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Does Trump support women? (1 Viewer)

Does Trump support women?

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So your associating a daughter who shows admiration for her father, as some sort of sick incestuous family dynamic.

When you watch the speech, there is actually nothing wrong there...

Good luck with that.
Actually whether liberals like it or not women are the reason Trump was elected.

Not to mention the legal immigrant woman, that had to be a nasty blow to the democrats as well.
Wait.. wouldn't that vacate like half the seats in congress???

I like the idea of shaking this particular tree.

yes it would since those who would publicly advocate such an idea would be voted out.

Yeah, he's 71 year old, old school male. Next time you go into a diner and there are a group of older men sitting there, when they call the waitress "honey", you better set them straight!
Sure - if you consider the boost from grabbing at the crotch area supportive.

I know the grab on the airplane was widely reported.

Has any witness come forward on this event?

I've posted on this board before that if this happened on a flight on which I was a passenger, I would remember it.

Is there a link to a person who was on the flight who actually witnessed this?

Trump confessed to the activity I referred to in his infamous Access Hollywood moment.
Not an issue, just information pertaining to an earlier postulation.

Please check the back log.

I really do not care about the age of ones head .... for me its more about what is in it and how it is used.

If the woman knows.
Trump ............. not so much .................

Howard Hughes ............... now there is a man that supported women :2razz:

So, then, no.

A confession from the perpetrator is excellent evidence. Denial of that obvious confession is a sign of willful mental illness and delusion.
A confession from the perpetrator is excellent evidence. Denial of that obvious confession is a sign of willful mental illness and delusion.

Trump has said many things.

It's enlightening to know that you have believed every single one of them simply because he said them.

He also said that Hillary is a crooked.

Do you also believe, based on Trump saying it, that she should be indicted, tried and sentenced to hard time?

Just wondering how far your gullible acceptance extends...

When a man confesses to his own sins - then I tend to believe that man. His pronouncements about Clinton are NOT him revealing and admitting his own failings.
When a man confesses to his own sins - then I tend to believe that man. His pronouncements about Clinton are NOT him revealing and admitting his own failings.

Was he confessing to sins or bragging about conquests?

The two things differ "bigly".
Was he confessing to sins or bragging about conquests?

The two things differ "bigly".

Were you in a coma during that period of October of 2016?
Trump does not support women.
I would argue that the first wave of feminist were actually working for a good ends, but today this current form of feminism is like a massive turd just floating in the punch bowl.

First and second wave feminism were fine. They were fighting for something legitimate. But feminism achieved their goals but didn't want to lie down and die like it should have, so it started looking for new things to be against because the members were dedicated to the name, not the cause. It didn't matter what it fought for so long as it continued to exist and fight. And that's what brought on third and fourth wave feminism, which as you say, are complete crap. This is what happens when people get emotionally attached to a label, so much so that they don't care what the label means or even what it stands for.
If the woman knows.

True, and this is why I don't oppose the Lilly Ledbetter Act. If and when they do find out there was sexual discrimination they are not limited by the statute of limitations.

This is one of those weird complex issues for me. I think the government shouldn't be involved in a private contract between the employer and employee and that discrimination laws aren't necessary. If we are going to have them though I feel stuff like the Lilly Ledbetter Act is necessary to ensure businesses follow them if that makes sense.

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