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Documents Show Valerie Plame WAS Covert (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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Time to poke a hole in the Bushevik spin about Valerie Plame.

Newly released papers show that Valerie Plame was not only covert, but had done covert work matters concerning the proliferation of WMD's for 5 years, up until the day she was outed. Not only that, but the CIA was making what are referred to as "specific efforts" to keep her identity concealed.

The Neocons are quick to point out that those who critisize the government are antiAmerican, but real antiamericanism stems from the efforts to support what the administration did, and support it by any means necessary.

Traitors? Treason? You bet your ass they are, and it is.

Article is here.
White House 'Discovers' 250 Emails Related to Plame Leak
By Jason Leopold t r u t h o u t | Report Friday 24 February 2006

The White House turned over last week 250 pages of emails from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office. Senior aides had sent the emails in the spring of 2003 related to the leak of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald revealed during a federal court hearing Friday.

The emails are said to be explosive, and may prove that Cheney played an active role in the effort to discredit Plame Wilson’s husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, a vocal critic of the Bush administration’s prewar Iraq intelligence, sources close to the investigation said.

Sources close to the probe said the White House “discovered” the emails two weeks ago and turned them over to Fitzgerald last week. The sources added that the emails could prove that Cheney lied to FBI investigators when he was interviewed about the leak in early 2004. Cheney said that he was unaware of any effort to discredit Wilson or unmask his wife’s undercover status to reporters.

Some of the emails that were turned over to Fitzgerald contained references to Plame Wilson's identity and CIA status, and developments related to the inability of ground forces to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq after the start of the war in March 2003.

According to sources, the emails also contained suggestions by senior officials in Cheney’s office, and at the National Security Council, on how the White House should respond to what it believed were increasingly destructive comments Wilson had been making about the administration's pre-war Iraq intelligence.

Last month, Fitzgerald disclosed in court documents that he discovered from witnesses in the case that some emails related to Wilson and his wife, written by senior aides in Cheney’s office and sent to other officials at the National Security Council, had not been turned over to investigators by the White House.

“In an abundance of caution,” Fitzgerald's January 23 letter to Libby's defense team states, “we advise you that we have learned that not all email of the Office of the Vice President and the Executive Office of the President for certain time periods in 2003 was preserved through the normal archiving process on the White House computer system.”

Sources close to the case said that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales withheld numerous emails from Fitzgerald’s probe citing “executive privilege” and “national security” concerns. These sources said that as of Friday there are still some emails that have not been turned over to Fitzgerald because they contain classified information in addition to references about the Wilsons.

Chaney lied. How much longer are we going to tolerate the criminal element within our Administration? Mid-terms are coming up, let the voice of real America speak out.
The "e-mails could prove..." "According to sources..." According to "close sources..." :lol: I love truthout.com. :roll:
Originally posted by KCConservative:
The "e-mails could prove..." "According to sources..." According to "close sources..." I love truthout.com.
Your like a little fish flopping on the deck of a boat trying to find water. The emails were turned over to the investigation committee. That's a pretty hard thing to lie about, don't you think? And why treat something false when you have no clue as to whether it is or isn't. If something this important is false, you should at least KNOW it is, before you ACT like it is.
Initially, I was sure she was covert. But then the cons made me question if she was covert (how could I have let them do that to me? I am ashamed. :3oops:) But when you think about it, why would this case have been referred for an investigation if she was NOT covert. I would think there would be no point to investigate the leaking of her name if she was not covert.
OK, so what do we do if we find that the VP committed treason?
Originally posted by Cassapolis
OK, so what do we do if we find that the VP committed treason?
Mid-terms are coming up. Vote out all incumbants. Both parties. Everyone. That will get their attention. If it doesn't, we do it again in 2008. And we keep doing it until they start representing the people of this country instead of the corporations of this country.

And we better get involved in our government pretty quick before they outsource all our jobs and turn us into a third world nation.
Billo_Really said:
Mid-terms are coming up. Vote out all incumbants. Both parties. Everyone. That will get their attention. If it doesn't, we do it again in 2008. And we keep doing it until they start representing the people of this country instead of the corporations of this country.

And we better get involved in our government pretty quick before they outsource all our jobs and turn us into a third world nation.

Ummmm.....what does that have to do with Dick Cheney?
Originally posted by Cassapolis
Ummmm.....what does that have to do with Dick Cheney?
You asked what do we do about Cheney committing treason. We could write our Representatives and get that standard form letter back thanking us for our concern, then turn on CNN and watch them do nothing about it. What good will that do? What gets their attention, is re-election votes. Mid-terms are a few months away. That is the quickest way we have on the table to actually do something about the criminal government we have elected.

This problem with Cheney is the same problem we have with Bush and Congress. We the people do not hold them accountable for their actions. We have allowed them to think that they could do whatever they want. But by the same token, we can not allow it. By voting.

We can try to have him impeached. But we don't have a Congress that's willing do to that.

So what would you do with Cheney? Let me hear your solution. If you don't have one, or one as bad as mine, don't worry, I won't crucify you for it. It's OK not to know. It's not OK, to act like you do when you don't. Which is a tactic many around here succomb too.
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