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Ethics and Ideology (Abortion contras) (1 Viewer)

Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
Ok. Here is a clean thread with no one in it and no confusion from other posts.

What? it is only clean because people haven't posted on it yet.....give it time and it will be soiled just like Clinton's pants when he read the headline about him and his affair.....It will not be clean because most people who post on threads like this are either on one extreme or the other....

I'm already confused on this subject so I won't taint this thread with my questions...
This clearly is a tread about the price of tea in China, so we will now talk about the implication of the steam engine in Welsh coal mines. :2razz:
steen said:
This clearly is a tread about the price of tea in China, so we will now talk about the implication of the steam engine in Welsh coal mines. :2razz:

Thanks steen but I'm not that confused.....and I know very little about that topic too....:( .....

hey tecnocratic_utilitarian can you post something to get this thread started? something to discuss.....
goligoth said:
Thanks steen but I'm not that confused.....and I know very little about that topic too....:( .....

hey tecnocratic_utilitarian can you post something to get this thread started? something to discuss.....

He made this thread to talk to me but then never came back because I reminded him how pissed off he was at me for smackin' down his boy Peter Singer.:lol:

These links will explain:


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