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Does anyone care anymore that Trump said "Grab them by the *****"? (1 Viewer)

Does anyone even still care? Was my other poll all for nothing?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • No

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2020
Reaction score
Political Leaning
A little while ago, I started an ongoing poll, asking whether anyone could justify this comment of Trump's. I got a lot of comments, such as, "Who cares about that anymore?", and, "His supporters never really took much notice of that", and "Ha-ha, stupid libtards still going on about that are thay [sic]." So, my question to you is, does anyone really care about that comment anymore? Is it - that is, do you still find it - relevant?
Things to care about:

- How his tariffs have been just the garbage everyone who understands economy knew they would be.
- How he has ruined relations with China and Iran and how his relationships with Russia are much worse than he promised.
- How he has constantly changed people in his squad, showing that he has clear idea about how to reach the Foreign Policy he wants.
- How awful it was to have bs lockdowns for a bs virus.
A little while ago, I started an ongoing poll, asking whether anyone could justify this comment of Trump's. I got a lot of comments, such as, "Who cares about that anymore?", and, "His supporters never really took much notice of that", and "Ha-ha, stupid libtards still going on about that are thay [sic]." So, my question to you is, does anyone really care about that comment anymore? Is it - that is, do you still find it - relevant?

For what it's worth. I care enough to acknowledge that it actually happened.
Well no one cares that Pres zipper boy shot his cum in the oval office so it's a wash

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