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Elon Musk claims ‘far left’ tech team that helped build Elizabeth Warren’s tax website has been ‘deleted’ (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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Political Leaning

Tech titan Elon Musk announced Monday that the General Services Administration’s tech arm has been “deleted,” appearing to confirm prior reports of its demise as he continues his crusade against government bloat.

The group, 18F, helped develop the IRS’ Direct File program, which was championed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and has been in the crosshairs of conservatives.

Yes! Take that, Pocahontas! Go Elon! (y)(y)(y)
That politics and governance has devolved into a childish exercise of kicking someone's Lego house is something else.
The grownups are back in charge, and the corruption is beginning to get a large foot up its ass. The rot and filth need to be found and removed.
Because it's the opposite of what Trumpers admire. The government could contract the concept to a Trump crony and the crony could bilk the government, make a bunch of money and donate some to Trump. Or something like that.
Proof? Let's see it.
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The grownups are back in charge, and the corruption is beginning to get a large foot up its ass. The rot and filth need to be found and removed.
So, I truly don't understand what the problem with this program was. Can you enlighten me?
So, I truly don't understand what the problem with this program was. Can you enlighten me?
Wingnuts post what their leaders tell them. The problem is a democrat created it. Not a fascist **** head malignant narcissist scumbag piece of shit liar grifter rapist seditionist felon serial adulterer and tax cheat.
When you give the corrupt and unaccountable control over corruption and accountability, the result is more corruption and less accountability.
Perfect description of Herr Trump and his buffoons.
Wingnuts post what their leaders tell them. The problem is a democrat created it. Not a fascist **** head malignant narcissist scumbag piece of shit liar grifter rapist seditionist felon serial adulterer and tax cheat.
So, I truly don't understand what the problem with this program was. Can you enlighten me?
The problem was that if you let people file their taxes directly for free with the IRS, Turbo Tax wont have a market anymore and cant make money.

I mean, how else are politicians going to get those sweet campaign donations from Inuit?


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