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Eastman to produce 10,000 pages of Trump-related emails (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning
That has to suck for the cult. Working in the darkness is one of the keys to insurrection...

"Attorney John Eastman, a key architect of former President Donald Trump’s legal effort to overturn the 2020 election, is preparing to provide another 10,000 pages of records to the Jan. 6 select committee, his attorney revealed late Friday.

It’s the latest breakthrough for congressional investigators in their ongoing fight to obtain details of Trump’s last-ditch plans to overturn his election loss."
Interesting, but I'm curious what the emails may disclose that we don't already know? Eastman had a bizarre theory on how Trump could steal the 2020 election, Trump loved the idea and urged Pence to put into action.
And we can trust Eastman is not holding back anything.
So he's handing over the 10,000 pages that don't contain incriminating information. Good to know.
Interesting, but I'm curious what the emails may disclose that we don't already know? Eastman had a bizarre theory on how Trump could steal the 2020 election, Trump loved the idea and urged Pence to put into action.
Agreed, but e-mail/text documents corroborate testimony, or interviews or books. Unless you are Perjury Taylor Greene, that is.
That has to suck for the cult. Working in the darkness is one of the keys to insurrection...

"Attorney John Eastman, a key architect of former President Donald Trump’s legal effort to overturn the 2020 election, is preparing to provide another 10,000 pages of records to the Jan. 6 select committee, his attorney revealed late Friday.

It’s the latest breakthrough for congressional investigators in their ongoing fight to obtain details of Trump’s last-ditch plans to overturn his election loss."
It's almost time to drink the punch.
So he's handing over the 10,000 pages that don't contain incriminating information. Good to know.
He has already incriminated himself. He's selling books doing it. He confessed in detail to Ari Melber on TV.

I agree the documents won't further incriminate him. We will see if they further incriminate anyone else. One thing is certain; they won't be clearing anyone of wrongdoing.
Agreed, but e-mail/text documents corroborate testimony, or interviews or books. Unless you are Perjury Taylor Greene, that is.
True. But idiot that he is, Trump has publicly admitted that did his best to put the Eastman plan in play, and scolded Pence for not helping the cause.

There will be a movie about it some day. Valykyrie II with an aged Tom Cruise as Trump, Jim Carrey as Pence and Kim Kardashian as Melania.
That has to suck for the cult. Working in the darkness is one of the keys to insurrection...

"Attorney John Eastman, a key architect of former President Donald Trump’s legal effort to overturn the 2020 election, is preparing to provide another 10,000 pages of records to the Jan. 6 select committee, his attorney revealed late Friday.

It’s the latest breakthrough for congressional investigators in their ongoing fight to obtain details of Trump’s last-ditch plans to overturn his election loss."
10,000 pages of....but, and, the...everything else will be black from redaction, after all it's protected by executive privilege.

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