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Does Herschel Walker stand a chance if he wins the republican primary? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Does he even stand a chance of winning the republican primary in georgia?
Good question. I looked up the Los Vegas betting site. Here's what they have to say: >>
Walker, a Republican, is hoping to use his professional and personal ties to President Donald Trump to unseat GA Senator Raphael Warnock, who “won” the Georgia Senate special election runoff in 2021. Whether Walker can pull off the “upset” (he feels like an underdog even though he’s the current betting favorite) remains to be seen, but the best online election sportsbooks are all taking bets.
Good question. I looked up the Los Vegas betting site. Here's what they have to say: >>
Walker, a Republican, is hoping to use his professional and personal ties to President Donald Trump to unseat GA Senator Raphael Warnock, who “won” the Georgia Senate special election runoff in 2021. Whether Walker can pull off the “upset” (he feels like an underdog even though he’s the current betting favorite) remains to be seen, but the best online election sportsbooks are all taking bets.
If Walker shows up for a debate, and enough people pay attention, he gets beat badly. The people of Georgia are smarter than electing Walker. The problem is enough of them may not pay attention.
If Georgia can somehow conduct a fair election Walker has a great chance.
If Georgia can somehow conduct a fair election Walker has a great chance.
That'll work out well for Georgia then. They'll have the two dumbest politicians in DC. MTG and Walker. Neither have a clue.
He'll be running against a communist who won in a special (especially f'd up) election in 2020. Whoever runs will have a great chance.
What is the point? Bringing someone with integrity and an understanding of senate business to Washington, or just owning the libs? To right wingers, I believe it's the ladder.
Good question. I looked up the Los Vegas betting site. Here's what they have to say: >>
Walker, a Republican, is hoping to use his professional and personal ties to President Donald Trump to unseat GA Senator Raphael Warnock, who “won” the Georgia Senate special election runoff in 2021. Whether Walker can pull off the “upset” (he feels like an underdog even though he’s the current betting favorite) remains to be seen, but the best online election sportsbooks are all taking bets.
Why do you suppose your source has won in quotation marks?
What is the point? Bringing someone with integrity and an understanding of senate business to Washington, or just owning the libs? To right wingers, I believe it's the ladder.
In this case we will get both.
Republican voters do not seem to care if a candidate has any experience, credibility or intelligence, i.e. Trump, Rand Paul, Cawthorne, Marjorie Traitor Greene, Boebert, etc.

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