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Don lemon says rioting has to stop. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 18, 2019
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Pretty pathetic, basically admitting it’s only for political reasons he cares, not because it’s the decent position to take.

The deafening silence from the left is epic, until it “show up in the polling” and they have to pivot.

CNN's Don Lemon warns Dems about ignoring riots nationwide

There is a quote from Cuomo basically justifying the rioting a while back, now he nodding in agreement with lemon.
Pretty pathetic, basically admitting it’s only for political reasons he cares, not because it’s the decent position to take.

The deafening silence from the left is epic, until it “show up in the polling” and they have to pivot.

CNN's Don Lemon warns Dems about ignoring riots nationwide

There is a quote from Cuomo basically justifying the rioting a while back, now he nodding in agreement with lemon.

So it's a bad thing that Lemon is calling for an end to the riots?

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