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Election Day Countdown (1 Viewer)

Patriotic Voter

Smarter than trolls
DP Veteran
Dec 12, 2019
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Very Liberal
I got an idea for this subforum.This applies to all races and issues on ballots, of course, so I am only putting it here because the U.S. Presidential race is obviously by far the most important one for all American voters.

Online countdown timers end at midnight on November 3. Because the U.S. crosses eight time zones, only days will be counted. November 3 is 60 days after September 3, so that is the number we will start at.
Any poster who is currently registered to vote in the United States can participate. Are you reedy for this?
It was 61 days to the election, because October has 31 days. I know some of you think facts don't matter, but there it is.

It's now 4 September local time. 60 days til Joe Biden gets to finally retire and Donald Trump is reelected.
The number 61 included September 3. If you read my post again, you will see I said 60 days AFTER September 3.
Who else is counting?

60 days until Donald Trump can't avoid losing anymore
60 days until Joe Biden's long wait to win the job is over
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The number 61 included September 3. If you read my post again, you will see I said 60 days AFTER September 3.
It's 62 gays if you include 3 September, because there are 31 days in October.
It would be nice if a coundown widget could be embedded for the last 60 days, but I don't see a way to do that on vBulletin. It would just appear as a thumbnail image.

If nobody is interested in helping me, I will spend almost two months bumping it up.
I searched again for a cvountdown widget. They were designed for and only work on mobile devices. That means everyone who uses a smartphone and/or tablet can install one from either the Apple Store or Google Play while all I can do is count backward from 60 in my head. Other widgets can be downloaded on Twitter, Facebook, and Buzzfeed. Have fun choosing one or just clicking on the link in Post 2 every day.

59 days left baby!
This is pathetic. Why isn't anyone else interested in my brilliant idea? That fact is why I stopped this countdown yesterday. The whole point was to get everyone who cares who wins the presidency to count down the days with me.
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