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Donald Trump. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 10, 2014
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Donald Trump campaign has shown that many ideas which were Politically Incorrect are shared by 5% to 30% of American population. That is not a "lunatic fringe". Give his capital, Donald Trump could have made an excellent news corporation which could have consolidated formerly unacceptable ideas.

Sadly he chose to waste his money on presidential campaign and to provide a victory for Clinton by defeating John Kasich.
Donald Trump campaign has shown that many ideas which were Politically Incorrect are shared by 5% to 30% of American population. That is not a "lunatic fringe". Give his capital, Donald Trump could have made an excellent news corporation which could have consolidated formerly unacceptable ideas.

Sadly he chose to waste his money on presidential campaign and to provide a victory for Clinton by defeating John Kasich.

Kasich defeated Kasich, he ran a horrible campaign. A well known prick trying to sell himself as the "can I give you a hug?" guy was never going to work this year, and that is just the beginning of where he went wrong.
Heh, no one right, left or center has a good explanation for why Kasich was in the race this long. The only possible reasons for it are not good.
Heh, no one right, left or center has a good explanation for why Kasich was in the race this long. The only possible reasons for it are not good.

I was reading a take on this recently, the conclusion being that Kasich is even more a narcissist than Trump is, and less honest too.I mean Fiorina has nothing going on so no loss, but Kasich is supposed to be a governor of a state. One assumes that there is probably some work he should have been doing for the citizens of Ohio while he was spending the last year chasing his dreams with a crap campaign.

THis is the guy we are supposed to promote?

No way.
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Donald Trump campaign has shown that many ideas which were Politically Incorrect are shared by 5% to 30% of American population. That is not a "lunatic fringe". Give his capital, Donald Trump could have made an excellent news corporation which could have consolidated formerly unacceptable ideas.

Sadly he chose to waste his money on presidential campaign and to provide a victory for Clinton by defeating John Kasich.
if it wasn't Trump that defeated Kasich then it would have been Cruz, Rubio, and practically anyone else in the race.
Yeah, maybe someday he'll enlighten us with his reasoning. Maybe we should start a pool. :mrgreen:
1. Donald Trump campaign has shown that many ideas which were Politically Incorrect are shared by 5% to 30% of American population. That is not a "lunatic fringe". Give his capital, Donald Trump could have made an excellent news corporation which could have consolidated formerly unacceptable ideas.

2. Sadly he chose to waste his money on presidential campaign and to provide a victory for Clinton by defeating John Kasich.

1. I think you are underestimating this..

2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch..
1. I think you are underestimating this..

Many ideas called Politically Incorrect were thought to be held by a lunatic fringe are actually held by enough Americans to form a counterculture. Not the culture but a counterculture.
Many ideas called Politically Incorrect were thought to be held by a lunatic fringe are actually held by enough Americans to form a counterculture. Not the culture but a counterculture.

I think that the SJW's are the counterculture, at best..
OK. I hope Trump wins, but I know he has very little chance.

No matter who wins, we stand a good chance of having the worst president in history. There is no doubt in my mind that we have two worst presidential candidates in my lifetime. I certainly wouldn't vote for either one.
No matter who wins, we stand a good chance of having the worst president in history. There is no doubt in my mind that we have two worst presidential candidates in my lifetime. I certainly wouldn't vote for either one.

Obama is a hard act to follow. Do you think the next president can fail any harder?
Donald Trump campaign has shown that many ideas which were Politically Incorrect are shared by 5% to 30% of American population. That is not a "lunatic fringe". Give his capital, Donald Trump could have made an excellent news corporation which could have consolidated formerly unacceptable ideas.

Sadly he chose to waste his money on presidential campaign and to provide a victory for Clinton by defeating John Kasich.

He has used little of his own money, if that provides any comfort to you. He says he has, but that is more so a creative accounting trick that allows him to take "loan" his campaign money. John Kasich did not have the name recognition to win in the first place, even against Ted Cruz alone. He was not well known outside of Ohio.

5 to 30 percent is quite a broad statistic by the way.
5 to 30 percent is quite a broad statistic by the way.

On some Politically Incorrect issues 5% agree, on others fully 30% agree. Donald Trump gives us a voice.
Trump might be my fault. I once lamented that I missed George Dubya's comedic value.

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