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Emails Renew Questions About Clinton Foundation and State Dept. Overlap (1 Viewer)


Hates Kittens
DP Veteran
Jul 27, 2014
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
The gift that keeps on giving.
In one email exchange, for instance, an executive at the Clinton Foundation in 2009 sought to put a billionaire donor in touch with the United States ambassador to Lebanon because of the donor’s interests there.
In another email, the foundation appeared to push aides to Mrs. Clinton to help find a job for a foundation associate. Her aides indicated that the department was working on the request.

The documents included 44 emails that were not among some 55,000 pages of emails that Mrs. Clinton had previously given to the State Department, which she said represented all her “work-related” emails. The document release centers on discussions between Mrs. Clinton’s aides and Clinton Foundation executives about a number of donors and associates with interests before the State Department.
Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, charged that Mrs. Clinton “hid” the documents from the public because they appeared to contradict her official pledge in 2009 to remove herself from Clinton Foundation business while leading the State Department.
Huge conflicts of interest here. I wonder what is in the 30,000 deleted and recovered emails that are still being released to the State Department by the FBI.
Now I seem to remember that Clinton signed a statement that she had turned over all documents "under penalty of perjury". I guess she perjured herself.

[h=1]Hillary Clinton swears: I turned over all my required e-mails
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton, facing questions over her use of a private e-mail system while secretary of state, signed a statement over the weekend declaring “under penalty of perjury” that she has turned over to the government all of the e-mails that were federal records.
The statement, which the State Department submitted to a federal court Monday, matches what she and her campaign have said for months about her exclusive use of a private e-mail account and server to conduct public business.

The WaPo article is sooo last year.

The 30,000 emails that Hillary turned over to the State Department and asked to be released to the public were posted on their website last February...

The FBI is currently in the process of turning over to the State Department another 'several thousand' deleted emails that they recovered from her server and deemed were work related. After the SD vets them they'll likely be releasing them to the public just like they did her other emails, real soon.

July 6, 2016: "...The decision by the FBI to give the records to the State Department means that the public may ultimately get access to a new batch of several thousand work-related emails that were lost or deleted by Mrs. Clinton or her attorneys...."

FBI to Turn Over Recovered Clinton Work Emails to State Department - Washington Wire - WSJ

The gift that keeps on giving.......
The WaPo article is sooo last year.

The 30,000 emails that Hillary turned over to the State Department and asked to be released to the public were posted on their website last February...

The FBI is currently in the process of turning over to the State Department another 'several thousand' deleted emails that they recovered from her server and deemed were work related. After the SD vets them they'll likely be releasing them to the public just like they did her other emails, real soon.
July 6, 2016: "...The decision by the FBI to give the records to the State Department means that the public may ultimately get access to a new batch of several thousand work-related emails that were lost or deleted by Mrs. Clinton or her attorneys...."

FBI to Turn Over Recovered Clinton Work Emails to State Department - Washington Wire - WSJ

And the point goes right over your head, or are you intentionally ignoring it?
Yeah, we are seeing a lot of "cuz Trump" crap lately. It doesn't excuse Hillary's corruption but they will divert any way they can.

No, it's actually the truth: Hillary's corruption doesn't matter, because the Republicans nominated Donald Trump. Hillary is going to win, with all of her baggage. None of it matters.
No, it's actually the truth: Hillary's corruption doesn't matter, because the Republicans nominated Donald Trump. Hillary is going to win, with all of her baggage. None of it matters.

I don't know who is going to win. Two **** sammiches. Pick one. Hillary's corruption DOES matter. You may be willing to accept it but that is your problem.
I don't know who is going to win. Two **** sammiches. Pick one. Hillary's corruption DOES matter. You may be willing to accept it but that is your problem.

I'm not willing to accept either of them. But the fact of the matter is, despite all of Hillary's corruption, she's going to win. Because the Republican Party nominated Donald Trump.
I'm not willing to accept either of them. But the fact of the matter is, despite all of Hillary's corruption, she's going to win. Because the Republican Party nominated Donald Trump.

I think long term. If she wins it still matters.
Read my previous post. It was pretty simple. "If she wins it still matters."

You offered no suggestions as to what to do about it.
Obviously you don't have anything intelligent to do this morning.

Looks like your thread turning into a big fail.....thanks to you. lol
No, it's actually the truth: Hillary's corruption doesn't matter, because the Republicans nominated Donald Trump. Hillary is going to win, with all of her baggage. None of it matters.

How much do you know about her baggage? If you don't know much how do you know how anyone else will react when they find out?
How much do you know about her baggage? If you don't know much how do you know how anyone else will react when they find out?

I have no idea why you asked this.
Obviously you don't have anything intelligent to do this morning.

OK, apparently you don't think it actually matters if you have no intention of suggesting what to do about it.
I have no idea why you asked this.

You sounded like you assumed everyone knows everything there is to know and Hillary's a lock despite all her baggage.
It's natural to ask if you're sure you know enough about her baggage to be able to make an assertion that Trump is worse than Hillary+her baggage.

You think Wikileaks is done? Assange is posturing like he has something that will make the DNC email leaks look like chump change. Ultimately, your comment may end up being editable by saying, "But it doesn't matter. Because the Democrat party nominated Hillary Clinton."
The gift that keeps on giving.

Huge conflicts of interest here. I wonder what is in the 30,000 deleted and recovered emails that are still being released to the State Department by the FBI.
Now I seem to remember that Clinton signed a statement that she had turned over all documents "under penalty of perjury". I guess she perjured herself.

[h=1]Hillary Clinton swears: I turned over all my required e-mails


Pay to play has been a long standing Clinton tradition, made most famous by their selling of says in the Lincoln bedroom.

I think it fair to say that it's part of their modis operandi.

Should Hillary be elected, I don't expect that it'll curb their pay to play activities, in fact I think it'll only make it more prevalent. POTUS for sale here!
You sounded like you assumed everyone knows everything there is to know and Hillary's a lock despite all her baggage.

Nothing I said indicated any such thing.

to be able to make an assertion that Trump is worse than Hillary+her baggage.

I made no such assertion. I said that because the Republicans nominated Trump, she is going to win.

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