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Emboldened Putin. What secrets did Trump share? (1 Viewer)

Sand Castle

DP Veteran
Jan 8, 2019
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Slightly Liberal
It's general knowledge that Russia helped trump get elected. Trump had dealings for Russia hotel. Trump spoke highly of Putin. Trump had secret meetings with Putin.

What did Donald share?
What did Donald share?
Willingly or unwillingly?

i wonder how many scanners the ex-president has in Florida since he took our Top Secret documents (some that can't even be referenced because they're so Top Secret) there to keep.

you now, before he got busted.
Well, for starters, Putin was there with Trump as they were peeing on hookers in Moscow and Putin actually has that take. What wasn't disclosed is that Trump was using racial slurs about Obana the whole time. There was also the stuff about working directly with Vlad (Trump used to call him "lil buddy" due to their shared love of Giligan's Island) to stockpile golden toilets with diamond flush handles. Both Lil Buddy and Donnie loved to poop in solid gold toilets while FaceTiming with Kim in Pyongyang. Most importantly, they'd discuss how Trump, once he was president, could impose Communism in the US, enslave all the people of color and randomly walk the streets grabbing ******s.

Fortunately, for the salvation of humanity, the Mighty Joe Biden cut the nasty Trump off at the knees, prevented all these dastardly plans and has now brought peace to the world, prosperity to the people and clean, clear air and water to all the creatures of the earth.
It's general knowledge that Russia helped trump get elected. Trump had dealings for Russia hotel. Trump spoke highly of Putin. Trump had secret meetings with Putin.

What did Donald share?
What secrets didn't he share ?


Everything he laid his grubby little hands on should be considered compromised.
It's general knowledge that Russia helped trump get elected. Trump had dealings for Russia hotel. Trump spoke highly of Putin. Trump had secret meetings with Putin.

What did Donald share?
Nah. That's just a fantasy in the heads of libruls who were butthurt over the defeat of Broom Hildabeast in 2016.
It's general knowledge that Russia helped trump get elected. Trump had dealings for Russia hotel. Trump spoke highly of Putin. Trump had secret meetings with Putin.

What did Donald share?
Everything I'd guess.
I have no idea what secrets Donnie may or may have not shared

but if I was forced to place a bet on him sharing secrets with Putin and bet something important like my house, savings, vehicle, life . . . I most certainly would bet that he did and I can't see any honest, educated objective person betting any other way
It's general knowledge that Russia helped trump get elected. Trump had dealings for Russia hotel. Trump spoke highly of Putin. Trump had secret meetings with Putin.

What did Donald share?
His wife?

Is that what you are insinuating?
I would think they changed up everything in the government and they probably know that Trump divulged secrets. So I'm guessing they safe guarded secrets getting out.


Not to mention the Mueller probe concluded the same.
Well, for starters, Putin was there with Trump as they were peeing on hookers in Moscow and Putin actually has that take. What wasn't disclosed is that Trump was using racial slurs about Obana the whole time. There was also the stuff about working directly with Vlad (Trump used to call him "lil buddy" due to their shared love of Giligan's Island) to stockpile golden toilets with diamond flush handles. Both Lil Buddy and Donnie loved to poop in solid gold toilets while FaceTiming with Kim in Pyongyang. Most importantly, they'd discuss how Trump, once he was president, could impose Communism in the US, enslave all the people of color and randomly walk the streets grabbing ******s.

Fortunately, for the salvation of humanity, the Mighty Joe Biden cut the nasty Trump off at the knees, prevented all these dastardly plans and has now brought peace to the world, prosperity to the people and clean, clear air and water to all the creatures of the earth.

Not to mention the Mueller probe concluded the same.
That was from the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, and it absolutely contradicted the real evidence showing that at the very least Russia did run active campaigns of misinformation in the US to help Trump get elected. The only thing Mueller didn't find was absolute evidence that Trump and Co knew that was happening, asked for it, colluded with Russia to do that.

The Republican conclusion breaks with an assessment by the US intelligence community last year that found Russia allegedly meddled in an effort to help Mr Trump win the presidency. Russian officials have repeatedly denied intervening in the 2016 election.
That was from the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, and it absolutely contradicted the real evidence showing that at the very least Russia did run active campaigns of misinformation in the US to help Trump get elected. The only thing Mueller didn't find was absolute evidence that Trump and Co knew that was happening, asked for it, colluded with Russia to do that.
Get a grip! Russia has been attempting to interfere in American and European elections going all the way back the beginning of the cold war. And you are spinning Mueller's conclusions as you go along. Mueller concluded no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with the Russians. The irony is that the Russian Collusion Hoax is now a democrat party scandal. Special Prosecutor Durham is still investigating.
Get a grip! Russia has been attempting to interfere in American and European elections going all the way back the beginning of the cold war. And you are spinning Mueller's conclusions as you go along. Mueller concluded no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with the Russians. The irony is that the Russian Collusion Hoax is now a democrat party scandal. Special Prosecutor Durham is still investigating.
You are attempting a strawman with the bolded. That was not the contention made by me or the person you originally responded to. That is a strawman. The claim was only that Russia worked to get Trump put in as President, and that is absolutely true and there is plenty of evidence for their campaigns in the US to do that, including in the Mueller report.

Such a weak attempt.

You: 13 March 2018

Senate report: Aug 18, 2020

The panel’s almost 1,000 page report, the fifth and final one from the Republican-led Senate intelligence committee on the Russia investigation, describes in detail how Russia launched an aggressive, wide-ranging effort to interfere in the election on Trump’s behalf. It says Trump associates were eager to exploit the Kremlin’s aid, particularly by maximizing the impact of the disclosure of Democratic emails that were hacked by Russian military intelligence officers.

Not to mention the Mueller probe concluded the same.
Such a weak attempt.

You: 13 March 2018

Senate report: Aug 18, 2020

The panel’s almost 1,000 page report, the fifth and final one from the Republican-led Senate intelligence committee on the Russia investigation, describes in detail how Russia launched an aggressive, wide-ranging effort to interfere in the election on Trump’s behalf. It says Trump associates were eager to exploit the Kremlin’s aid, particularly by maximizing the impact of the disclosure of Democratic emails that were hacked by Russian military intelligence officers.

I am amused that in 2022, so many of you libruls are still hanging onto the Russian Collusion Hoax by your fingernails, especially as it has now become a scandal for the democrats.
I am amused that in 2022, so many of you libruls are still hanging onto the Russian Collusion Hoax by your fingernails, especially as it has now become a scandal for the democrats.
You're cute when you pucker up.

Lib er uls. Three syllables. Try it. Slowly...unpucker!!!unpucker!!!

Let's move on. Repucker. Tightly. Like you mean it.

"I was born on a pirate ship." Say it. Slowly. Give it a go.

(<--- in duh pen dint. i know you can do it.)
Nah. That's just a fantasy in the heads of libruls who were butthurt over the defeat of Broom Hildabeast in 2016.

It's a fact.

Sorry if that bothers you.

You're confusing the Mueller investigation with the fact that Russia helped Trump get elected in 2016, which was proved before the Mueller report even came out.
It's a fact.

Sorry if that bothers you.

You're confusing the Mueller investigation with the fact that Russia helped Trump get elected in 2016, which was proved before the Mueller report even came out.
Some seem to believe that if they continue to equate "Trump/Russia Collusion" as the same as saying Russia helped get Trump elected, that they can make those things truly the same thing.
Some seem to believe that if they continue to equate "Trump/Russia Collusion" as the same as saying Russia helped get Trump elected, that they can make those things truly the same thing.
I think it's worse than that. "Russia" is a trigger word if used in a certain way. It elicits emotion among Trumpists.

If we're to be honest with ourselves, we have to admit that advertising uses elements of persuasion that are really no different than propaganda. The difference is, we know this and expect it. Repetition and tone. Context is irrelevant.

Anyone who has listened to even five minutes of right-wing AM radio should notice this method. (Hunter Biden...blah blah blah...Hunter Biden...blah...Hunter Biden...) It works. Especially on drive time listeners, where much of what's absorbed is subliminal, and if it's designed that way, commuters are chum in the water. Basic psychology; understandable by the average person, but very, very powerful against the weak and/or willing.

Trump's been using this technique in speech his entire life. It's the reason behind "Russia, Russia, Russia." Whether a cult member admits it or even knows it, the word "Russia" triggers a reaction in his mind. The emotions it triggers render his reasoning faculties impotent. In short, Trump doesn't own the libs; he owns the minds of his cult followers.
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I think it's worse than that. "Russia" is a trigger word if used in a certain way. It elicits emotion among Trumpists.

If we're to be honest with ourselves, we have to admit that advertising uses elements of persuasion that are really no different than propaganda. The difference is, we know this and expect it. Repetition and tone. Context is irrelevant.

Anyone who has listened to even five minutes of right-wing AM radio should notice this method. (Hunter Biden...blah blah blah...Hunter Biden...blah...Hunter Biden...) It works. Especially on drive time listeners, where much of what's absorbed is subliminal, and if it's designed that way, commuters are chum in the water. Basic psychology; understandable by the average person, but very, very powerful against the weak and/or willing.

Trump's been using this technique in speech his entire life. It's the reason behind "Russia, Russia, Russia." Whether a cult member admits it or even knows it, the word "Russia" triggers a reaction in his mind. The emotions it triggers render his reasoning faculties impotent. In short, Trump doesn't own the libs; he owns the minds of his cult followers.

That was great. Excellent analysis.

The bolded part is so true. It triggers them beyond words. Maybe because they see the clear connection between Trump and Putin.
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