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Donald Trump Says He’s ‘Open to Doing Something’ on Minimum Wage (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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Within 24 hours of becoming the de facto leader of the Republican Party, Donald J. Trump on Wednesday declared himself open to raising the minimum wage, a flip-flop from his statement during the primaries that the rate was already too high.

And this folks, is the nominee for the Liberal Democrats....... Oops, did I say that? I meant the nominee for the Conservative Republicans. I have been saying for months that Trump is really a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. Now that he is the nominee, he is free to express his TRUE identity, and I still bet that there will be plenty of Republicans who vote for him, only because of an "R" next to his name. Trump needed to run to be a nominee of gullible people, and did he ever find them. LOL. Nothing wrong with hiking the minimum wage, though. The purchasing power of the minimum wage now is just a fraction of what the purchasing power of the minimum wage was in the 1960's.

So, here's the deal. I have been saying all along that Hillary Clinton is going to be the Next President. I am not so sure now. I could have been very wrong about Trump, because I am now sure that Trump is going to win the votes of many Democrats. This race may turn out to be a nail-biter after all.

Article is here.
And this folks, is the nominee for the Liberal Democrats....... Oops, did I say that? I meant the nominee for the Conservative Republicans. I have been saying for months that Trump is really a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. Now that he is the nominee, he is free to express his TRUE identity, and I still bet that there will be plenty of Republicans who vote for him, only because of an "R" next to his name. Trump needed to run to be a nominee of gullible people, and did he ever find them. LOL. Nothing wrong with hiking the minimum wage, though. The purchasing power of the minimum wage now is just a fraction of what the purchasing power of the minimum wage was in the 1960's.

So, here's the deal. I have been saying all along that Hillary Clinton is going to be the Next President. I am not so sure now. I could have been very wrong about Trump, because I am now sure that Trump is going to win the votes of many Democrats. This race may turn out to be a nail-biter after all.

Article is here.

So, in your advanced libtardia, you have translated "something" into all manor of things. LMAO!
Trump is a centrist leaning conservative..
And this folks, is the nominee for the Liberal Democrats....... Oops, did I say that? I meant the nominee for the Conservative Republicans. I have been saying for months that Trump is really a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. Now that he is the nominee, he is free to express his TRUE identity, and I still bet that there will be plenty of Republicans who vote for him, only because of an "R" next to his name. Trump needed to run to be a nominee of gullible people, and did he ever find them. LOL. Nothing wrong with hiking the minimum wage, though. The purchasing power of the minimum wage now is just a fraction of what the purchasing power of the minimum wage was in the 1960's.

So, here's the deal. I have been saying all along that Hillary Clinton is going to be the Next President. I am not so sure now. I could have been very wrong about Trump, because I am now sure that Trump is going to win the votes of many Democrats. This race may turn out to be a nail-biter after all.

Article is here.

Trump will say whatever Trump needs to say to get play. He's always been like this, no one actually knows his platform. He's just playing the Reality-TV candidate. Who knows, since both Hillary and Trump are bottom of the barrel, he may be able to talk himself into the oval office.

Wod such for America, but a Clinton Presidency would also suck for America.
And this folks, is the nominee for the Liberal Democrats....... Oops, did I say that? I meant the nominee for the Conservative Republicans. I have been saying for months that Trump is really a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. Now that he is the nominee, he is free to express his TRUE identity, and I still bet that there will be plenty of Republicans who vote for him, only because of an "R" next to his name. Trump needed to run to be a nominee of gullible people, and did he ever find them. LOL. Nothing wrong with hiking the minimum wage, though. The purchasing power of the minimum wage now is just a fraction of what the purchasing power of the minimum wage was in the 1960's.

So, here's the deal. I have been saying all along that Hillary Clinton is going to be the Next President. I am not so sure now. I could have been very wrong about Trump, because I am now sure that Trump is going to win the votes of many Democrats. This race may turn out to be a nail-biter after all.

Article is here.

I fully expect conservatives in this board to suddenly proclaim that they always wanted to raise the minimum wage. It's the eevul librals who don't.
Sure he is.

Yep he is. And all the lying liberal idiots cannot stop him. All they can do is stamp there little sissy feet and move to Canada.
Yep he is. And all the lying liberal idiots cannot stop him. All they can do is stamp there little sissy feet and move to Canada.

Oh Christ, I walked in on a circle jerk....
Yep he is. And all the lying liberal idiots cannot stop him. All they can do is stamp there little sissy feet and move to Canada.

That's what's up!!
And this folks, is the nominee for the Liberal Democrats....... Oops, did I say that? I meant the nominee for the Conservative Republicans. I have been saying for months that Trump is really a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. Now that he is the nominee, he is free to express his TRUE identity, and I still bet that there will be plenty of Republicans who vote for him, only because of an "R" next to his name. Trump needed to run to be a nominee of gullible people, and did he ever find them. LOL. Nothing wrong with hiking the minimum wage, though. The purchasing power of the minimum wage now is just a fraction of what the purchasing power of the minimum wage was in the 1960's.

So, here's the deal. I have been saying all along that Hillary Clinton is going to be the Next President. I am not so sure now. I could have been very wrong about Trump, because I am now sure that Trump is going to win the votes of many Democrats. This race may turn out to be a nail-biter after all.

Article is here.
I've been saying for awhile that Trump may give Madame Sec'y a run for the money, if not a thrashing!

And I also have been saying Trump is no Republican, and he's no Conservative either!

But I'll tell you: If Trump where to revert to his original position of two months ago of promoting single-payer healthcare, and if I could assure myself he wouldn't throw any more Anton Scalias on the bench, I'd gladly vote for the guy. Seriously. I can occasionally lean pretty far left, I'm far from a Righty or conservative on quite a few issues, and for much of my life I was a card carrying Democrat, including being active in street-level organizing!

So tell me, what is all this saying?
Trump is a centrist leaning conservative..
I don't see this.

If anything, he's all over the map and has sold the GOP whatever it took to get the nomination.
I don't see this.

If anything, he's all over the map and has sold the GOP whatever it took to get the nomination.

Anti illegal immigration..
Pro gun.
Nationalist, america first.
Lowers taxes.
Anti PC..

Conservative where it counts afaic..
I've been saying for awhile that Trump may give Madame Sec'y a run for the money, if not a thrashing!

And I also have been saying Trump is no Republican, and he's no Conservative either!

But I'll tell you: If Trump where to revert to his original position of two months ago of promoting single-payer healthcare, and if I could assure myself he wouldn't throw any more Anton Scalias on the bench, I'd gladly vote for the guy. Seriously. I can occasionally lean pretty far left, I'm far from a Righty or conservative on quite a few issues, and for much of my life I was a card carrying Democrat, including being active in street-level organizing!

So tell me, what is all this saying?

Its saying that if Trump managed to shed 1 or 2 of his worst qualities, he could pull in a lot more from the middle, because Shillary is that bad. And it looks like hes already moving in that direction. Her lead in the polls isn't very big to begin with.

But hey, I'm kind of glad the fighting started so early. If her numbers drop significantly before the convention, the DNC might pull shenanigans and push Bernie through. It could happen lol!
Anti illegal immigration..
Pro gun.
Nationalist, america first.
Lowers taxes.
Anti PC..

Conservative where it counts afaic..
Now that's pretty interesting, because I think I'm pretty far from Conservative, yet your list looks pretty reasonable from where I'm setting - if it's implemented in a reasonable manner.

About the only caveat with it I'd have, is that I'm for lower taxes on the middle-class & working-class, and would like to see those cuts paid for by closing the high-end & corporate loopholes.

But if Trump's looking good to you, and he's also looking pretty dayem interesting to me - maybe there's something going-on here!
Its saying that if Trump managed to shed 1 or 2 of his worst qualities, he could pull in a lot more from the middle, because Shillary is that bad. And it looks like hes already moving in that direction. Her lead in the polls isn't very big to begin with.

But hey, I'm kind of glad the fighting started so early. If her numbers drop significantly before the convention, the DNC might pull shenanigans and push Bernie through. It could happen lol!
Not gonna' happen, but I wish it would!
I don't see this.

If anything, he's all over the map and has sold the GOP whatever it took to get the nomination.

And they swallowed the entire line, no questions asked.

Some Republicans are so desperate for a win, they do not realize what they are buying.
Now that's pretty interesting, because I think I'm pretty far from Conservative, yet your list looks pretty reasonable from where I'm setting - if it's implemented in a reasonable manner.

About the only caveat with it I'd have, is that I'm for lower taxes on the middle-class & working-class, and would like to see those cuts paid for by closing the high-end & corporate loopholes.

But if Trump's looking good to you, and he's also looking pretty dayem interesting to me - maybe there's something going-on here!


So, in your advanced libtardia, you have translated "something" into all manor of things. LMAO!

And in your Trumpeting missed, or chose to ignore, the man has already flip-flopped on this and just about everything else, and fools continue to line up behind him actually believing he's going to act in the people's best interest.

He may as well be wearing a t-shirt that says "Bull****".
Trump is a self promoting egomaniac who will say and do anything to get his name in a headline. What is amazing is that there are people who think he actually has a plan.

Facts much?
I fully expect conservatives in this board to suddenly proclaim that they always wanted to raise the minimum wage. It's the eevul librals who don't.

The minimum wage has been raised many times under both democrat and republican presidents. The parties don't disagree that a minimum should exist. What they argue about is how high it should be. That's true about most issues

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