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Don't Let The Dems Fool You!! (1 Viewer)

wrong thread
My major criticism here isn't the shutdown itself. The Democrats and the President have shown that they have taken over the "party of no" title holder. They will not compromise, will not negotiate and some say they don't have to - and that's a fair argument. My issue is that it's not even remotely obvious as to what the Republican strategy could be. Granted, short term impacts to you and me are minimal in our every day lives. There are items in the Republicans argument such as the medical device tax which has bipartisan support and other issues such as the exemptions provided and subsidies provided to Congress and staff which have American people ire. What's the end game? I can certainly understand the line in the sand strategy but ultimately Republicans have to fold unless they are willing to default - that would be politically bad for them. They can make it painful for a few days, then fold - then is the strategy to fight again on the ceiling? Ok - that fight isn't much better but at least has a better message.

The Republicans have many things against them - the media is not in their corner, in fact the direct opposite. In order to change anything in an impactful way, both houses of Congress need to be controlled by one party and preferably, with veto proof numbers. That is the place to change policy, not the Presidency. That one party also has to be somewhat cohesive in it's view of what it wants to do. Digging in your heels on principle especially overspending as is going on now is admirable especially when it's evident to most that there are serious economic issues going on including spending and debt.
Many people do not fully understand the ACA. It would seem that public polling will be more accurate
once the exchanges are up and running and all the fees and penalties are in place.
Time will tell.

you may not be intending this, but "We know what's best for you even if you don't" arguments when it involves the government, I don't really entertain...:shrug:

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