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EU gives $143 MILLION to terrorists (1 Viewer)

Well, really, know one should be surprised about this. Europe is merely doing what they have always done - appeasing. What else has to happen before the European public and it’s political leadership get it? At least they are consistent.

For Europeans, especially, Jewish lives count no more today than they did in 1944. Europe's reflexive anti-Semitism doesn't really matter much, since today's Europeans lack the power, will and courage to act upon their bigotry. Why are Palestinian terrorists allowed to target civilians without exciting an international outcry, while every accidental civilian death inflicted by Israel is a crime against humanity? I wonder how many suicide bombers and weaponry against Israel 143 million dollars will buy? I eagerly await the "Global Left's" cries of silence in the upcoming violence.

I'm sure they will desperately lunge at any aspect to blame America.
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GySgt said:
Well, really, know one should be surprised about this. Europe is merely doing what they have always done - appeasing. What else has to happen before the European public and it’s political leadership get it? At least they are consistent.

For Europeans, especially, Jewish lives count no more today than they did in 1944. Europe's reflexive anti-Semitism doesn't really matter much, since today's Europeans lack the power, will and courage to act upon their bigotry. Why are Palestinian terrorists allowed to target civilians without exciting an international outcry, while every accidental civilian death inflicted by Israel is a crime against humanity? I wonder how many suicide bombers and weaponry against Israel 143 million dollars will buy? I eagerly await the "Global Left's" cries of silence in the upcoming violence.

I'm sure they will desperately lunge at any aspect to blame America.

I was awaiting until gunny came up with this Europe appeasing crap. Ignoring the appeasement done by America most of it's history. But gunny's way of doing things is failing, you just have to look at Iraq and the long lines of sucide bombers waiting for their chance to enter paradise. Europe gets it, America is starting to get it no (thank god). Just coz America has the biggest hammer, doesn't make every problem a nail gunny.
Thanks to this attempt to purge the ME (the failing civilisation as you like to put it), terrorism is more likely. Iran is getting a nuke. All in all America is making things worse there.

GySgt said:
For Europeans, especially, Jewish lives count no more today than they did in 1944. Europe's reflexive anti-Semitism doesn't really matter much, since today's Europeans lack the power, will and courage to act upon their bigotry. Why are Palestinian terrorists allowed to target civilians without exciting an international outcry, while every accidental civilian death inflicted by Israel is a crime against humanity?

Okay gunny. This is the most unintelligent thing you have ever said And has made me a little pissed off. You calling me anti-semitic now?? Is that it?? I hate jews? All Europeans hate jews that's what your saying right?? That offends me to no ends. I have lost a ton of respect for you gunny.

Europe (mostly) is anti-zionist, I am anti-zionist and I know jews who are anti-zionist.
Israel and Palestine have both done terrible things. Forgive us for raising the standard for Israel, we feel Israel as a democratic state should act better than suicide bombers from a non-existant country.

Tell me did 100% of the Palestinians vote for Hamas did they?? Good success rate if they did. What about the ones that didn't vote for them?? Make them starve??

Hyprocrisy gunny, pure and utter hyprocrisy. How many terrible regimes that America's has aided with money?? Regimes that weren't even elected. High up in you pedastal their gunny???
GySgt said:
For Europeans, especially, Jewish lives count no more today than they did in 1944. Europe's reflexive anti-Semitism doesn't really matter much, since .

Im just curious as to where you get the idea europeans are so anti-semitic. Ive never heard any anti-semitic sentiments expressed by any european aside from the odd random documentary on polish neo-nazis. The europeans obviously did care about those suffering under nazi germany as they declared war on them long before the americans did.
Red_Dave said:
Im just curious as to where you get the idea europeans are so anti-semitic. Ive never heard any anti-semitic sentiments expressed by any european aside from the odd random documentary on polish neo-nazis. The europeans obviously did care about those suffering under nazi germany as they declared war on them long before the americans did.

I have seen several polls from Western European countries especially France where they regard Israel as the greatest threat to world security.

I note you are in Britain. To its credit, I have never seen such a poll from Britain.
Red_Dave said:
Im just curious as to where you get the idea europeans are so anti-semitic. Ive never heard any anti-semitic sentiments expressed by any european aside from the odd random documentary on polish neo-nazis. The europeans obviously did care about those suffering under nazi germany as they declared war on them long before the americans did.

Europe did not declare war before America BECAUSE they "cared about those suffering under nazi germany."

The Holocaust was not known BEFORE any country declared war on nazi germany.

In fact, if anyone knew of the Holocaust earlier, war (probably) would've been declared earlier instead of appeasing Hitler until his war machine became too strong to contain...

Nobody fought because of the Holocaust...nobody...The atrocities were made known during the war that was already in full force...

Now the next question would be, "Would Europe have stopped Germany if ONLY the Holocaust was happening and Hitler was NOT running roughshod across Europe."...

I think not...
cnredd red dave said Europe went to war over those who were suffereing in Nazi Germany, he didn't say we went to war over the holocost. I'm sure all those occupied were suffereing under Nazi germany.
ludahai said:
I have seen several polls from Western European countries especially France where they regard Israel as the greatest threat to world security.

I note you are in Britain. To its credit, I have never seen such a poll from Britain.

Well being opossed to Isreali state policy does not consitute anti-semitism. Alot of people think Iran is the greatest threat to world security but thats not out of any predudice towards iranians thats because in theory they have a slightly unhinged leader with a nuke. How come fearing iran is a threat to international secuirty due to its government policy any different to fearing Isreal is a threat to international security due to its governments policy?

>i second the point in Gazas post btw
GarzaUK said:
I was awaiting until gunny came up with this Europe appeasing crap. Ignoring the appeasement done by America most of it's history. But gunny's way of doing things is failing, you just have to look at Iraq and the long lines of sucide bombers waiting for their chance to enter paradise. Europe gets it, America is starting to get it no (thank god). Just coz America has the biggest hammer, doesn't make every problem a nail gunny.
Thanks to this attempt to purge the ME (the failing civilisation as you like to put it), terrorism is more likely. Iran is getting a nuke. All in all America is making things worse there.

Okay gunny. This is the most unintelligent thing you have ever said And has made me a little pissed off. You calling me anti-semitic now?? Is that it?? I hate jews? All Europeans hate jews that's what your saying right?? That offends me to no ends. I have lost a ton of respect for you gunny.

Europe (mostly) is anti-zionist, I am anti-zionist and I know jews who are anti-zionist.
Israel and Palestine have both done terrible things. Forgive us for raising the standard for Israel, we feel Israel as a democratic state should act better than suicide bombers from a non-existant country.

Tell me did 100% of the Palestinians vote for Hamas did they?? Good success rate if they did. What about the ones that didn't vote for them?? Make them starve??

Hyprocrisy gunny, pure and utter hyprocrisy. How many terrible regimes that America's has aided with money?? Regimes that weren't even elected. High up in you pedastal their gunny???

LOL, even the French special terrorist units have begun to refer to the great British city as Londanistan! No, I think I would prefer our ports in the hands of the UAE, rather then in British hands, and that statement makes me sad.:(
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Red_Dave said:
How come fearing iran is a threat to international secuirty due to its government policy any different to fearing Isreal is a threat to international security due to its governments policy?

Because there Americans, think in black and white, not in shades of grey.
The land where you either with them or against them. Good vs Evil. The land of cowboy justice. Us Europeans find it hard to understand that mentality red dave.
As an American, I feel said that you think we can't think in gray. I do on most issues, sometimes it is truely a downfall.


Europe "appeasement" has probably more to do with the rise of Eurabia and their very large flux of Arab/African immigrants coming into western European countries than just bending over backward to appease an enemy.

However, I think there is an economic answer to our terrorist problems.

Those who buy from us are less likely to kill us, I say.
Red_Dave said:
Well being opossed to Isreali state policy does not consitute anti-semitism. Alot of people think Iran is the greatest threat to world security but thats not out of any predudice towards iranians thats because in theory they have a slightly unhinged leader with a nuke. How come fearing iran is a threat to international secuirty due to its government policy any different to fearing Isreal is a threat to international security due to its governments policy?

>i second the point in Gazas post btw

However, to say that Israel is the GREATEST threat to global security combined with other anti-Semitic tendencies in some European countries would give one that impression.

Sharon was unhinged? He has done more for the peace process since Carter-Begin-Sadat! What is the reward? The Palestinians elect a party devoted to ISrael's destruction! Who is unhinged?
GarzaUK said:
Tell me did 100% of the Palestinians vote for Hamas did they?? Good success rate if they did. What about the ones that didn't vote for them?? Make them starve??

ah yeah, thats the beutiful thing about democracy, the minority agrees to live with the decisions of the majority. Hmmm... yeah Nazi-Germany just atacked the Britain, but no we won't fight back becuase not 100% of germany was for the atack... yeah we will just let them keep killing becuase some of there soldiers didn't want the war to begin with...
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EU to give $143 million to Palestinian Authority

This was a good decision. It helps the Palestinian Authority to pay the current bills for the last two months to Palestinian and Israeli power stations and it helps keep running humanitarian work. Stopping payments to Palestinian Authority would be not good.
Nero said:
ah yeah, thats the beutiful thing about democracy, the minority agrees to live with the decisions of the majority. Hmmm... yeah Nazi-Germany just atacked the Britain, but no we won't fight back becuase not 100% of germany was for the atack... yeah we will just let them keep killing becuase some of there soldiers didn't want the war to begin with...

like I said - black and white.

Israel and Palestine have been doing tit for tat killings even longer than the loyalists and republicans in Northern Ireland. It never goes anywhere just more death.

war will never defeat terrorism, it never has.
ludahai said:
However, to say that Israel is the GREATEST threat to global security combined with other anti-Semitic tendencies in some European countries would give one that impression.

Sharon was unhinged? He has done more for the peace process since Carter-Begin-Sadat! What is the reward? The Palestinians elect a party devoted to ISrael's destruction! Who is unhinged?

No i said the leader of iran was unhinged. I dont think isreal is the greatest threat to international security, that would be america. However there are plenty of reasonable arguments for isreal being a threat to international security as its Isreali tyranny thats driveing alot of the terroism in the world. I dont think the terroists are justified in blowing up inocent people but what is motivating them is our support for opressive regimes.

I dont understand my so many people portray Sharon as some wonderful peacemaker. You talking about someone who bulldozes peoples houses, allows peaceful demonstators to be shot en masse, and built a large wall around peoples homes. People make all this fuss about the palestinains electing terroists when the Isrealis have elected someone argueably just as bad.
war will never defeat terrorism, it never has.

not even remotly true look for example at the british counter-isurgency in :

Malayan Emergency - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malayan_Emergency

. It can happen, it just takes hard work and persaverance. In general terrorism can be defeated it just depends how many casualties you are willing to inflict. Theoreticly all israel needs to do to stop terrorist is kill all the palestinians, in the modern age its not that hard (not that im recomending they do... but they could if they wanted to).

poverty + feeling of injustice + anger + nationalism = terrorism

yeah, osama-bin-laden is really poor, just a multimilionare... nothing special.
Europe "appeasement" has probably more to do with the rise of Eurabia and their very large flux of Arab/African immigrants coming into western European countries than just bending over backward to appease an enemy.

maybe they are doing it because they feel it is the right thing to do. You can't fully support democracy in the ME and talk about liberty, freedom and democracy in ever speach you make and then reject that democractic process when they elect someone you don't like.

yeah, osama-bin-laden is really poor, just a multimilionare... nothing special.

by saying that i think you are just supporting the view that you just look at things in black and white! Bin Laden is a figurehead, a leader but if their were not impoverished people who felt their was an injustice then it would have no one to lead

Also i think that again you look on the election of hamas as a black and white issue. many palestinians didn't vote for hamas as a message to israel, their are domestic considerations aswell, such as corrupt previous government
Red_Dave said:
No i said the leader of iran was unhinged. I dont think isreal is the greatest threat to international security, that would be america. However there are plenty of reasonable arguments for isreal being a threat to international security as its Isreali tyranny thats driveing alot of the terroism in the world. I dont think the terroists are justified in blowing up inocent people but what is motivating them is our support for opressive regimes.

I dont understand my so many people portray Sharon as some wonderful peacemaker. You talking about someone who bulldozes peoples houses, allows peaceful demonstators to be shot en masse, and built a large wall around peoples homes. People make all this fuss about the palestinains electing terroists when the Isrealis have elected someone argueably just as bad.

OK, misunderstood who you were refering to with unhinged.

USA is not the greatest threat to international security.

Iran, international terrorism, China, European appeasment among others are the greatest threats to global security
Re: EU gives $143 Million to Palestinian Authority

Nero said:
not even remotly true look for example at the british counter-isurgency in :

Malayan Emergency - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malayan_Emergency
You need to find a better example, I guess, because these were anti-colonial guerilla fighters, not terrorists.
Iran, international terrorism, China, European appeasment among others are the greatest threats to global security

i think you confuse global security with american primacy..i mistake often made on this board
GarzaUK said:
Thanks to this attempt to purge the ME (the failing civilisation as you like to put it), terrorism is more likely. Iran is getting a nuke. All in all America is making things worse there.

I believe the "EU" is spearheading the Iranian issue.

GarzaUK said:
Okay gunny. This is the most unintelligent thing you have ever said And has made me a little pissed off. You calling me anti-semitic now?? Is that it?? I hate jews? All Europeans hate jews that's what your saying right?? That offends me to no ends. I have lost a ton of respect for you gunny.

Europe (mostly) is anti-zionist, I am anti-zionist and I know jews who are anti-zionist.
Israel and Palestine have both done terrible things. Forgive us for raising the standard for Israel, we feel Israel as a democratic state should act better than suicide bombers from a non-existant country.

Don't confuse your individual mentality with the general sentiment of the continent of Europe. There is an overwhelming sentiment of anti-semitism there.
GarzaUK said:
Tell me did 100% of the Palestinians vote for Hamas did they?? Good success rate if they did. What about the ones that didn't vote for them?? Make them starve??

The Palestinian people voted for Hammas, because Hammas won their hearts. The former government was corrupt. Most Palestinians don't even see Hamas as a terrorist group. (Want a commentary on this? I've already written it and posted it somewhere.)

GarzaUK said:
Hyprocrisy gunny, pure and utter hyprocrisy. How many terrible regimes that America's has aided with money?? Regimes that weren't even elected. High up in you pedastal their gunny???

Save your accusations of hypocrisy. :roll: Here is the reality of U.S. government......
Part 1
Part 2

(Insert foot here.):cool:
One must take into account that I can't possibly put everything I believe about all the angles involved in one tiny little square. Just because I post a commentary on Islamic terrorists, it does not mean I dismiss American Middle Eastern foreign policy. Just because I post a commentyary on Europe, it does not mean I dismiss American hypocrisy. Just because I write an essay on the tactics of warfare facing today's threats, it does not mean that I dismiss all things humanitarian. Blah...blah...blah. Perhaps one day I will finish this book. Then you can read about all of it within the same reading.
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There is an overwhelming sentiment of anti-semitism there.
i am sorry but i have to dispute this statement
Yes there has been a rise in the number of anti-semitic offences (usually not violence but of vandalism of graves) but this to equate to "an overwhelming sentiment of anti-semitism". Jews live in peace all over europe. You make it seem like there is going to be another Nazi takeover or a widespread full islamic intafada....please stick to reality.
Red_Dave said:
Im just curious as to where you get the idea europeans are so anti-semitic. Ive never heard any anti-semitic sentiments expressed by any european aside from the odd random documentary on polish neo-nazis. The europeans obviously did care about those suffering under nazi germany as they declared war on them long before the americans did.

Germany, Fance, and Italy. It is very alive. Don't confuse "tolerance" with equal acceptance.

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