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Energized white supremacists cheer trump convention message (1 Viewer)

Dittohead not!

master political analyst
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Dec 3, 2009
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The Golden State
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(No, I didn't type all caps. That's the way the headline was written.)

[FONT=&quot]CLEVELAND (AP) -- They don't like to be called white supremacists.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The well-dressed men who gathered in Cleveland's Ritz-Carlton bar after Donald Trump's speech accepting the Republican nomination for president prefer the term "Europeanists," ''alt-right," or even "white nationalists." They are also die-hard Trump supporters.[/FONT]

I guess "Europeanists" is more PC.
Who cares?

A lot of people who don't belong to such organizations also cheered his message...

or are you implying that anyone else who supports Trump must by association be racists too?

Of course he's implying that.
Who cares?

A lot of people who don't belong to such organizations also cheered his message...

or are you implying that anyone else who supports Trump must by association be racists too?

If white supremacists like his message, what does that tell you about that message?
Especially if you got one of those little mustaches under your nose.


Like this?
Damn dude! Sensory overload!

That was kinda awesome. :mrgreen:
If white supremacists like his message, what does that tell you about that message?

I get it that DJT is right up the white supremacist's alley but I think it is a stretch to broadly paint all of his supporters like KKK kooks.

Just sayin'.....
I get it that DJT is right up the white supremacist's alley but I think it is a stretch to broadly paint all of his supporters like KKK kooks.

Just sayin'.....

Oh, no, they're not all KKK kooks, but he does seem to attract the KKK kooks for some reason.
It could be that the reason has to do with Trump's rhetoric.
If white supremacists like his message, what does that tell you about that message?

If Communists, thugs, and welfare cheats, and Wall St. like Hillarys message, what does that tell you?
It's lame as **** guilt by association.

You have Trump, as your avatar, what does that say about you?

I have Trump as my avatar LOL!

and it's not guilt by association. It's an indication of what sort of message the Trump campaign is projecting.

(No, I didn't type all caps. That's the way the headline was written.)

I guess "Europeanists" is more PC.

And the rest of us who are not white supremacists are cheering also.

The Dems guarantee that they will lose if they keep pushing for more illegal immigration, more refugees, more Muslims, more gun control and more pandering to cop-killers.

November will bring a CORRECTION......the greatest white voter turnout in history.

(No, I didn't type all caps. That's the way the headline was written.)

I guess "Europeanists" is more PC.

I will not lie, the democratic party for so long has tried to use every attempt to label any republican as racist, so much to the point trump could walk on to stage in a clan robe and people would ignore the claims he is racist.

It is like the boy who cried wolf, after wolf or in this case racist has been claimed so many times, no one will believe it.

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