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Elected U.S. Government Official with political courage? (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
Judging from the corruption (Tom Delay) and other events going on in the United States, political courage is really rare. After reading Profiles in Courage by JFK, I became inspired by the political courage portrayed in the book and went searching for a political official who has demonstrated courage.
I have a question to ask you all:
In what event, and who, do you think demonstrates political courage? Because frankly, its disheartening for me that there seems to be a lack of courage.

My Answer--
Who: Senator Frank Church
Why: Led the Church Committee and Investigation during the 1970s exposing a corrupt CIA (MKULTRA, LSD projects)
Can be anyone, including senators, state senators, governors, mayors, district attorneys (like Gallegos vs pacific lumber), etc
Since you're including Dist. Attys., I don't think you can bypass Guliani's prosecution of the mafia approx. 15-20 years ago...
johnation33 said:
Judging from the corruption (Tom Delay) and other events going on in the United States, political courage is really rare. After reading Profiles in Courage by JFK, I became inspired by the political courage portrayed in the book and went searching for a political official who has demonstrated courage.
I have a question to ask you all:
In what event, and who, do you think demonstrates political courage? Because frankly, its disheartening for me that there seems to be a lack of courage.

My Answer--
Who: Senator Frank Church
Why: Led the Church Committee and Investigation during the 1970s exposing a corrupt CIA (MKULTRA, LSD projects)
Just wondering: Is this for a scholarship?

I'm actually working on this same question for one.

Pretty difficult, knowing my distate for politicians.
scholarship? no, im just a really pissed off history teacher because of the lack of spine of our officials, just thinking that my time has more courageous people then these recent times.
Oh lol. I just found it an odd coincidence that we have the exact same question.

I myself have no idea what to say. I don't know many U.S. Government official who had political courage. lol

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