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Does Pootler suffer from Parkinson disease ? Picture ! If yes , what does it mean for the world politic and Moscow empire ? (1 Viewer)

Does Pootler suffer from Parkinson disease ?

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Sep 2, 2017
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Does Pootler suffer from Parkinson disease ? Picture ! If yes , what does it mean for the world politic and Moscow empire ?


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Does Pootler suffer from Parkinson disease ? Picture ! If yes , what does it mean for the world politic and Moscow empire ?


View attachment 67387527
Well, if Putin is indeed very ill, and either knows/thinks his best days are numbered/behind him, and he has a bucket list of ill will within---being the brutal, murderous sociopath he is certainly doesn't bode well for not only Ukraine, but for the world at large. The not so subtle dog whistling of using nuclear weapons is most unsettling, to say the least.
Well, if Putin is indeed very ill, and either knows/thinks his best days are numbered/behind him, and he has a bucket list of ill will within---being the brutal, murderous sociopath he is certainly doesn't bode well for not only Ukraine, but for the world at large. The not so subtle dog whistling of using nuclear weapons is most unsettling, to say the least.

Logician, you said it better than I could. I'm so afraid he'll think he's got nothing to lose and will pull out the nukes.

Gosh, I pray we're wrong about that.
dont worry about "nukes" I am from the East Europe so I know the drill. ponty....

Of course, I do not know whether that entity has Parkinson's.

But IF he does, some Parkinson's patients eventually develop dementia.

If he does, his "friends" will soon desert him.

Even though I -- like all decent human beings -- abhor that entity, his only hope is that his mistress and/or his children will care for him.

It will be a very pitiful ending.
If he does, the images in the OP don't prove it or even tend to raise a question about it. A pic of Putin holding the edge of a table and with a raised foot? That isn't much evidence, to put it mildly.
Of course, I do not know whether that entity has Parkinson's.

But IF he does, some Parkinson's patients eventually develop dementia.

If he does, his "friends" will soon desert him.

Even though I -- like all decent human beings -- abhor that entity, his only hope is that his mistress and/or his children will care for him.

It will be a very pitiful ending.
desert him, or kill him ? like it always has happened with weak tsars ?

a classical example :

dont worry about "nukes" I am from the East Europe so I know the drill. ponty....

If Pooty has gone down the rabbit hole of believing Russia is at war with the West and he's fighting for survival, then nukes could be a factor.
If Pooty has gone down the rabbit hole of believing Russia is at war with the West and he's fighting for survival, then nukes could be a factor.
pooty fights a colonial war, i watched today RT they lough when they talk about nukes like they all know that pooty is bluffing
It seems POOTLER could really use a large, warm mug of polonium tea. Yes, karma is exceeding cruel; often kinda slow.

Why is Putin called Pootler here?
Maybe doctored video?

Of course, I do not know whether that entity has Parkinson's.

But IF he does, some Parkinson's patients eventually develop dementia.

If he does, his "friends" will soon desert him.

Even though I -- like all decent human beings -- abhor that entity, his only hope is that his mistress and/or his children will care for him.

It will be a very pitiful ending.

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