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Elon taking off the gloves … (1 Viewer)

And just like that you put him on a flag.

Have you been paying attention? He doesn't care about you. He cares about his shit. He's got some idea that if social media lets people say whatever they want, that's better than having rules about not convincing people to kill themselves with COVID. That doesn't make him a Trumpist ally just because Trumpists happen to pretend that when one of them gets banned for breaking the rules, they're in the exact position of a woman beaten to death in the Lviv pogrom right there in the street (this was the picture of the running Jewish woman the horrid Disney actress tweeted for mask comparison purposes).

He'll do what he does for himself and his companies. Why expect anything different?
And just like that you put him on a flag.

Have you been paying attention? He doesn't care about you. He cares about his shit. He's got some idea that if social media lets people say whatever they want, that's better than having rules about not convincing people to kill themselves with COVID. That doesn't make him a Trumpist ally just because Trumpists happen to pretend that when one of them gets banned for breaking the rules, they're in the exact position of a woman beaten to death in the Lviv pogrom right there in the street (this was the picture of the running Jewish woman the horrid Disney actress tweeted for mask comparison purposes).

He'll do what he does for himself and his companies. Why expect anything different?

He's a white African American. You can't take anything he says seriously.
Hey @NatMorton aren't you going to link what Musk was talking about? Do you not care about context or whether what he posted is even accurate?

What NBC actually said was "white supremacists vote Republican more than they vote Democrat." Or did they? You don't ****in know. Maybe I made that up.
Musk seems unhappy

Elon Musk is having a meltdown and it's not going to be pretty. He lost billions last week because he shot his mouth off. He doesn't seem to be very intelligent outside of a very narrow window or be emotionally stable.

Twitter accepted a $44 billion takeover offer from Elon Musk on April 25. Why did he want to buy the social media giant? Musk's net worth reached $270 billion last week, according to Forbes. It was down to about $240 billion by Tuesday.

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He's a white African American. You can't take anything he says seriously.

Hey @NatMorton aren't you going to link what Musk was talking about? Do you not care about context or whether what he posted is even accurate?

What NBC actually said was "white supremacists vote Republican more than they vote Democrat." Or did they? You don't ****in know. Maybe I made that up.
My post was about Musk, no NBC. Please try to follow along.
Elon is right, again.
No, but I have known of idiots who’ve tried to. Their opinions are of no consequence.
How exactly did they try to dehumanize you?
This country is such a mess. Who gives a shit what Musk says for God Sake. Incredible. Did anybody vote Musk to an office? Did I miss that?
Who cares what a slaver's opinion is?
He's got some idea that if social media lets people say whatever they want, that's better than having rules about not convincing people to kill themselves with COVID.

It is better, for a least two reasons:

1. People have the right to say whatever tf they want. The fact that some people are stupid is not an argument to limit free speech.

2. Adults have the right to put whatever they want into their own physical bodies. If they choose to ingest something which kills them, that's their problem.
It is better, for a least two reasons:

1. People have the right to say whatever tf they want. The fact that some people are stupid is not an argument to limit free speech.

2. Adults have the right to put whatever they want into their own physical bodies. If they choose to ingest something which kills them, that's their problem.
Our free speech rights only apply to what the government may not (fine or jail you) do. The fact that you are criticized, and suffer social or financial repercussions is not a violation of your free speech.
Our free speech rights only apply to what the government may not (fine or jail you) do. The fact that you are criticized, and suffer social or financial repercussions is not a violation of your free speech.

I agree, but that's not germane, since neither Mr. Person nor I were talking about government censorship.

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