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Drink Driving (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Right. I love my friends to death. However, been the teenage males that they are, they can be incredibly stupid when drunk. Uncharacteristically stupid, considering how most of them are in gifted education programmes or on college scholarships for academic reasons. I know that there have been times they've driven under the influence - once or twice I've seen them do it. Of course, I always know it's wrong, and definitely never get in the car with them.

Solutions? I don't want them hurting themselves or other people. Nagging them do death is useless (and, thanks to the wonder of peer pressure, will end up getting me rolled eyes and deathstares). I know it's a disgusting thing to do, but it's also so strange considering how lovely and smart they are when sober. What would you do if a friend was drunk and about to take his car out?
vergiss said:
Right. I love my friends to death. However, been the teenage males that they are, they can be incredibly stupid when drunk. Uncharacteristically stupid, considering how most of them are in gifted education programmes or on college scholarships for academic reasons. I know that there have been times they've driven under the influence - once or twice I've seen them do it. Of course, I always know it's wrong, and definitely never get in the car with them.

Solutions? I don't want them hurting themselves or other people. Nagging them do death is useless (and, thanks to the wonder of peer pressure, will end up getting me rolled eyes and deathstares). I know it's a disgusting thing to do, but it's also so strange considering how lovely and smart they are when sober. What would you do if a friend was drunk and about to take his car out?

Well, vergiss, I myself unfortunately have 2 DUI's. I got them years ago when I was younger. I deeply regret the possibility of killing innocent people and/or myself. The last DUI I obtained, my best friend at the time offered me the alternative to staying at his house, heck he even punched out my car window trying to stop me from leaving. I think he probably should have just grabbed my keys or simply pushed me over (my bac was .35!).
...So I try to steal their keys? :mrgreen:

Alas. I'm tiny and lack any strength. :(
Well, sometimes it's not that easy. Maybe you could flatten their tires or pull some spark plugs out or something.
Just slap them in the face and tell them what you mean. At a church camp, my friend was on cloud-9, we smacked him in the fact and he pulled himself together (minutes before the final proformance)
vergiss said:
What would you do if a friend was drunk and about to take his car out?
Threaten to call the police. Follow through if need be. It's not just their lives that should cause concern, but anyone else out on the road.
Steal their keys and hide them. Don't have to be big to do that.
new coup for you said:
man i love living where i live. i get utterly plastered at least twice a week but i just take the el home so i'm always safe.

Got ya beat...I'm within walking (crawling?) distance from my local "establishment"...
Get someone to distract them, then disconnect a ground wire or fuse related to the computer or fuel injector system in the car, that eliminates their choice of driving, fix "problem" in morning.
Well, that all works when I'm actually there... but what if I'm not present at the time? What can I do to scare them out of being idiots, if freaky TV ads haven't even worked? Sigh.
vergiss said:
Well, that all works when I'm actually there... but what if I'm not present at the time? What can I do to scare them out of being idiots, if freaky TV ads haven't even worked? Sigh.
Talk to a police officer about the situation, don't give your buddy's name however, and get horror stories about scenes they have worked where the driver at fault was intoxicated, also, get a few stories about drivers who drank but were within the legal limit and still had a fatal accident, or killed someone, you have a first hand account and when you have the police officers opinions and emotions behind it the tactic becomes very real, tangible, and credible.
Speaking to the police officer who arrested me after the court stuff was done accomplished alot, as per the suggestion.
vergiss said:
Right. I love my friends to death. However, been the teenage males that they are, they can be incredibly stupid when drunk. Uncharacteristically stupid, considering how most of them are in gifted education programmes or on college scholarships for academic reasons. I know that there have been times they've driven under the influence - once or twice I've seen them do it. Of course, I always know it's wrong, and definitely never get in the car with them.

Solutions? I don't want them hurting themselves or other people. Nagging them do death is useless (and, thanks to the wonder of peer pressure, will end up getting me rolled eyes and deathstares). I know it's a disgusting thing to do, but it's also so strange considering how lovely and smart they are when sober. What would you do if a friend was drunk and about to take his car out?

Umm... tough position you're in.

Anyways, when I was younger, I would grab their keys as I handed them a beer. I used to be the key collector and would always make sure that they were okay to drive back. It led to a couple fights, but drunk people are pretty easy to take, but unfortunately they go too hard because they don't really feel pain, unlike the sober guy (me). As for friendships, I've never had any problems the day after. That night can be sketchy, but the day after everyone knows your intentions were good, and they won't give you any **** about it.

Good luck to both you and your friends. They're lucky to have you.
Thanks guys. I'll be as stubborn as it takes.
These are good suggestions. Whatever you do, make sure you don't let them go. My buddy is doing five years in the pen, because none of the people he was with stopped him from getting in his car (I'm not trying to replace blame, he is at fault, just unfortunate that nobody had the sense to "smack him"). He hit some girl walking home from work. I feel for him but even more for her, she's basically a vegetable.

They may hate you now, but five years from now they will be thanking you, I promise.

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