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Elon Musk Buys Twitter for $44 B and Will Take It Private (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Political Leaning
All Hail Tech Lord Musk! He is permanently yanking Twitter out of the hands of the loony Left:

Elon Musk Buys Twitter for $44 B and Will Take It Private

Elon Musk reached an agreement to buy Twitter for roughly $44 billion on Monday, promising a more lenient touch to policing content on the social media platform where he — the world's richest person — promotes his interests, attacks critics and opines on a wide range of issues to more than 83 million followers.

The outspoken Tesla CEO has said he wanted to own and privatize Twitter because he thinks it’s not living up to its potential as a platform for free speech.

Musk said in a joint statement with Twitter that he wants to make the service “better than ever” with new features while getting rid of automated "spam'' accounts and making its algorithms open to the public to increase trust.

You know what this means don't you?

It means that when Musk finally lands on Mars, it will be called one small step for a man, one giant leap for Russian bots! :LOL:
There’s already a discussion on this
The question worth asking, and it's worth asking about every 'net chat/forum site, is this: what types of posts, if any, are to be excluded?

To date, forums and chat sites are privately owned, and the question of placing governmental restrictions on them is one of open debate.

Regards, stay safe 'n well.
Will Trump now abandon his super awesome, totally better, twice as efficient for half the cost social media project and run back to Twitter like the wee fingered bitch he is?

Musk has previously sued people saying bad things about Tesla. He only believes in free speech he likes.
Musk would have the right to sue if the things that are said were not true and it was hurting his sales.
Musk would have the right to sue if the things that are said were not true and it was hurting his sales.
Then he doesn’t believe in absolute free speech, as he claims.
Then he doesn’t believe in absolute free speech, as he claims.
Nope, people have the right to free speech, they have the right to sue. Elon said he hopes people who despise him stay on Twitter. You can say you don't like things about him, or disagree with him but if you claim things that are false then you take the risk of being sued. Feel free to take the chance.
Lol Russian doll cheers for Putin, and they all wag their fingers. So the Russian doll goes away for a bit.

Then the Russian doll comes back, cheers for Elon Musk, the guy whose contribution to Twitter are "free speech", overpayment, and an edit button...

And... what? We all forget there is agenda cause the libs have been owned? The crazy is getting thicker.

Musk has previously sued people saying bad things about Tesla. He only believes in free speech he likes.
Like what? Making false claims about his vehicles spontaneously blowing up?
Making false claims about a product can cause financial losses, and the company has a responsibility to take action against unfounded claims.
Like what? Making false claims about his vehicles spontaneously blowing up?
Making false claims about a product can cause financial losses, and the company has a responsibility to take action against unfounded claims.
They must be playing dumb on this
Musk has previously sued people saying bad things about Tesla. He only believes in free speech he likes.

Defamation isn't free speech.
What a waste of money. Oh well. It's not like Elon Musk needs more of it.

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