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Does the President have much effect on the price of gasoline? (1 Viewer)

Does the President have much effect on the price of gasoline?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Oct 5, 2005
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Political Leaning
Do you think the President of the United States has much control over the price of gasoline?

Please explain your answer.


"Control," no.
"Potential to create policy that impacts," yes.
It depends. If a president pursues a conservation minded energy policy like new CAFE standards, and other forms of efficiency mandates, then yes, it is possible that a president in the long term can have an effect on gas prices.

However, in the case of the current high gas prices, no, the president does not have a real effect on the current gas prices.
Simon W. Moon said:
"Control," no.
"Potential to create policy that impacts," yes.

Well put.

When the president and his cabinet are all in bed with the oil industry, YES. When they have secret energy meetings, YES. Not every president has the control, but this one does. Obviously policies in the OPEC regions affect the price of crude oil.
bush and the saudi oil consortium are personal friends
bush is god of oil
he controls every drop that comes from the refineries and controls the levers that allow
a handfull of american oil companies to plunder america

send the marines in to take control of america's oil companies then they the marines will be fighting on america's side for freedom
once we the people take back america's wealth from those companies
and others then will america be on the road to freedom
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President Bush and the administration say we areat WAR. Congress passed some kind of act approving it.If thats the case,The President has a bunch of War powers he can use to do all kinds of things.
Also, The President and the Oil companies are in cahoots with each other. He won't do anything that might hurt their profits,unless absolutly forced to. They are making 200%,300% profits. The energy secretary is an obvious stooge of theirs .The Energy Bill gave them billions in Tax relief .They have it made .The Republicans are showing why their called the big business party.Those that didn't believe it. Are going to be convinced this winter .As they freeze in their homes ,because. They cant aford the high price of home heating fuel .
JOHNYJ said:
President Bush and the administration say we areat WAR. Congress passed some kind of act approving it.If thats the case,The President has a bunch of War powers he can use to do all kinds of things.
Also, The President and the Oil companies are in cahoots with each other. He won't do anything that might hurt their profits,unless absolutly forced to. They are making 200%,300% profits. The energy secretary is an obvious stooge of theirs .The Energy Bill gave them billions in Tax relief .They have it made .The Republicans are showing why their called the big business party.Those that didn't believe it. Are going to be convinced this winter .As they freeze in their homes ,because. They cant aford the high price of home heating fuel .
Please continue to neglect the fact that half of the Democrats jumped the fence to approve the Energy Bill...The final tally on the Senate floor was 74-26...this was after it passed through the House with a vote of 275-156...
cnredd said:
Please continue to neglect the fact that half of the Democrats jumped the fence to approve the Energy Bill...The final tally on the Senate floor was 74-26...this was after it passed through the House with a vote of 275-156...

The Dem/Rep divide isn't what people are saying it is.

I don't think that there's really anyone out there on the national stage that's representing the best interests of the nation. The Dems & Reps are both subject to the exact same corrupting influences.

Why else is it that w/ more than half of the country now realizing it was a mistake to invade Iraq and more than half of Americans thinking that we should begin some sort of withdrawal / downsizing that there are virtually no prominent US politicians on the national level who are backing either of these two positions?

Despite the hype to the contrary, for the most part, national-level Dems were in favor of invading, have wanted to increase troop levels and have not expressed a desire to begin pulling troops out.

It's yet again, the electorate v. the politicians.

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