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Durham probe lead investigator. (1 Viewer)

Tried to scan the article. Did not see what the point was. It was way too long. Anyway, see me when their are indictments of high level people.

Maybe their will be, maybe their won’t be... point was that, how on earth is this guy the lead investigator roflmao what a bunch of ****
"Breaking News".


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about
Mocking John Durham

Durham mockery.jpg

Durham being drowned by Trump after he produces a nothing-burger

John Durham fake2.jpg
Why is it every picture I see of this guy he looks like he is sucking on a really sour lemon?

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I confess I have never seen any other picture of him, not yet anyway.
But this one picture, the first time I laid eyes on him, made me laugh.
He didn't look like he was sucking lemons, he looked like he was trying to be some kind of Dark Lord Badass...the stinkeye, the hairy eyeball expression on his face.

I just instinctively felt it was worth mocking. :lamo

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