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Donate your Jan income to Trump's spiritual adivsor, or face Divine Consequenes (1 Viewer)


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Jul 19, 2014
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This kind of behavior is why a lot of people are getting skeptical about Christians.


Donald Trump's Spiritual Adviser Paula White Suggests People Send Her Their January Salary or Face Consequences From God

Donald Trump’s spiritual adviser has suggested that people send her money in order to transform their lives, or face divine consequences.

Paula White, who heads up the president’s evangelical advisory committee, suggested making a donation to her ministries to honor the religious principle of “first fruit,” which she said is the idea that all firsts belong to God, including the first harvest and, apparently, the first month of your salary.

"Right now I want you to click on that button, and I want you to honor God with his first fruits offering,” she said in a video shared to her website, in which she encourages her followers to donate to her ministries to get blessings from God.

“If God doesn’t divinely step in and intervene, I don’t know what you’re going to face—he does,” she said.
I wouldn't expect anything less from a fake Christian...
Though I think I'll pass...I don't need a 2018 wall calendar...:2razz:

“When you sow a First Fruits Offering of $75 or more, I will rush to you the book, the devotional and also a Paula White 2018 wall calendar! Track throughout the entire year prioritizing God with me!” her website says.
Just the fact that they are Trump apologists says all that needs to be said about their actually stance regarding "sin".

But being gay or thinking a woman should be able to decide what to do with her body - still very evil...:roll:
Wait, you're just now telling us this a year later? I could have avoided all of those divine consequences!
I wouldn't expect anything less from a fake Christian...

like you and your church never threaten anyone to get what you want

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