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End systematic racism (1 Viewer)


Jun 2, 2020
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Political Leaning
How is afroamericans gonna end systematic racism when they every day do different on race and color?

Those who are saying there is only structural racism there is no reverse racism who are the racist?

And why does afroamericans think they are only victims of racism?
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So you couldn't take this huh?
To get rid of racism you have to get rid of the racist that keeps dividing us like Obama, Jackson and Sharpton. They are the ones that keep racism from 160 years ago alive.
To get rid of racism you have to get rid of the racist that keeps dividing us like Obama, Jackson and Sharpton. They are the ones that keep racism from 160 years ago alive.

And that is my POINT!!

As long as you divide black and white it's always gonna be racism!

Afroamericans are hypocrite about how much they don't want racism and then say he is black she is white divide races of color
How is afroamericans gonna end systematic racism when they every day do different on race and color?

Those who are saying there is only structural racism there is no reverse racism who are the racist?

And why does afroamericans think they are only victims of racism?

First of all its systemic racism, not systematic racism.

Secondly, you write "afroamericans" and expect to be taken seriously.

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