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Don't read this, You Won't care in the slightest. (1 Viewer)


Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
As with all teenagers trends come and go in my hormone ridden body. However, I have returned, though I am sure that it makes no difference whatsoever to you if some egotistical, spoiled American teenager is going to post their so called incoherent, parent influenced, views on politics. (If you've suffered enough of my elementary level writing and have read the end of this, good for you.) If you continue on you'll see, or probably you already have come to understand that I go on and on and on, trying to waste crucial seconds of your time.
liberal1 said:
As with all teenagers trends come and go in my hormone ridden body. However, I have returned, though I am sure that it makes no difference whatsoever to you if some egotistical, spoiled American teenager is going to post their so called incoherent, parent influenced, views on politics. (If you've suffered enough of my elementary level writing and have read the end of this, good for you.) If you continue on you'll see, or probably you already have come to understand that I go on and on and on, trying to waste crucial seconds of your time.

Ummm....Hi. :2wave:

Welcome...I think. :lol:
liberal1 said:
As with all teenagers trends come and go in my hormone ridden body. However, I have returned, though I am sure that it makes no difference whatsoever to you if some egotistical, spoiled American teenager is going to post their so called incoherent, parent influenced, views on politics. (If you've suffered enough of my elementary level writing and have read the end of this, good for you.) If you continue on you'll see, or probably you already have come to understand that I go on and on and on, trying to waste crucial seconds of your time.

Umm, why?
Will you earn gold stars for doing so?



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