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Dp World Executive Nominated For Presitigous Us Govt Position (1 Viewer)


Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Dubai, 24 January 2006: - Global ports operator DP World today welcomed news that one of its senior executives, Dave Sanborn, has been nominated by US President George W. Bush to serve as Maritime Administrator a key transportation appointment reporting directly to Norman Mineta the Secretary of Transportation and Cabinet Member.

The White House has issued a statement from Washington DC announcing the nomination. The confirmation process will begin in February.

Mr Sanborn currently holds the position of Director of Operations for Europe and Latin America for the Dubai-based company.


ok so who's gonna step up and defend this?
What are you attacking it for?
Cassapolis said:
what did i attack?

You asked who is going to defend I asked what are you attacking.
Dp World is the same UAE government company that is planning to take over 21 of our ports. That's what makes these 2 tidbits very interesting.
Cassapolis said:
Dp World is the same UAE government company that is planning to take over 21 of our ports. That's what makes these 2 tidbits very interesting.

This happens all the time with this administration. Halliburton gets contracts without having to bid. The lead prosecutor in the Abramoff case gets appointed by Bush to be a federal judge right after Abramoff makes a plea. Bush's "White House Counsel" gets nominated to the Supreme Court. And the list goes on.

Thus, I am not remotely surprised by this horsepoop.

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