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education system is racist/classist (1 Viewer)

UtahBill said:
and you would know this how? there is no written history on Africa to speak of prior to the European incursion to get slaves, and the actual rounding of of the slaves was done by local blacks, or did you not know that?

You have just proven yourself to be the most ignorant of all racists, by saying that nonwhites cannot be racist. You have your own distorted definition of racism, one geared to your own agenda. That is the highest form of ignorance and bigotry.
I suppose you don't like Bill Cosby, right?

actually there is. and African slavery was in no way as brutal and savage as european slavery. look it up yourself. your attempt at making any other race besides whites look like the evil people they are will fail everytime.
whites are in a class of their own when it comes to death and destruction.
I've spent many too much time explaining how and why nonwhites can't be racist so i'm not repeating myself. look it up yourself.
Bill Cosby was like a Black conservative, blaming the victim instead of the system. major thumbsdown but the Cosby show, I love it. broke a lot of negative Black stereotypes.
Unfair said:
I've spent many too much time explaining how and why nonwhites can't be racist so i'm not repeating myself.
Whites have done a lot of damage, true, but what is going on in Africa today? Step away from ancient history and look at what your people are doing to your people, TODAY.

No, you have not explained it, not at all. You have only made some random statements, unfounded, and incoherent. So much for your intelligence.
Self delusion is the worst kind, especially when it comes time to recognize that you were victimized by the man in the mirror.
Africa is in the horrific state that it's in today because of european imperialism. whites destroyed, raped, murdered, drained, and killed Africa. It is not Africans fault. It's whites' fault and of course like the cowards whites are, they are not even trying to accept responsiblity for their actions.
Unfair said:
Africa is in the horrific state that it's in today because of european imperialism. whites destroyed, raped, murdered, drained, and killed Africa. It is not Africans fault. It's whites' fault and of course like the cowards whites are, they are not even trying to accept responsiblity for their actions.
So, the black on black genocide that is going on there is solely and directly attributable to white imperialism of the past?
Imperialism was, and is, a terrible thing, but again, that is the past. What do you propose that would alleviate the situation in any part of Africa that is now suffering, besides casting blame?
You can certainly make an argument that the black perpetrators learned to be brutal and cruel from whites, but that belies the history of brutality that existed before they ever saw a white man. Same as here in the USA, native Americans were fighting and killing each other routinely until they found that they had a common enemy, that being the whites who were taking over their ancestral lands. But they discovered it a bit late. When will the black nations of Africa wake up and discover that they need to work together against a common enemy instead of against each other? One obvious reason, some of them have discovered the lure of power, and they want it all for themselves, even to the extent of killing former friends and neighbors.
Again, so much for intelligence.
Unfair said:
your attempt at making any other race besides whites look like the evil people they are.

You and that aryan guy should room together. Have a party throwing FLITH around whatever that is.
Eventually you would both be dueting a Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder song if you didnt kill each other first.
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Unfair said:
I've spent many too much time explaining how and why nonwhites can't be racist so i'm not repeating myself.

Anyone can discriminate based on race. That is what racism is. You attempt to redefine the word to suit your own purposes, but that doesn't change facts. Anyone can be racist.

Unfair said:
Bill Cosby was like a Black conservative, blaming the victim instead of the system. major thumbsdown but the Cosby show, I love it. broke a lot of negative Black stereotypes.

So, because Cosby said that people should take responsibility for themselves and work at making a better life, he's to be denigrated.
Unfair said:
Africa is in the horrific state that it's in today because of european imperialism. whites destroyed, raped, murdered, drained, and killed Africa. It is not Africans fault. It's whites' fault and of course like the cowards whites are, they are not even trying to accept responsiblity for their actions.

How is it the fault of white imperialists? They have left, and gave the countries back to those who live there. Those people are the ones that are causing the situations in Africa, not people who left generations ago.
Unfair said:
research melanin. and also timbuktu.

I'll help you out since you have trouble posting your own research.

Melanin and Melanin Theory

Bottom line:
"Most scientists consider Melanin Theory pseudoscience; it has little credibility in mainstream medicine or science"

Originated by the Islamic Tuareg in the 10th century.
It was a massive trade station and center of learning for a long time but when competing slavers from portugal landed it began to decline. The Sultan of Morocco took it in 1591.

Im kind of wondering what your point was supposed to be though....
Unfair said:
let's first remember that whites are in subrubs NOT because they earned it but because it was a govt. hand out. don't believe me? look it up.

So what your telling me is both my mom and dad didn't work two jobs each to afford to live were we did and to have the chances we had?

Get Bent... We worked for what we got, nothing was handed to us
Unfair said:
everything I type goes in one ear and out the other so I'm telling you guys to look it up yourself.
under the servicemen's readjustment act of 44, suburbs were built for whites and whites only while people of color had to live in cities in highrises. people of color did not get the chance to live in the burbs based on them being nonwhite. the whites in the burbs only had to pay 10-20% and the govt and bank paid the rest. talk about a BOOST.
so when you see people of color in "hoods" it is not because of them, the govt. systemaically gave a huge advantage to whites and didn't give that to nonwhites.
and the govt. has taken no action to reverse this or level the playing field at all. and people of color still have a hard time buying homes in the burbs.
i have more to say but i wont if it's falling on deaf ears.
again, research this.
and with that gi bill of 44, Black soliders did not get to live in the burbs. this advantage was for whites.

Stop living in the past.... That has nothing at all to do with today. People pay to live where they are. It isn't handed to anybody. It amazes me how I keep hearing these 50 - 150 year old problems that are oppressing you today... Get Over it and move on ....
Unfair said:
African slavery was not the same as european slavery. european slavery was far WORSE. don't even try it
there just as many racists as before if not more. they just aren't walking around in hoods anymore, they have business suits on now. your thinking is very naive and ignorant.
and nonwhites cannot be racist.

Cry me a river you racist.
YES ... You are a racist, not a really good one. Pretty typical."Cry Cry nobody did anything for me and everybody is mean" But most assuredly you are a racist

Have you ever been a slave? .............NO

Do you personally know any slaves?
Are there any slaves from the period you speak of living?
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This sounds like a show that should be taken nationwide, or even global. I suppose there are a few communities where the local blacks would pay to hear that kind of crap, maybe where they get little or no education or news, and have no future solely because they are black. Let's see, where would that be?
Oh, yeah, Africa. Blacks in Africa would love to come to America. Perhaps you could be an exchange student with someone from Liberia? Checked the news lately about what is going on there?
We ain't perfect, but we are nearer the top of the ladder to perfect than any other place. I could be wrong about that. Perhaps some blacks from other countries could verify or challenge my opinion.:2wave:
Calm2Chaos said:
Cry me a river you racist.
YES ... You are a racist, not a really good one. Pretty typical."Cry Cry nobody did anything for me and everybody is mean" But most assuredly you are a racist

Have you ever been a slave? .............NO

Do you personally know any slaves?
Are there any slaves from the period you speak of living?


This has nothing to do with this topic, but everytime I see your pic. I laugh it is so funny and mean looking.
alphieb said:

This has nothing to do with this topic, but everytime I see your pic. I laugh it is so funny and mean looking.

Its my self portrait, I had a real bad hangover that day...LOL
ok, first off, how is it a classist system? we do not live in a place such as Great Britian where if you are not born an aristocrat or born wealthy there is almost no chance for you go move up. well, ok, there is on chance for you to be come an aristocrat if you are not born into it. here in the usa you have the chance, but you have to work for it. no one is going to give it to you. if you think that there is no african american middle class, i think you are wrong. i see more young african americans driving 30,000 or more expensive cars. if they are so poor and underprivledged, where did the money come from?
if it were really a racist system, that would not be alowed to happen. also, if it were a racist sysem all schools would be principaled by a white principal. that is obviously not the case.
The classist/racist education system is another myth perpetuated by those who are not willing to accept that hard work is the means to achieve. Inner city schools have the problem of uninvolved parents and poor behavior on the part of the students to thank for their lack of achievement. If there was a migration of blacks to inner cities and whites to suburbs, it only has to be pointed out that the two groups are responsible for making the respective areas what they are.

Further, these "woe is me, give me reparations" ACLU sucking crowds are the very same ones sitting in classes putting down other black students who are trying to achieve. And God forbid they take a look at rural white communities with the same funding problems and low education budgets that are still pumping out high achievers that go on to big things. And take it a step further and look at affirmative action...you get mediocre students infesting our universities over excellent students who deserve to be there. And why is this? Why, its to keep the ACLU and reparations crowds from commiting legal and PR extortion against them when they dont see a "diverse" student body. Affirmative action is nothing more than a means of reverse discrimination.

Bottom line is this: the success or lack if success of an individual rests only on that individual. The only ones to blame for inner city failure are the people who live there and run off good educators with their violence and lack of interest in success.
t125eagle said:
ok, first off, how is it a classist system? we do not live in a place such as Great Britian where if you are not born an aristocrat or born wealthy there is almost no chance for you go move up. well, ok, there is on chance for you to be come an aristocrat if you are not born into it. here in the usa you have the chance, but you have to work for it. no one is going to give it to you. if you think that there is no african american middle class, i think you are wrong. i see more young african americans driving 30,000 or more expensive cars. if they are so poor and underprivledged, where did the money come from?
if it were really a racist system, that would not be alowed to happen. also, if it were a racist sysem all schools would be principaled by a white principal. that is obviously not the case.

The UK is not classist. You have the same chances of getting wealthy there as you do here. And the aristocrats have no real power there other than money. Same as the US.
Kelzie said:
The UK is not classist. You have the same chances of getting wealthy there as you do here. And the aristocrats have no real power there other than money. Same as the US.
Not so sure about that, Kelzie....
Our family has known 4 young people from England, and all said that opportunities are not as great there. One, a very talented musician, was doing his best to move here, and didn't make it as he needed a sponsor or something. He said that as soon as he finished public school, he was told to "go on the dole". Another was going to marry an American man, but that did not work out. Her 2 sisters came over and we loaned the 3 of them a car for a week so they could visit the Grand Canyon and a few other places in the area. It seems to be a lot harder to get advanced education there than here.
In Minnesota, I would say it could be considered a classist system. Our schools are buoyed up by property taxes. The more affluent suburbs, like Edina for instance, have the better schools. They are able to have a laptop available for every student, smaller class sizes, more extra-curricular activities, etc.

Of course, we don't live in a communist society and those who make or have more money, can afford to spend more on education of their children. Is that classist? Sure.

The point stands for me, if you can't afford to have children and give them what you want or what you think they need. Don't have them.
i love the fallacy that all cities consist entirely of black people

i think most people would consider Philadelphia a "black place" and it's only 48% black...so the majority people suffering under the cities shitty school system are white children.

if you want to expand the argument to non-WASPs getting the short end, then that might be valid, but until then the argument just doesnt hold.

Or if you don't beleive me come to Philly and go to Grays-Ferry, South Philly, or Fishtown. Know what you'll find? Poor white people in awful schools.

Or take a trip to Appalachians, and look at the shocking poverty.

Poor white people don't make good music so the media doesnt pay attention to them.
new coup for you said:
i love the fallacy that all cities consist entirely of black people

i think most people would consider Philadelphia a "black place" and it's only 48% black...so the majority people suffering under the cities shitty school system are white children.

if you want to expand the argument to non-WASPs getting the short end, then that might be valid, but until then the argument just doesnt hold.

Or if you don't beleive me come to Philly and go to Grays-Ferry, South Philly, or Fishtown. Know what you'll find? Poor white people in awful schools.

Or take a trip to Appalachians, and look at the shocking poverty.

Poor white people don't make good music so the media doesnt pay attention to them.

I think I may need to question your definition of good music...:rofl
new coup for you said:

they don't make popular music, we'll say

I'm not talking about the apalachins....lol
But I agreed with a lot of what you said
we can take this even further.

The Irish, Greek, Slav and Italian enclaves, at least in my experience and i dont see how other cities could deviate enormously, are safer, cleaner and just generally more liveable then the black areas. And yet the have LITERALLY the SAME jobs, schools, and oppertunities as the black neighborhoods. They go to the SAME schools. SAME teachers, classes, books, tests, EVERYTHING.

And yet Patrick, Zachery, Yuri and Tony have to grow up their whole lives hearing about how bad Jamal has it. Jamal lives a block down and in terms of material resources is in the exact same situation...how is this fair?

It's easy to understand why inner city whites just aren't that sympathetic, and are often racist.
UtahBill said:
Not so sure about that, Kelzie....
Our family has known 4 young people from England, and all said that opportunities are not as great there. One, a very talented musician, was doing his best to move here, and didn't make it as he needed a sponsor or something. He said that as soon as he finished public school, he was told to "go on the dole". Another was going to marry an American man, but that did not work out. Her 2 sisters came over and we loaned the 3 of them a car for a week so they could visit the Grand Canyon and a few other places in the area. It seems to be a lot harder to get advanced education there than here.

:lol: That doesn't prove anything. It's hard for musicians to make it anywhere. Including here. If you've got the money to go to college, and decent grades, it's no problem. Don't blame people's lack of success on the system.

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