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Duchess of York apologizes over newspaper sting (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 1, 2006
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Duchess of York apologizes over newspaper sting - Yahoo! News

Does anyone else think it odd how folk such as this woman having had some nefarious deed outed, suddenly display contrition and regret for their 'lack of judgement'?

Something similar appears to happen with those criminals who are condemned to die for their crime, all of a sudden they become religious.
I guess I was more surprised to hear that she was having serious financial problems. She's always been kind of a flake, huh? LOL
She was born into what she would call the "Aristocracy".
As such she had the expectation that she would be looked after, having attained the age of 18 she would then have been presented to the Royal Court.
This to all intent and purposes was nothing more than a marriage bureau of sorts.
At some stage she was introduced to Prince Andrew, they married and the rest is history.
The only point that the press has failed to reveal is that after her divorce from Prince Andrew, she managed to discourage any romantic interest that Andrew may have had with any other woman.
Obviously she believes that she is entitled to live her life as she chooses, irrespective of whether she can fund her lifestyle or not.

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