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education system is racist/classist (1 Viewer)

Want to read a great book that is steeped in anti-white, conspiracy driven racism? Read Critical Pedagogy by Joe L Kincheloe. Oh that is a great one. My idiot teacher thought that this is an actual component of understanding multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is fine, but not when it manipulates and degrades ANY culture. This was in correlation with a Understanding Whiteness class.
Calm2Chaos said:
Lets remeber how much suburban parents are paying evrey single year in taxes to make sure there kids are getting an education. And lets remember that many teachers don't want to teach in the inner city. Not because they are racist or don't care but because being mugged, shot, raped or robbed is not there idea of a healthy teaching environment. This environment is in place because of one thing... The students that perptrate these crimes. I can bet you white people are not in there making these poor inner city kids shoot at each other and there teachers. Don't forget that these rotten suburban parents are involved in there kids education and life in most cases to some degree. Schools are not there to raise your children thats what the parents are for. And of you act like an animal then you get treated as such. The failure is a parental one, lets stop blaming everybody but those that deserve it most. School system and education are the product of the families and neighborhoods they represent.

Perhaps you forgot that most schools shootings happened in white suburbia, not in the inner cities....who's fault was that?? Whos fault that the government doesnt support the inner city class simply because they wont live there life for money...no one..I mean NO ONE should be made to feel guilty or made out as lazy, evil, or un-amercian simply cause they arent obssessed with making money and act as if it makes them breathe..yes being fanacial stable is what makes the world go round, BUT why all the obsessive greed over it?
Unfair said:
Africa is in the horrific state that it's in today because of european imperialism. whites destroyed, raped, murdered, drained, and killed Africa. It is not Africans fault. It's whites' fault and of course like the cowards whites are, they are not even trying to accept responsiblity for their actions.

Unfair, listen I am an african decendant, I agree that europeans in the past have done horrible things to our ancestors the question you should be bringing up is...why hasnt america told us what country our ancestors are from? What was there culture?? What was there race?? We are not africans, negros, or blacks, africa is a contitnent not a country, We know what country,language, and race all the europeans are...even thought I dont like the fact that people's races are BASED on color when we claim there is no racism (calling people white and black is racism) these people arent colors they have cultures, lands,and languages, the difference is, we are the only people in america who the government has not told us who we really are besides blacks, negros, and africans...ask the government what country did the slave owners take us from?? One historian told me "Your ancestors came from west africa" I asked but what country, he told me he didnt know...Huh we know what country asian-americans, mexican-americans, jewish-americans, italian-americans, etc come from but for some odd reason we have NO idea where are african roots come from...it seems like the government wants to hide our true heritage from us..
torch said:
Perhaps you forgot that most schools shootings happened in white suburbia, not in the inner cities....who's fault was that?? Whos fault that the government doesnt support the inner city class simply because they wont live there life for money...no one..I mean NO ONE should be made to feel guilty or made out as lazy, evil, or un-amercian simply cause they arent obssessed with making money and act as if it makes them breathe..yes being fanacial stable is what makes the world go round, BUT why all the obsessive greed over it?

Yes true most school shootings happen in suburbia. The fault for that lies between the society and the commiters of the shootings.. mainly the faults with those who commit the shootings.

I am puzzled and unable to find any sense of logic within your statement that those you work hard for a living to support their schools and help their children are obssessed with money and are greedy. But that those who don't 'live their life for money' are to be praised and handed everything by those who do work to earn their money and help their children.

The fact is the goverment poors billions upon billions of dollars into helping the inner city. To no avail. Because it is not the goverments fault.. it is the fault of the society. You can't teach if they don't want to god damn learn.

(Sorry if I sound a little mean but what torch said just got on my nerves for some reason.)

torch said:
Unfair, listen I am an african decendant, I agree that europeans in the past have done horrible things to our ancestors the question you should be bringing up is...why hasnt america told us what country our ancestors are from? What was there culture?? What was there race?? We are not africans, negros, or blacks, africa is a contitnent not a country, We know what country,language, and race all the europeans are...even thought I dont like the fact that people's races are BASED on color when we claim there is no racism (calling people white and black is racism) these people arent colors they have cultures, lands,and languages, the difference is, we are the only people in america who the government has not told us who we really are besides blacks, negros, and africans...ask the government what country did the slave owners take us from?? One historian told me "Your ancestors came from west africa" I asked but what country, he told me he didnt know...Huh we know what country asian-americans, mexican-americans, jewish-americans, italian-americans, etc come from but for some odd reason we have NO idea where are african roots come from...it seems like the government wants to hide our true heritage from us..

Perhaps you should consider if it is your job to remember your true heritage. I know mine and not because the goverment handed me a piece of paper with 10 facts about my ancestors nation. Instead because I took the time to research and look at my heritage.
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As usual Mr. Reason...that was well put and well reasoned.
Unfair said:
I would venture off to say Blacks are smarter but it will come off as offensive. and yes you're right, intelligent whites are not racist and they accept full responsiblity for what their ancestors did because they know all about white privliedge and how they benefit at people of color's expense.
i haven't met too many intelligent whites but there are few. they are a rare breed.
it takes whites a very long time to come into terms with it. many are much older before they finally realize the truth. and some never do.
look around this site.

This is bullshiit, pure and simple. I grew up in a black slum. I remember all my black friends having better houses, more money, more toys than me. I worked hard to get thru college. Where was my white privilege? You actually have it aass-backwards: black skin is like a free pass through life in america today: Unearned college admissions, unearned promotions, unearned government loans, unearned scholarships, unearned union apprenticeships - on and on and on - blacks are super-citizens who slide through life on the greased rails of "affirmative action".
LogicalReason said:
Perhaps you should consider if it is your job to remember your true heritage. I know mine and not because the goverment handed me a piece of paper with 10 facts about my ancestors nation. Instead because I took the time to research and look at my heritage.

Agreed...logic I didnt say people who work hard are greedy and all about money...I simply said that the american motto is to make as much money as inhumanly possible and keep it to yourself...the american working people and the american working motto are 2 seperate things....and I have found out where my ancestors come from, sudan..I was making a point that whenever we see japanesse or chinesse americans on tv the media makes a good deal of actually finding out what exact land they came from, the same with the jews, latinos, and europeans, they dont make a deal out of telling african americans what country there ancestors came from..thats what my point

P.S. And logic how can we find out our heritage if it was taken away from us with slavery, I just believe they could of kept records of the african people they brought over here, they do it for EVERYONE other people of the world..
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Fool, ever heard of affirmative action? What about how badly the white male gets screwed over with that? Why is it that a black individual, just as qualified as a white individual will get the job before the white individual? Thats racist, but legal. And of course it is, it favors any non-white and/or non-male person (Asians actually have it the worst off...damn stereotypes). Teacher's also have their favorites, I am bitter because I am never one of them for some odd reason.
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1. There's affirmative action, much more classist and racist and supported by you hypocrital liberals. It discriminates against minorities, asians.

2. It's the people that counts, not the school districts. Replace the kids in inner cities bunch of genius in the worst school district and see what happens, they are simply performing worse, these hispanics and blacks.

Privatized/Charter schools would solve this, where they give parents a choice on which school their child goes too.. yet liberals desperately defend a failing system.

^above post, and asians too, they're on the same boat as whites but even more.
Unfair said:
on the collegiate level, Black colleges are severely underfunded. wonder why?

(1)No, because colleges and universities are private institutions. If you have a minority percentage of your population attend the school, you’re going to receive almost no money in retrospect from the average university or college that accepts literally everyone and creates much more revenue.

Unfair said:
it's not fair that minorities don't get the same chance as white kids based on their class.

(2)Did you realize that several Southwest States in America, teach Spanish as the primary language in schools, which if I am not mistaken, would be catering to a minority, which you have stated does not happen.

Unfair said:
white kids in the suburbs and wealthy neighborhoods get better educations simply because of where they live. whereas inner city kids, majority of which are nonwhite, get a poor education.

(3)According to U.S. Census Bureau at: http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/education/cps2004.html
Blacks have a 1.12% in no-education vs. high school graduate rate.
Whites have a 1.22% in no education vs. high school graduate rate.

Meaning, more blacks finish high school more often then whites do.

Unfair said:
conservatives like to put bandaids on deep issues like this and simply bus innercity kids to lilly white schools like that solves everything.
solution: everybody gets the same education. where you live should have nothing to do with the quality of education you recieve.

Please see number (3)

Children are good for kidney transplants and blood transfusions. If you cannot receive affluence and wealth through your lesser education, I just found a good use for the poor burdened kids. Saying you are not able to receive the same education as another class or geographic region is bunk. Public schools are standardized across the board, everyone knows two plus two is four, that Washington was our first president, and that Kennedy was assassinated. The grants and loans made possible after K-12 should nullify any dips in the time frame of your public schooling.
Oprah recently had a show on this outlining white kids in the suburbian spacious and beautiful schools and the innercity nonwhite terriblly underfunded school.
pay an arm and a leg in taxes and upgrade your innercity school to beatiful and spacious.
Unfair said:
Oprah recently had a show on this outlining white kids in the suburbian spacious and beautiful schools and the innercity nonwhite terriblly underfunded school.
:rofl Oprah's a valid source of information now? And earlier in the thread you said you'd seen something in a movie? :rofl This guy's a joke right? It's some white supremist posting as a black person to humiliate them to further his own ideas, gotta be.


British higher education is free to anyone after school for two years of college leading to A-level exams. University used to have grants but now it's all on the individual. A student loans company gives you a loan toward your teaching fees and costs of living, which is interest free and does not have to be repayed until you are earning at least £15,000pa. You will still need a part-time job to afford any sort of social life.

The problem our Universities have at the moment is that Tony Blair set ridiculous goals for getting numbers into university from poor backgrounds, reverse discrimination is believed to be a problem to make up numbers from poor communities. Many people don't want to go because of the debts they will accquire, and would rather go get a job, Tony doesn't like that, in my opinion because we're losing so much work to the far east. People in higher ed don't contribute to unemployment figures, keeping them low and making him look good. People going into Uni's that really shouldn't be are driving down academic standards, we've started seeing science departments closing down because they're 'unpopular', despite the Chancellor's insistence we're developing a high skill level economy. Meanwhile we see courses like Health & Beauty therapy springing up.

And the aristocracy is dead, only the royals remain. Now the private schools are the preserve of the rich, celebrities, and the kids of politicians: just as it is in America.
Unfair said:
Oprah recently had a show on this outlining white kids in the suburbian spacious and beautiful schools and the innercity nonwhite terriblly underfunded school.

Gonna have to pull my racist card and say: try parenting and not letting your gangbanger child bring weapons to school and creating the shitty environment
Unfair said:
I would venture off to say Blacks are smarter but it will come off as offensive. and yes you're right, intelligent whites are not racist and they accept full responsiblity for what their ancestors did because they know all about white privliedge and how they benefit at people of color's expense.
i haven't met too many intelligent whites but there are few. they are a rare breed.
it takes whites a very long time to come into terms with it. many are much older before they finally realize the truth. and some never do.
look around this site.

I'd venture to say that you only need to look in the mirror to find a racist.
School is like anything else. You are going to get out of it what you put in. If you send your child to a crap school and don't involve yourself in your child's education you are putting your child at a disadvantage. Declaring certain children "victims" simply won't do them any good. Lamenting over the past won't do them any good. As a parent you must work to put your child in the best school you possibly can. Then you must get involved in your child's education and oversee everything they are doing, thinking, and learning. People must work even harder in today's world due to the lack of community and the loss of stay at home moms. Neighbors need to help one another out so kids are surrounded by adults with their best interests at heart. Many schools across our nation are struggling and they will continue to do so until parents start stepping up and doing a better job across the board.
I would venture off to say Blacks are smarter but it will come off as offensive.

Oh really? Where is the black Newton? Einstein? Hawking?

Thanks for the giggle! :mrgreen:
If this was 1960, I'd have to agree with Unfair because racial discrimination was institutional at that time. However this is not 1960 but 2006, and affirmative action programs have been in place for decades. These programs were intended to address historical wrongs and to a great extent they have already successfully accomplished this goal to the point where these programs themselves are now considered discriminatory and unnecessary.

I would suggest that black parents stop relying on artificial social reforms and contrived support and instead... learn and demonstrate good parenting skills.
Yes the system is screwed. I don't think it's nearly as screwed as it was 50 years ago. And it definitely isn't as bad as 500 years ago. Progress doesn't happen in nano-seconds, you know. I'm not saying you should just suck it up and deal with it, but it sounds to me like you're almost ready to throw in the towel and start arming angry mobs of inner-city kids with automatic rifles.

The system needs to be fixed. It doesn't need to be bashed and scrapped. At the risk of sounding like some kind of ignorant republican from Kansas, I'll say this: Until people in the inner cities -- white and black -- quit accepting their lot in life and resorting to lives of crime and drugs to make up for the suburban dream house they don't think they'll ever get, nobody's going to hand it to them. There are people in power who, maybe subconsciously, see them as wasters of everything society tries to give them.

The schools are uneven and the teachers are scarce. So quit dropping out and hitting the crack pipe and start staying late and reading the textbook all by yourself. Shows some initiative.
you should see the "education" we give some idians. i saw it on 20/20 or something. a govt offical came in and said this building shouldnt even be occupied by humans.

the point of the education is two fold :

1. dumb down.
2. make happy capitalist slaves.

ever wonder why the dont teach logic of philosophy in most high schools ? wonder no more.
massive_attack said:
you should see the "education" we give some idians. i saw it on 20/20 or something. a govt offical came in and said this building shouldnt even be occupied by humans.
I'm going to assume you meant indians as in American Indians not Indians from India. I live less than 20 miles away from an Tribal School and they have amazing facilities, but if the kids don't go to school it doesn't really matter. Parenting is the main problem alchoholism is rampant on Indian reservations.

Also Indian reservations are "sovereign entities responsible for their own affairs without the interference with other governments" It would seem they should be in charge of their own schools, huh?

massive_attack said:
the point of the education is two fold :

1. dumb down.
2. make happy capitalist slaves.
Yes, it's all a big conspiracy to keep the masses under control:roll:

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