Unfair, listen I am an african decendant, I agree that europeans in the past have done horrible things to our ancestors the question you should be bringing up is...why hasnt america told us what country our ancestors are from? What was there culture?? What was there race?? We are not africans, negros, or blacks, africa is a contitnent not a country, We know what country,language, and race all the europeans are...even thought I dont like the fact that people's races are BASED on color when we claim there is no racism (calling people white and black is racism) these people arent colors they have cultures, lands,and languages, the difference is, we are the only people in america who the government has not told us who we really are besides blacks, negros, and africans...ask the government what country did the slave owners take us from?? One historian told me "Your ancestors came from west africa" I asked but what country, he told me he didnt know...Huh we know what country asian-americans, mexican-americans, jewish-americans, italian-americans, etc come from but for some odd reason we have NO idea where are african roots come from...it seems like the government wants to hide our true heritage from us..