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Editing time increased (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right

One of the most common requests is to increase the time the forum allows a post to be edited. So we did just that...

The time allowed to edit a post has been increased to 25 mins.
The time that the "last edited by" is placed has been increased to 5 mins.
Aw I rather liked the low edit time. It made sure that people didn't just go right back and edit their post later if they realized that their post was about to be contradicted.
Hopefully this new time will be a good median for folks that hit the button premature - I am guilty of this often.

If this new time proves "changing the argument" to be a popular thing, we can always go back to 10 mins. This is why the "last edited by" is still very low. :)
I actually like this feature. Alot of time, my mind wanders, and I forget what I want to say, maybe sometime after I press submit I remember. And another suggestion would be to either increase the size of the avatars, or allow animated images to be uploaded to avaters. Just a suggestion.
kal-el said:
I actually like this feature. Alot of time, my mind wanders, and I forget what I want to say, maybe sometime after I press submit I remember. And another suggestion would be to either increase the size of the avatars, or allow animated images to be uploaded to avaters. Just a suggestion.
With a donation, the avatar can be up to 100x100 & 64k
I like being able to edit my posts because I am a neurotic grammar junkie and I hate looking back and seeing a typo :lol:
vauge said:

One of the most common requests is to increase the time the forum allows a post to be edited. So we did just that...

The time allowed to edit a post has been increased to 25 mins.
The time that the "last edited by" is placed has been increased to 5 mins.

I liked the low edit time too. Made it a challenge to type as fast as possible, then to go back and correct all the mistakes in time, so my post did not end up looking like this:

danarhea said:
I lucked hte lew adit tim toooo. Mad ich a chalenggge t tipw ass azzutateki ass poosbple,, .?# the to gow ack anc dorectch l them isteaks @< soooeyyy thep **** diddy no and oops lickin ike dis.
The most frustrating thing for me is to look back at a post and see that I missed including a second negative or some other problem with syntax so that what I wrote does not read as I meant it to read. So thanks for the extra editing time. I will have a better shot and catching and correcting those.
AlbqOwl said:
The most frustrating thing for me is to look back at a post and see that I missed including a second negative or some other problem with syntax so that what I wrote does not read as I meant it to read. So thanks for the extra editing time. I will have a better shot and catching and correcting those.

Are you sure? :)
AlbqOwl said:
The most frustrating thing for me is to look back at a post and see that I missed including a second negative or some other problem with syntax so that what I wrote does not read as I meant it to read. So thanks for the extra editing time. I will have a better shot and catching and correcting those.

Yea, I probably don't need extra editing time, just some, 10 minutes is fine. It's just that the space bar on my keyboard dosen't work sometimes. That's strange, it's brand new?
kal-el said:
Yea, I probably don't need extra editing time, just some, 10 minutes is fine. It's just that the space bar on my keyboard dosen't work sometimes. That's strange, it's brand new?

Are you asking if it's brand new? How the hell should we know? Kidding. :lol:

The quotation mark on my last keyboard used to make a double quotation mark every time, like this "". Finally just learned to hit backspace every time I used the quotation mark. Then I got a new keyboard and had to unlearn it. :lol:
kal-el said:
Yea, I probably don't need extra editing time, just some, 10 minutes is fine. It's just that the space bar on my keyboard dosen't work sometimes. That's strange, it's brand new?

When mine doesn't work it usually means I have a sunflower seed hull stuck in it. (Aren't you guys impressed that I can talk technical?)

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