themselves without health coverage or pensions because they're too poor. You claim that's not sustainable, because of your blinkered view that profit is all. There are other measures of a successful society, and most European ones are far more humane than the US.
In any case, as Soviet Guy rightly points out, the Euro is whipping the dollar's ass, and even European nations with difficulties are still experiencing steady growth.
Urethra Franklin said:
That is it's strangth.
We don't have such an atrocious rich/poor gap as the US, or people who find themselves without health coverage or pensions because they're too poor. You claim that's not sustainable, because of your blinkered view that profit is all. There are other measures of a successful society, and most European ones are far more humane than the US.
In any case, as Soviet Guy rightly points out, the Euro is whipping the dollar's ass, and even European nations with difficulties are still experiencing steady growth.

Socialism is not sustainable... The proof is in the Soviet Union... Look at how they fell... Capitalism is always the better way... The free market... The Euro might be higher now, but lets compare unemployment rates...
Quertol said:
Socialism is not sustainable... The proof is in the Soviet Union... Look at how they fell... Capitalism is always the better way... The free market... The Euro might be higher now, but lets compare unemployment rates...

But those unemployed have decent levels of unemployment benefit to live off, and are only unemployed because of the shortcomings of the capitalist system. You ignore the European nations, like the UK, with far lower unemployment rates than your own.

The Soviet Union proves nothing. You want to get off on anecdotal one-offs? Sweden prospered under 50 years of socialist government, which left them with one of the world's highest standards of living AND an enviable social welfare system. They got into trouble when they started electing conservative governments.
Urethra Franklin said:
But those unemployed have decent levels of unemployment benefit to live off, and are only unemployed because of the shortcomings of the capitalist system. You ignore the European nations, like the UK, with far lower unemployment rates than your own.

The Soviet Union proves nothing. You want to get off on anecdotal one-offs? Sweden prospered under 50 years of socialist government, which left them with one of the world's highest standards of living AND an enviable social welfare system. They got into trouble when they started electing conservative governments.


I would say that the US is doing better than the EU on the whole...
Quertol said:
Socialism is not sustainable... The proof is in the Soviet Union... Look at how they fell... Capitalism is always the better way... The free market... The Euro might be higher now, but lets compare unemployment rates...

Soviet Union lasted for 70 years Cuba's still around, and the USSR collapsed because it tried to compete militarily with the US, and capitalism is strengthened from war because money goes to businesses for the cost of the war, socialism generally has no businesses to profit so socialism would lose. And wasn't the USSR collapsed in a coup or something. So socialism is sustainable with small military, capitalism under huge military
Comrade Brian said:
Soviet Union lasted for 70 years Cuba's still around, and the USSR collapsed because it tried to compete militarily with the US, and capitalism is strengthened from war because money goes to businesses for the cost of the war, socialism generally has no businesses to profit so socialism would lose. And wasn't the USSR collapsed in a coup or something. So socialism is sustainable with small military, capitalism under huge military

You say look at Cuba, yeah oKay I'll give you that.
I say look at Russia.
Capitalism by itself is not sustainable either.
nkgupta80 said:
Capitalism by itself is not sustainable either.

Yeah, like the Great Depression was from those laissez-faire or whatever you call them policies, and when capitalism was close to destroying itself, the New Deal came along which were more socialist policies to save capitalism, too bad we didn't actually go further down that path, but no companies wouldn't have that so we still had to go to capitalist policies again.
Urethra Franklin said:
In any case, as Soviet Guy rightly points out, the Euro is whipping the dollar's ass, and even European nations with difficulties are still experiencing steady growth.

Nice. :cool:
You guys keep talking about economies and who's is better, but without America's economy their is no economy, period. Besides the Great Depression is a symbol of how capitalism works, seeing how thats when America's economy started going up after that. :roll:
Why did it start going up, cause FDR's New Deal placed socialist policies in to regulate it.
Quertol said:

I would say that the US is doing better than the EU on the whole...

According to this, you're doing worse than the UK, Denmark and the Netherlands. Besides, such statistics say nothing about the life of the people.

You can become unelmployed in Europe and not have to worry about losing your health care benefits or pension cotributions, and know that your level of unemployment benefit will be enough to live on. Many United Statesians don't have that safety net. And you ignore the point that unemployment exists because it is a necessary feature of capitalism, which unfortunately, we haven't eliminated in Europe.
Urethra Franklin said:
According to this, you're doing worse than the UK, Denmark and the Netherlands. Besides, such statistics say nothing about the life of the people.

You can become unelmployed in Europe and not have to worry about losing your health care benefits or pension cotributions, and know that your level of unemployment benefit will be enough to live on. Many United Statesians don't have that safety net. And you ignore the point that unemployment exists because it is a necessary feature of capitalism, which unfortunately, we haven't eliminated in Europe.

Ah, why is it the responsibility of the government to provide healthcare?

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