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Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Worldw (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
San Antonio Texas
Political Leaning
This is a story of triumph and tragedy. The triumph occurred in the middle part of the 20th century, when the larger part of mankind finally succeeded in overcoming the ravages of malaria, the deadly infectious disease that had afflicted the human race since the dawn of time (and which, by one estimate, had killed approximately half the people who had ever lived on earth). But within three decades, the triumph would give way to tragedy when leftist ideologues, professing concern for the integrity of the natural environment, collaborated to ban the use of the pesticide best known by the acronym DDT—the very substance that had made it possible to vanquish malaria from vast portions of the globe. By means of that ban, environmentalists effectively ensured that, over the course of the ensuing 30+ years, more than 50 million people would die needlessly of a disease that was entirely preventable.

DDT use reached its zenith in 1962, when a total of 80 million kilograms of the pesticide were used around the world. The National Academy of Sciences summarized the efficacy of DDT as follows:
“To only a few chemicals does man owe as great a debt as to DDT. It is estimated that, in little more than two decades DDT has prevented 500 million human deaths, due to malaria, that would otherwise have been inevitable.”
Unfortunately, tropical Africa was, for the most part, unable to share in the great benefits of DDT because: (a) with only a few exceptions, the nations of that region did not possess infrastructures capable of disseminating the pesticide in an effective and comprehensive manner; and (b) Africa’sAnopheles mosquitoes and malaria parasites differed slightly from their counterparts on other continents and thus were more resistant to eradication campaigns. But the scientific community was working—and with promising signs of progress—to overcome those obstacles. For example, in a 1959-1960 pilot project in the Kigezi district of Uganda, DDT was sprayed twice per year and it virtually eliminated malaria from the region. Indeed, there was good reason to be confident that before long, DDT would successfully drive malaria from every part of the globe, including Africa.

What an excellent read. DDT, it should be brought back, it was taken out by **** science, and millions, MILLIONS suffer and die needlessly. Rachel Carson should burn in hell for her deceit.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo


What an excellent read. DDT, it should be brought back, it was taken out by **** science, and millions, MILLIONS suffer and die needlessly. Rachel Carson should burn in hell for her deceit.
I don't buy much into conspiracy theories, but the environmentalist have long implied we were exceeding earth's carrying capacity.
Perhaps banning DDT was just an idea to slow down the population bomb?
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

I don't buy much into conspiracy theories, but the environmentalist have long implied we were exceeding earth's carrying capacity.
Perhaps banning DDT was just an idea to slow down the population bomb?

I think it was hysteria empowered bs. DDT saves lives.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

I don't buy much into conspiracy theories, but the environmentalist have long implied we were exceeding earth's carrying capacity.
Perhaps banning DDT was just an idea to slow down the population bomb?

"I'm not a conspiracy theorist but have you tried this tinfoil hat?"
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo


What an excellent read. DDT, it should be brought back, it was taken out by **** science, and millions, MILLIONS suffer and die needlessly. Rachel Carson should burn in hell for her deceit.

> There was no international ban on DDT until at least the late 1990s
> International measures (and most if not all national measures) to regulate DDT have explicitly included exceptions for the purpose of malaria control
> Widespread agricultural use of DDT could and sometimes have impeded efforts to control malaria, by unnecessarily increasing mosquito populations' resistance to the pesticide
> To this very day the WHO and the US EPA both continue to recommend DDT as one of the options for combating malaria, "citing that benefits of the pesticide outweigh the health and environmental risks"


No-one can be blamed for being fooled by hyper-partisan propaganda sources. Starting a thread declaring that someone should "burn in hell" before even bothering to cross-check against more obvious, reliable and easily-accessible sources is a little unkind, however.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

> There was no international ban on DDT until at least the late 1990s
> International measures (and most if not all national measures) to regulate DDT have explicitly included exceptions for the purpose of malaria control
> Widespread agricultural use of DDT could and sometimes have impeded efforts to control malaria, by unnecessarily increasing mosquito populations' resistance to the pesticide
> To this very day the WHO and the US EPA both continue to recommend DDT as one of the options for combating malaria, "citing that benefits of the pesticide outweigh the health and environmental risks"


No-one can be blamed for being fooled by hyper-partisan propaganda sources. Starting a thread declaring that someone should "burn in hell" before even bothering to cross-check against more obvious, reliable and easily-accessible sources is a little unkind, however.

Actually I'm perfectly happy to blame people fooled by hyper-partisan propaganda when it happens every day of their freaking lives. Listen, at some point they just have to learn to stop sticking their fingers in the electrical sockets or I'm just going to keep on blaming them.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

> There was no international ban on DDT until at least the late 1990s
> International measures (and most if not all national measures) to regulate DDT have explicitly included exceptions for the purpose of malaria control
> Widespread agricultural use of DDT could and sometimes have impeded efforts to control malaria, by unnecessarily increasing mosquito populations' resistance to the pesticide
> To this very day the WHO and the US EPA both continue to recommend DDT as one of the options for combating malaria, "citing that benefits of the pesticide outweigh the health and environmental risks"


No-one can be blamed for being fooled by hyper-partisan propaganda sources. Starting a thread declaring that someone should "burn in hell" before even bothering to cross-check against more obvious, reliable and easily-accessible sources is a little unkind, however.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand that's a rap.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

> There was no international ban on DDT until at least the late 1990s
> International measures (and most if not all national measures) to regulate DDT have explicitly included exceptions for the purpose of malaria control
> Widespread agricultural use of DDT could and sometimes have impeded efforts to control malaria, by unnecessarily increasing mosquito populations' resistance to the pesticide
> To this very day the WHO and the US EPA both continue to recommend DDT as one of the options for combating malaria, "citing that benefits of the pesticide outweigh the health and environmental risks"


No-one can be blamed for being fooled by hyper-partisan propaganda sources. Starting a thread declaring that someone should "burn in hell" before even bothering to cross-check against more obvious, reliable and easily-accessible sources is a little unkind, however.
Nope, she's a terrible person, and DDT banning was and is a crime against humanity.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand that's a rap.

Only for the scientifically illiterate. Oh look... I guess you're done here. :2wave:
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

Only for the scientifically illiterate. Oh look... I guess you're done here. :2wave:


It's all part of the "Group Think" conspiracy :ninja:
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo


It's all part of the "Group Think" conspiracy :ninja:

You are clearly not understanding the issue, you really should. Group think, as I explained to you, is not a conspiracy, it's a mindset, an... intellectual inertia comprised of many angles all converging into an idea that if it were to be not true, would cause a lot of personal harm to many people, so it is easier to stay within the mind set rather than face the reality. It's a common problem with groups of people, it's sad such simple basic, human nature understanding is beyond your grasp. It's okay, there are those here to help you understand. We're patient, and will keep working with you until you see the light. I pity your low grasp of the matter, but understand it's not your fault.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

Nope, she's a terrible person, and DDT banning was and is a crime against humanity.

One which never happened, of course :roll:

You seem to be advocating for the unregulated free-for-all usage of a known persistent toxic and carcinogenic substance, which in addition to its other effects could even impede its use for malaria control. That's pretty terrible in itself. I've never read nor cared to read Silent Spring, but even if it did (unsuccessfully) advocate for a complete ban on all DDT use, it would be no worse than your apparent viewpoint.

The intelligent approach would be to restrict its use to specific malaria-prevention measures, which is exactly what the international approach has been.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

As well as the 50 million who died from malaria as a result of the simplistic bad science of the green movement we are killing 10 million plus each year today by using food as fuel.

That's 10 million per year for at least the last 20 years.

I hope that at some point there is a crimes against humanity trial of these bas
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

One which never happened, of course :roll:

You seem to be advocating for the unregulated free-for-all usage of a known persistent toxic and carcinogenic substance, which in addition to its other effects could even impede its use for malaria control. That's pretty terrible in itself. I've never read nor cared to read Silent Spring, but even if it did (unsuccessfully) advocate for a complete ban on all DDT use, it would be no worse than your apparent viewpoint.

The intelligent approach would be to restrict its use to specific malaria-prevention measures, which is exactly what the international approach has been.

I seem to be calling for the use of a product that isn't' the danger you claim it is. Have a nice day, I know is all so hard, so hard to understand but DDT use is heavily curtailed based on bull****, and millions die because of it. Notice, when the developed world no longer needed it DDT was expendable... I promise you if ZIKA gets out of hand, Malaria starts killing western kids, DDT will be sprayed all around to the cheers of all.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

As well as the 50 million who died from malaria as a result of the simplistic bad science of the green movement we are killing 10 million plus each year today by using food as fuel.

That's 10 million per year for at least the last 20 years.

I hope that at some point there is a crimes against humanity trial of these bas

Using good agricultural land to feed cars instead of people is certainly an appalling example of political expediency in response to known climate science.

But if memory serves you have never answered whether you feel the same way about feeding cows/pigs etc. instead of people - an inefficiency which wastes many times as much agricultural land as feeding cars has.

Maybe this time around you'll muster up the courage to answer?

Maybe you will then be able to tell us how you would propose to counterbalance these so-far inevitable consequences of rich people's and countries' purchasing power?
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

Using good agricultural land to feed cars instead of people is certainly an appalling example of political expediency in response to known climate science.

But if memory serves you have never answered whether you feel the same way about feeding cows/pigs etc. instead of people - an inefficiency which wastes many times as much agricultural land as feeding cars has.

Maybe this time around you'll muster up the courage to answer?

Maybe you will then be able to tell us how you would propose to counterbalance these so-far inevitable consequences of rich people's and countries' purchasing power?

I don't have a problem with people eating meat. I have teeth designed for cutting meet and enzimes in my gut to digest the stuff.

I do have a problem with totally artificial manipulation of food prices to extract massive amounts of money from the poorest people in the world and give it to rich farmers in the West.

You say that many times as much land is used to feed animals as cars. Maybe, but I think you have not considered just how much of our cerial crop is used in this way. Lots of animals are raised on land that is unsuitable for cerials.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

"I'm not a conspiracy theorist but have you tried this tinfoil hat?"
Please point out the actual Scientific evidence against DDT!
I don't have a problem with people eating meat. I have teeth designed for cutting meet and enzimes in my gut to digest the stuff.

I do have a problem with totally artificial manipulation of food prices to extract massive amounts of money from the poorest people in the world and give it to rich farmers in the West.

You say that many times as much land is used to feed animals as cars. Maybe, but I think you have not considered just how much of our cerial crop is used in this way. Lots of animals are raised on land that is unsuitable for cerials.

In other words, you are mouthing that you are concerned for the theoretical millions of people starving because of misuse of growing practices, but really don't care that much.

I wonder what you'd think when you find out the US government pays many farmers NOT to grow food.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

I think it was hysteria empowered bs. DDT saves lives.

Glad to see you're vetting your scientific sources carefully as always.

The 'DDT is great' story is documented wingnut propaganda of the first order.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

As well as the 50 million who died from malaria as a result of the simplistic bad science of the green movement we are killing 10 million plus each year today by using food as fuel.

That's 10 million per year for at least the last 20 years.

I hope that at some point there is a crimes against humanity trial of these bas

For those unfamiliar, Tim the Plumber here is declaring that every single person who has ever starved to death over the last 20 years did so because of biofuels.

It's an improvement, at least, because he used to claim "tens of millions," meaning at least 200%of all starvation deaths were a result of biofuels :lamo
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

For those unfamiliar, Tim the Plumber here is declaring that every single person who has ever starved to death over the last 20 years did so because of biofuels.

I'm tellin' ya - it's Brazil Nut vs Pistachio.
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

Please point out the actual Scientific evidence against DDT!

Um, what the **** are you talking about? How about you provide some evidence to support your conspiracy theory?
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Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

DDT is indeed dangerous with a 2-15 year half life in the soil, depending on the mineral compound of the soil, runoff, degradation etc.

I'm not saying either way if it should have been banned, but I can see where it could have been overused?
Re: Environmentalist Genocide: How the Ban on DDT Caused 50 Million Malaria Deaths Wo

Nope, she's a terrible person, and DDT banning was and is a crime against humanity.

IOW, your points were utterly dismantled and now you can only sputter and wheeze.

Got news for ya: eveyone's paying attention to that (wo)man behind the curtain.

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