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Embarrassing UN defeat for USA over Iran arms embargo proposal (1 Viewer)


Dec 21, 2019
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The US has suffered a humiliating defeat at the United Nations as its proposal to extend an arms embargo on Iran won support from only the Dominican Republic at the security council vote. The US resolution was never likely to be passed in the face of Russian and Chinese opposition. It was proposed as a ploy by the Trump administration to open the way to more drastic action against Iran.
US sees embarrassing UN defeat over Iran arms embargo proposal | World news | The Guardian

Considering how Donald Trump trashed the Iran nuclear deal which had the support of America's European allies as well as competing rivals in international diplomacy, is it any wonder, with all his badmouthing money-scrounging off NATO countries into the bargain, that when he wants support from traditional friends of the USA to double down on Iran to please the Israelis, there is no one to support him in Europe anymore. Then Pompeo puts himself into his boss' good books by berating the usual allies. Europeans have had their fill from this outfit running American foreign policy these days. Pompeo can do us all a favor by shutting up.
The US has suffered a humiliating defeat at the United Nations as its proposal to extend an arms embargo on Iran won support from only the Dominican Republic at the security council vote. The US resolution was never likely to be passed in the face of Russian and Chinese opposition. It was proposed as a ploy by the Trump administration to open the way to more drastic action against Iran.
US sees embarrassing UN defeat over Iran arms embargo proposal | World news | The Guardian

Considering how Donald Trump trashed the Iran nuclear deal which had the support of America's European allies as well as competing rivals in international diplomacy, is it any wonder, with all his badmouthing money-scrounging off NATO countries into the bargain, that when he wants support from traditional friends of the USA to double down on Iran to please the Israelis, there is no one to support him in Europe anymore. Then Pompeo puts himself into his boss' good books by berating the usual allies. Europeans have had their fill from this outfit running American foreign policy these days. Pompeo can do us all a favor by shutting up.

It seems the basis for this diatribe is that the EU is upset about being asked to pay it's bills.
It seems the basis for this diatribe is that the EU is upset about being asked to pay it's bills.

Donald Trump bitching for money from American allies was mentioned by me in a subsidiary clause and had you read the newspaper article, you would readily have seen the problem is that the USA is now isolated from all its European allies, primarily because the American president unilaterally broke the Iran nuclear deal at the demand of the Israelis.
Donald Trump bitching for money from American allies was mentioned by me in a subsidiary clause and had you read the newspaper article, you will readily see the problem is that the USA is now isolated from all its European allies, primarily because the American president unilaterally broke the Iran nuclear deal at the demand of the Israelis.

A **** deal that was never going to be honored by the Iranian Mullah's, or enforced by the no backbone Europeans.
A **** deal that was never going to be honored by the Iranian Mullah's, or enforced by the no backbone Europeans.

Oh! sorry; I didn't know you had more to say.
The Iran deal wasn't a treaty. :roll:
Well, it was an international Agreement or Accord, signed on behalf of the United States by the American president in 2015 and others but it was unilaterally torn up by the current president. That's called breaking your word. Who can trust the Americans again?
Well, it was an international Agreement or Accord, signed on behalf of the United States by the American president in 2015 and others but it was unilaterally torn up by the current president. That's called breaking your word. Who can trust the Americans again?

It was a crap agreement and Trump was right to back away from it.

Something that spineless Europeans will never have the cajones to do.
It was a crap agreement and Trump was right to back away from it.

Something that spineless Europeans will never have the cajones to do.
It was an international Agreement that the USA was signed up to. By refusing to honor it, Donald Trump walked away from European allies. Then when he was asking some of those very same European allies to back his idea to tighten the embargo on Iran indefinitely, the allies abstained. What did he expect? You wouldn't expect anyone to forfeit their own negotiated Agreement if you were calling them names like "spineless", now. Would you? I guess that is how some Americans think. It is best to have it all out in the open so we can tell them not to bother calling on us again. Seems to me the current president and his devotees on DebatePolitics haven't a clue about the meaning of diplomacy.
Donald Trump bitching for money from American allies was mentioned by me in a subsidiary clause and had you read the newspaper article, you would readily have seen the problem is that the USA is now isolated from all its European allies, primarily because the American president unilaterally broke the Iran nuclear deal at the demand of the Israelis.

A disagreement does not equal isolation comrade. Time for Europe to pay up debts of the last 100 years. The U.S. populace is tired of subsidizing you all.
It was an international Agreement that the USA was signed up to. By refusing to honor it, Donald Trump walked away from European allies. Then when he was asking some of those very same European allies to back his idea to tighten the embargo on Iran indefinitely, the allies abstained. What did he expect? You wouldn't expect anyone to forfeit their own negotiated Agreement if you were calling them names like "spineless", now. Would you? I guess that is how some Americans think. It is best to have it all out in the open so we can tell them not to bother calling on us again. Seems to me the current president and his devotees on DebatePolitics haven't a clue about the meaning of diplomacy.

Call it as you see it comrade. We do know communist propaganda; even when disguised.
Call it as you see it comrade. We do know communist propaganda; even when disguised.

Not getting a single vote from European allies for the Trump plan to go after Iran should tell you something regarding America's isolation from its natural friends. Donald Trump and his obnoxious Pompeo have done a number on generations of goodwill in Europe.
How come nobody in America knows about it?
It was a crap agreement and Trump was right to back away from it.

Something that spineless Europeans will never have the cajones to do.

I find it amusing, you wonder why we block all your international proposals? From WHO to Norstream to Iran?..
When you treat your allies like **** you wonder why you get isolated? I mean what exactly do you expect?

I have news for you, german diplomats said already that we will not accept that USA activates the snapback mechanism. US is no longer part of the deal, so it has no right to activate anything.

Russia, China and France agree on this. Which means you wont get your sanctions.

As for calling us spineless and without cajones...i think we show that we have a spine by oppossing and countering you.

The angry rants, disappointment of your UN staff shows that.

Its first time in history, that USA was isolated in that way. All your allies in the security council voted against you. Germany, France and even UK abandoned you.
Not getting a single vote from European allies for the Trump plan to go after Iran should tell you something regarding America's isolation from its natural friends. Donald Trump and his obnoxious Pompeo have done a number on generations of goodwill in Europe.

The U.S. has been subsidizing and holding Europe's hand for 100 years; The continent should step into the 21st century and pay it's own bills instead of living on the backs of working North Americans.
The socialists and communists of Europe can pout and throw pre-school tantrums 24 hours each day; I am unconcerned. The UN does not dictate U.S policy.
Make your on pact with Iran; then defend it and yourselves when Iran strikes Europe.
The U.S. has been subsidizing and holding Europe's hand for 100 years; The continent should step into the 21st century and pay it's own bills instead of living on the backs of working North Americans.
The socialists and communists of Europe can pout and throw pre-school tantrums 24 hours each day; I am unconcerned. The UN does not dictate U.S policy.
Make your on pact with Iran; then defend it and yourselves when Iran strikes Europe.

We dont throw tantrums, its you who throws them and cries how mean we are. You brought up a proposal. We rejected it. Case closed.

Sure, the UN does not dictate US policy. And the US does not dictate UN policies. Which neutralizes your efforts. You aleady have no buysiness with Iran. You can sanction what you want, it has no effort when others dont follow.
I find it amusing, you wonder why we block all your international proposals? From WHO to Norstream to Iran?..
When you treat your allies like **** you wonder why you get isolated? I mean what exactly do you expect?

I have news for you, german diplomats said already that we will not accept that USA activates the snapback mechanism. US is no longer part of the deal, so it has no right to activate anything.

Russia, China and France agree on this. Which means you wont get your sanctions.

As for calling us spineless and without cajones...i think we show that we have a spine by oppossing and countering you.

The angry rants, disappointment of your UN staff shows that.

Its first time in history, that USA was isolated in that way. All your allies in the security council voted against you. Germany, France and even UK abandoned you.

Showing spine by opposing the U.S. ?? hah ! but you still want money from U.S taxes, paid by the average worker, to support your torpid societies and industry.
After Iran's leaders begin to blackmail Europe feel free to send a note by carrier pigeon .. maybe we can get you some help before the missiles start flying ... wait.. your defense system is ours isn't it?
good luck comrade.
We dont throw tantrums, its you who throws them and cries how mean we are. You brought up a proposal. We rejected it. Case closed.

Sure, the UN does not dictate US policy. And the US does not dictate UN policies. Which neutralizes your efforts. You aleady have no buysiness with Iran. You can sanction what you want, it has no effort when others dont follow.

I'm all for neutralizing international relationships. Europe should be allowed to stand on it's own.
Have at it comrade; pay your past due bills; then boast of having spine.

Actually, Europe is not mean, they more closely resemble spoiled teenagers.
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I'm all for neutralizing international relationships. Europe should be allowed to stand on it's own.
Have at it comrade; pay your past due bills; then boast of having spine.

What are these fantasy bills?
Showing spine by opposing the U.S. ?? hah ! but you still want money from U.S taxes, paid by the average worker, to support your torpid societies and industry.
After Iran's leaders begin to blackmail Europe feel free to send a note by carrier pigeon .. maybe we can get you some help before the missiles start flying ... wait.. your defense system is ours isn't it?
good luck comrade.

You dont pay us any money, Germany is 4th largest economy in the world with a 60 billion budget surplus.

Iran dont blackmail us, US does. And no, our defense system is not yours. Or do you own german defense corporations like Rheinmetall?

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