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Don't worry Teacher... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I knew that flooding you with the facts might be a bit much. First time patients can make or break at treatment depending on how delicate their emotional status is at the time.

No problem, I found a willing participant on another forum. This newbie is probably more in need then you anyway...it's a woman.
So...does this mean we dont have to suffer your presence anymore? :mrgreen:
Originally posted by pstdkid:
I knew that flooding you with the facts might be a bit much. First time patients can make or break at treatment depending on how delicate their emotional status is at the time.

No problem, I found a willing participant on another forum. This newbie is probably more in need then you anyway...it's a woman.
Since your such a ***** I guess you can relate to women.

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