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[R.I.P.] Earl Holliman, Star of ‘The Rainmaker,’ ‘Forbidden Planet,’ Dies at 96 (1 Viewer)


I survived. Suck it, Schrodinger.
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Aug 15, 2017
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Earl Holliman, the handsome actor who won a Golden Globe for his supporting role in “The Rainmaker” and appeared in numerous Westerns and dozens of films including “Giant” and “Forbidden Planet,” died Monday in Studio City. He was 96.
His partner Craig Curtis announced his death.
Holliman also starred in the first episode of “The Twilight Zone” in 1959.

He lied about his age when he was 15 and enlisted in the US Navy during World War II; A year after his enlistment, the Navy discovered his real age and he was immediately discharged....he completed High School and then went back and re-enlisted back into the Navy.
Rest in peace.
The drunk cook trope on a spacecraft. Wild.

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I remember him from “Police Woman,” with Angie Dickinson. Also as Mickey Rooney’s chopper crewman in “The Bridges At Toko-Ri.”
Earl Holliman, the handsome actor who won a Golden Globe for his supporting role in “The Rainmaker” and appeared in numerous Westerns and dozens of films including “Giant” and “Forbidden Planet,” died Monday in Studio City. He was 96.
His partner Craig Curtis announced his death.
Holliman also starred in the first episode of “The Twilight Zone” in 1959.

He lied about his age when he was 15 and enlisted in the US Navy during World War II; A year after his enlistment, the Navy discovered his real age and he was immediately discharged....he completed High School and then went back and re-enlisted back into the Navy.
Rest in peace.

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Sad. R.I.P.

Forbidden Planet would have been the first time I ever saw his acting.

My young uncle Pat and I watched it on my grandparents big old Zenith TV, probably when I was around 6 or 7 years old.

It was released to theaters on March 3rd, 1956, a year before I was born.
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In my Top 100 list of all time favorite movies despite the sad. :oops:
Frederic March’s final lines still ring true.

George Tarrant: “ Where do we get such men? They leave this ship and they do their job. Then they must find this speck lost somewhere on the sea. When they find it they have to land on its pitching deck.”
Oh, how much I wanted Robbie the Robot. But not for whisky, I was just 7, but soda would have worked.

"Would 15 gallons be enough ?"

So cute that the makers of Forbidden Planet thought that we'd still be using gallons in the 23rd century :)
RIP Earl.... I enjoyed so many of your various movie/tv roles.
On a forum I frequent, a fan said that he asked Holliman at a convention why he was sometimes abrupt with fans of Forbidden Planet. According to this fan, Holliman responded that whenever someone said, "You were in my favorite movie," they almost always said "Planet" and not his own favorite, "The Rainmaker." So I guess he would have been happy with the title of this thread at very least.
On a forum I frequent, a fan said that he asked Holliman at a convention why he was sometimes abrupt with fans of Forbidden Planet. According to this fan, Holliman responded that whenever someone said, "You were in my favorite movie," they almost always said "Planet" and not his own favorite, "The Rainmaker." So I guess he would have been happy with the title of this thread at very least.

I'm not sure I'd want to meet movie/TV stars, at a convention as it would destroy my screen image of them.

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