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Dow surges to session high on report that the U.S. has weighed lifting China tariffs (1 Viewer)

......the arsonist calls the fire department and is hailed as a hero.......
Just goes to show how schizoid stock market speculators are. The US economy is booming, but they are triggered by nothing but speculation.

Why are you commenting on a thread about the stock market? Has it started to matter all of a sudden?
Being a day/swing trader has screwed me over the last year. A single tweet from him can cost me $5000.
Why are you commenting on a thread about the stock market? Has it started to matter all of a sudden?

You’ve been getting extra mileage from your signature lately!
Why are you commenting on a thread about the stock market? Has it started to matter all of a sudden?

I've made numerous comments about the stock market...mostly to correct the nonsense people spout about it, but also to point out that stock market speculators are a wild and fickle bunch. Not worth placing a lot of importance on their antics.
Being a day/swing trader has screwed me over the last year. A single tweet from him can cost me $5000.

You should be blaming the your highstrung fellow investors. Not Trump.
Just goes to show how schizoid stock market speculators are. The US economy is booming, but they are triggered by nothing but speculation.

What is you definition of "booming"? Latest predicted GDP growth for 4Q 2018 looks to be less than 3%. While any growth is good, we were told 4-5% was needed for the tax cuts.
You should be blaming the your highstrung fellow investors. Not Trump.

Maybe put your portfolio into conservative mode and be safe. Live by the sword...
I've made numerous comments about the stock market...mostly to correct the nonsense people spout about it, but also to point out that stock market speculators are a wild and fickle bunch. Not worth placing a lot of importance on their antics.

Seriously? Who cares about Wall Street?
You should be blaming the your highstrung fellow investors. Not Trump.

Who knew the leader of the free world could affect the market with his craziness and volatility.

I'm not the only trader going through this. There are millions of others.
Who knew the leader of the free world could affect the market with his craziness and volatility.

I'm not the only trader going through this. There are millions of others.

It's absurd that he continues to do this.

I'll say it right now: I would rather Trump consistently act like a civil adult and let the markets be less volatile, even if that meant his approval rating ticked up a few percentage points, than I would with the current situation. This is not how the President of the United States is supposed to act.
What is you definition of "booming"? Latest predicted GDP growth for 4Q 2018 looks to be less than 3%. While any growth is good, we were told 4-5% was needed for the tax cuts.

Lots of sources other than GDP indicate our economy is booming. Jobs, wages, manufacturing, medical...lots of improving sectors...all indicate we are doing great.

As far as GDP goes, save the predictions. Give me the real numbers. But keep in mind that Obama and his cronies said that Trump couldn't get 3%. He's done it.

Lots of sources other than GDP indicate our economy is booming. Jobs, wages, manufacturing, medical...lots of improving sectors...all indicate we are doing great.

As far as GDP goes, save the predictions. Give me the real numbers. But keep in mind that Obama and his cronies said that Trump couldn't get 3%. He's done it.


I don't recall Obama saying Trump would never get 3%. Got a link?
Who knew the leader of the free world could affect the market with his craziness and volatility.

I'm not the only trader going through this. There are millions of others.


We've seen stock swing wildly for stupid reasons for decades. Someone from OPEC sneezes and oil prices skyrocket. The Fed talks about the possibility of maybe raising interest rates and the DOW bottoms out.

Seriously, if you don't know this stuff, then you shouldn't be in the business.
I don't recall Obama saying Trump would never get 3%. Got a link?

There are a lot of news and commentary that refer to Obama saying that 2% is the new normal, but I haven't looked hard enough for a direct quote.

Here's an example:

Remember the familiar lament from President Barack Obama’s team for eight long years?

“Two percent real GDP growth is the new normal for the U.S. economy.”

Two percent annual growth wasn’t even the “new normal” under President Obama, 1.64 percent was. Pitifully and sadly so.


Who knows...maybe they're all lying.
There are a lot of news and commentary that refer to Obama saying that 2% is the new normal, but I haven't looked hard enough for a direct quote.

Here's an example:

Who knows...maybe they're all lying.

So he never really said that about Trump. Got it, thanks!
Speculators and their computers care.

Main Street? Not so much.

Clearly you slept through the entire 2008 calendar year.
Clearly you slept through the entire 2008 calendar year.

Trump, in less than two years, changed the conditions. That's why Main Street doesn't care. The speculators and their computers haven't caught up to reality yet. That's why they freak out when someone says something "might" happen.
Trump, in less than two years, changed the conditions. That's why Main Street doesn't care. The speculators and their computers haven't caught up to reality yet. That's why they freak out when someone says something "might" happen.

Going for the "we might be entering a recession, so I'm going to double down on my 'Who cares about Wall Street' gaffe" I see.

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