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Does anyone care if all the ducks die? (1 Viewer)


Buttermilk Man
DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2015
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Olympia Wa
Political Leaning
The ones you ride in, basically WW2 amphibious vehicles I hear....

Well, maybe they are about done:

A verdict for the controversial Ride the Ducks case came in Thursday afternoon, declaring the company negligent in a 2015 crash on the Aurora Bridge that killed five people, and injured over 60.

Jurors concluded that Ride the Ducks Seattle shouldered 33 percent of the liability for the crash, while Ride the Ducks International — who built the actual duck boat — was responsible for 67 percent.

The jury’s ruling determined that Ride the Ducks International provided a product that was unsafe to the victims of the 2015 crash.

Damages will be paid to the 40 victims involved the lawsuit, with amounts ranging from thousands to millions of dollars. The Seattle Times reports that the total amount ended up being close to $115 million
Ride the Ducks found to be negligent in fatal 2015 crash
I have seen those things... I would never ride in one myself, They should be held responsible, however,, I wonder what the paperwork says (You know,, the small print )that people have to sign before riding in one of those things.

There has to be some kind of release form that passengers sign, right?


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