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Donald Trump suddenly canceled a mitting with Vladimir Putin due to Russian-Ukrainian crisis. (1 Viewer)

Vlad Dreamer

DP Veteran
Jan 17, 2018
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Spymasters of all nations have multiple ways to get information from/to their assets.....

The mitting between US President Donald Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin that was scheduled this week in Argentina summit of 20 industrialized nations now canceled by American President because of Russian-Ukrainian crisis in Azov and Black Seas regions.


That is good news. There is no way America wants Trump sitting down in private with Putin again, no witnesses, no staff. Given the situation in the Ukraine and the most recent revelations concerning the Mueller investigation Trump has no business meeting privately with Putin. We don't know that there is kompromat on Trump but now is certainly not the time to assume that Trump's skirts are clean.
NOPE. Putin cancelled when he pulled the boner on Sunday.
Somehow I have the feeling anti-Trumpers will see this as a mistake by Trump or proof of his allegiance to Russia. It will be sold as the ultimate American betrayal

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We don't know that there is kompromat on Trump but now is certainly not the time to assume that Trump's skirts are clean.

It may seem to the outside observer that Putin have some kind of kompromat on Tramp. Because Putin frequently behave in international policy as frank thug and Trump not always have adequate reaction on such wrong doings.

However, maybe Tramp don’t just want to escalate relationship with this, as sometimes seems, not quite mentally healthy leader of nuclear world power.

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