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Double Up? (1 Viewer)

Would you be willing to bunk with another member for the convention?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • No way

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • No - I'm bringing someone with me

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters


Boobie Jubilee
DP Veteran
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville, NC
Political Leaning
In order to be more economical, how many of you would be willing to share a room with another member? I realize it might be a bit uncomfortable sharing a room with someone you've never met before, but looking at the big picture, we'd rather have everyone spend less on their room so that there's more money to spend on the fun things. And thus far, the only hotels we're finding that could accomodate us and our needs are projecting over $100 a night per room. Spending $100-$150 on lodging for the weekend would certainly fit more budgets than $200-$300! Of course, we realize that some of you may be bringing along spouses and/or children, so this doesn't really apply to you, but we're trying to get a good grasp on how many rooms we'll actually need to reserve.
I had to vote "no way". Sorry, I'm a snorer and it's for the best. :doh
I voted not sure. Just depends on who's going and such. I don't mind sharing a room with someone I don't know I just don't want to with someone I wouldn't get along , doesn't party, or nags.
Long as I get my own bunk, I don't care. If that's what our accomodations are looking like, though... I'll need plenty of warning so I have time to try to save money.
Will prob bring wife and 13 year old. :cool:

Sorry aps and mixed, three way might not happen this year. *sniff*
No way! What if I hook up?
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GySgt said:
No way! What if I hook?

Then make the john pay for the room, but we do have laws against that stuff here Mister.:2razz:

Seriously though, that would be odd, but I'm married thankfully.
Deegan said:
Then make the john pay for the room, but we do have laws against that stuff here Mister.:2razz:

Seriously though, that would be odd, but I'm married thankfully.

:lol: I was about to ask how much he charged....for research purposes.
GySgt said:
No way! What if I hook up?

DOH, you had to re-think that phrasing huh?:lol:
Deegan said:
DOH, you had to re-think that phrasing huh?:lol:

Yep. I caught it.
Naughty Nurse said:
Sorry gunny, but I don't think I'll be there.

Dammit. I guess I set myself up.

Besides, like I keep telling 'Billo,' despite his pressuring, I don't swing that way.
Naughty Nurse said:
Take the video camera. Please.

Jesus christ, you boys can't have all the hot guys. Leave some of them for us girls.
Kelzie said:
Jesus christ, you boys can't have all the hot guys. Leave some of them for us girls.

How about sharing?
Kelzie said:
Jesus christ, you boys can't have all the hot guys. Leave some of them for us girls.

Now this is what I'm talking about. :cool:
jallman said:
Just relax gunny...it only hurts for a minute. :rofl

No way. It's got to hurt for longer than that.

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