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Donald Trump speaks from campaign branded garbage truck (1 Viewer)

Which image was worse for the candidate?



He has more makeup in that unnatural color than I've ever seen on him. Isn't there someone who can tell him how ridiculous it makes him look (Ivanka, maybe as Melania is probably afraid to do so).
Why don't you write him a note.
This is who millions think would make a good President?

It's clear to see the difference in color between his hands and his face.

No makeup on his hands. That's his real color.

He's got so much makeup on his face he looks darker than genuine looking Kamala. He's just so fake looking.

Makes weird sense that he appears fake. That is exactly what he is. He's been claiming there's widespread voter fraud but has never produced anything to support it. Sure, there is sporadic limited fraud that never gets close to the level of anything that would affect the outcome. Sure. incidents can be found. (Often they are maga people.) But there has never been anything to back up Donald's claim of widespread fraud. He's lying. He's a fake. People need to wise up and see him for what he is. A con man, a fake, a liar, and a crook. He's only running to stay out of prison where he belongs.

Let's elect the prosecutor. Let's make sure Donald faces justice. If he's innocent, he'll be set free. He might even be able to buy his way out of prison with high priced lawyers. But he needs to face justice. America needs to see the law and order mean something.
I think it is hilarious. Trump just punks right back!

So, one of his surrogates at a rally says something deeply offensive and there's loads of pushback so Trump decides to double down on the offensiveness and you think that's great do you?

So, one of his surrogates at a rally says something deeply offensive and there's loads of pushback so Trump decides to double down on the offensiveness and you think that's great do you?

I think it is absolutely Marvelous!!!!!
When I saw the photo I thought of the caption "Former President Donald Trump on his first day on his new job!"

he'd be good at it as long as he didn't have to get out of the truck, change gears or steer or anything complex like that. Maybe let him find his favorite radio station.
He can't drive that truck with a Big Mac in both fists.
He can't drive that truck with a Big Mac in both fists.
He had difficulty getting INTO the truck, he almost fell over.

The best thing about this is it's Trump admitting that his supporters are garbage.
He had difficulty getting INTO the truck, he almost fell over.

The best thing about this is it's Trump admitting that his supporters are garbage.
That's one way of looking at it.
Not sure which is more orange...his vest or his face..
Definitely his face. It's not normal. Oh, wait. What was I saying? TFG has never been normal.

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