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DOGE drops hammer on former Obama, Clinton aides hoping to get onboard (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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MEMO. You need not apply. 😃

Trump learned his lesson from 2016 when he kept Obama holdover’s who undermined his agenda at every juncture.

Not this time traitors.

This is a good thing right?


The newly created Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) won’t include two prominent Democrat activists whose request to join the government cost cutting efforts was soundly rejected by the incoming administration.

With President-elect Donald J. Trump set to officially take office on Monday, the business of eliminating bureaucratic waste is set to begin and DOGE has been looking to hire people dedicated to what Trump described as potentially the “Manhattan Project of our time,” but the two leftist trolls won’t be included

MEMO. You need not apply. 😃

Trump learned his lesson from 2016 when he kept Obama holdover’s who undermined his agenda at every juncture.

Not this time traitors.

This is a good thing right?


He learned his lesson from the first time. The left is so corrupt that they'll harm America and Americans to try to stay in control. Even if it means deliberately defying the orders of the President. The first time they did Trump Russian Collusion, broke the law by lying to the FISA court, fabricated the Steele Dossier, ran a special investigation into their fabricated Trump Russian Collusion, put the President through two impeachments, lied about the Hunter Biden Laptop, drummed up long dead and expired offenses and that's just a few of the things they did to try to screw up a President's administration. Despite all that, and democrats winning in 2024 Donald J Trump came back and with an Americxan voting public saw through the BS and send Trump back to the White House to clean up the mess democrats made of this nation.
Trump has no interest in uniting the country, or working with congress, or achieving a consensus, or lowering prices, or healthcare, or infrastructure, or the United States.

Trump wants to run things like Putin and Xi run their countries: By fiat, by executive order, by bullying and threats and retribution.

This is what American voters signed up for. Let's see how it goes.
Trump has no interest in uniting the country, or working with congress, or achieving a consensus, or lowering prices, or healthcare, or infrastructure, or the United States.

Trump wants to run things like Putin and Xi run their countries: By fiat, by executive order, by bullying and threats and retribution.

This is what American voters signed up for. Let's see how it goes.
It going to be good times.

Can’t wait. 😃
DOGE is “dropping the hammer” on one of its founders.

Kudos on your new source!
DOGE is “dropping the hammer” on one of its founders.

Kudos on your new source!
He would make a great Governor for Ohio.

"One of the sources said Ramaswamy’s plan was to “get accomplishments at DOGE” and then announce his gubernatorial bid."

"A second source close to Ramaswamy noted the run would only come after achieving some wins in DOGE for the president and the American people."

MEMO. You need not apply. 😃

Trump learned his lesson from 2016 when he kept Obama holdover’s who undermined his agenda at every juncture.

Not this time traitors.

This is a good thing right?


I really have to shake my head when the media shows that they are totally ignorant about who people are.

They call Norm Eisen a "former Obama, Clinton aide". sigh... That's like calling Nancy Pelosi "just another House Member".

Eisen directed the legal attack on Trump during the first impeachment. Eisen has been involved in every lawfare attack against Trump and most especially the Jack Smith persecution.

Believe me, Eisen sending this letter to the DOGE..."offering his services"...isn't about him working with DOGE. It's a manipulation...a setup. He knew damned well when he sent that letter that they weren't going to welcome him aboard. He's laying the groundwork for his own upcoming attacks on the Trump administration.
He learned his lesson from the first time. The left is so corrupt that they'll harm America and Americans to try to stay in control. Even if it means deliberately defying the orders of the President. The first time they did Trump Russian Collusion, broke the law by lying to the FISA court, fabricated the Steele Dossier, ran a special investigation into their fabricated Trump Russian Collusion, put the President through two impeachments, lied about the Hunter Biden Laptop, drummed up long dead and expired offenses and that's just a few of the things they did to try to screw up a President's administration. Despite all that, and democrats winning in 2024 Donald J Trump came back and with an Americxan voting public saw through the BS and send Trump back to the White House to clean up the mess democrats made of this nation.
Pure projection, remember stop the steal? There was and still is zero evidence the election was stolen from trump and yet millions still believe it was stolen from him, so please, take your bullshit elsewhere.

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