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Donald Trump in a phone interview on the afternoon of 9/11. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Donald Trump in an interview on the afternoon of 9/11.

Trump was asked in an interview on the afternoon of nine eleven if a building near the world trade center he owned sustained any damage. His reply:

Forty wall street actually was the second tallest building in downtown manhattan, and it was, actually, before the world trade center was the tallest. And then when they built the world trade center it became known as the second tallest, and now it's the tallest.

On one of the worst days in american history he couldn't resist bragging about himself.

And the people who support trump actually think he cares about you? His ego won't even recognize you are alive, all he wants from you is your vote.
Donald Trump in an interview on the afternoon of 9/11.

Trump was asked in an interview on the afternoon of nine eleven if a building near the world trade center he owned sustained any damage. His reply:

Forty wall street actually was the second tallest building in downtown manhattan, and it was, actually, before the world trade center was the tallest. And then when they built the world trade center it became known as the second tallest, and now it's the tallest.

On one of the worst days in american history he couldn't resist bragging about himself.

And the people who support trump actually think he cares about you? His ego won't even recognize you are alive, all he wants from you is your vote.
We notice that you FAILED TO POST THE ACTUAL TRANSCRIPT, so that you could LIE ABOUT WHAT HE SAID...per usual.
We notice that you FAILED TO POST THE ACTUAL TRANSCRIPT, so that you could LIE ABOUT WHAT HE SAID...per usual.

Really grok? Whatever you do, blow me off before you actually check yourself. This is why some folks dismiss you for a blowhard.
Really grok? Whatever you do, blow me off before you actually check yourself. This is why some folks dismiss you for a blowhard.

Oh..my bad!! So you DID post and link to the TRANSCRIPT?

I must have missed it, because only an ACTUAL "BLOWHARD", or would you prefer "LIGHTWEIGHT" , would start a threat ABOUT A QUOTE HE/SHE FAILS TO PROVIDE... wouldn't you say?


(Do you SERIOUSLY DELUDE that I am concerned with what people on an INTERNET FORUM "think about me"? PROJECT MUCH? How pathetic.)
Really grok? Whatever you do, blow me off before you actually check yourself. This is why some folks dismiss you for a blowhard.

You may want to refer to this:
The issue, the point of character, and what mattered on the day Trump boasted about his property is that at a time like the day after 9/11, Trump's instinct was to boast about his own building's height. His remark thus was incredibly prideful unempathetic and selfish, and he uttered it at a time and place whereby whether his building be the tallest was of no matter. It was a remark that lacked even the semblance of gravitas and germanity.
Donald Trump in an interview on the afternoon of 9/11.

Trump was asked in an interview on the afternoon of nine eleven if a building near the world trade center he owned sustained any damage. His reply:

Forty wall street actually was the second tallest building in downtown manhattan, and it was, actually, before the world trade center was the tallest. And then when they built the world trade center it became known as the second tallest, and now it's the tallest.

On one of the worst days in american history he couldn't resist bragging about himself.

And the people who support trump actually think he cares about you? His ego won't even recognize you are alive, all he wants from you is your vote.

This is really old news. Is there a reason you bring it up today?
You may want to refer to this:
The issue, the point of character, and what mattered on the day Trump boasted about his property is that at a time like the day after 9/11, Trump's instinct was to boast about his own building's height. His remark thus was incredibly prideful unempathetic and selfish, and he uttered it at a time and place whereby whether his building be the tallest was of no matter. It was a remark that lacked even the semblance of gravitas and germanity.

I wouldn't give him the pleasure of responding to his rant.
This is really old news. Is there a reason you bring it up today?

Yes, I'm watching a show about 9/11 and I thought his comment was typical of the donald, it's all about me.
This is really old news. Is there a reason you bring it up today?

I would like to address this. I'm a huge fan of "old news," because it refutes any notion that people were not aware of what they were voting for before they voted for him. Far from that notion, people had full advance knowledge that Trump was one of the worst human beings this country had to offer before they voted for him. In other words, ignorance is not a defense.
Oh..my bad!! So you DID post and link to the TRANSCRIPT?

I must have missed it, because only an ACTUAL "BLOWHARD", or would you prefer "LIGHTWEIGHT" , would start a threat ABOUT A QUOTE HE/SHE FAILS TO PROVIDE... wouldn't you say?


(Do you SERIOUSLY DELUDE that I am concerned with what people on an INTERNET FORUM "think about me"? PROJECT MUCH? How pathetic.)
AND, let's not forget this WAS just a few hours after the attacks I recall several who were a little disturbed and discombobulated on that day. But "Trump!:twisted:" right?

Just posting this so that anyone who might be curious can get a little context.

I believe your article states that at best, Donald misunderstood the question, and thought he was being asked about the excellence of his building? I can assure you that no other New Yorker would have responded that way to such a question on 9/11.

For a little real context:

The article also states that Trump's building (which he declared the second highest) has more stories than the actual second highest building in the area. That may or may not be true. Miles uptown, Trump Tower lists the top story as #68, but it is actually #58. Trump was quite upset that the nearby Chrysler building was in fact taller than his tower, so he decided to skip floors 20 - 29 in his tower. In his mind it is therefore the tallest because it's top floor is the higher number.

He seems to have an issue with being seen as having the biggest...well ...just about everything.

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