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Do you think lessening regulations of energy production is worth the easier production of energy? (1 Viewer)

Justin Jared

Sep 10, 2019
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Is cheaper, more available, and proven methods of producing energy being used to produce energy worth less regulatory mandates levied on those who want to create, drill for, and search for energy?

No regulation on energy producers means it can go forward with toxifying the United States with toxin, burdensome environmental concerns, and hurt it's people, lands, and environment.

Do you think it's work it?

Easy production of energy?

More production of energy?

Lenient production of energy?
Is cheaper, more available, and proven methods of producing energy being used to produce energy worth less regulatory mandates levied on those who want to create, drill for, and search for energy?

No regulation on energy producers means it can go forward with toxifying the United States with toxin, burdensome environmental concerns, and hurt it's people, lands, and environment.

Do you think it's work it?

Easy production of energy?

More production of energy?

Lenient production of energy?

The answer to your thread title question is...it depends on what regulatory mandates are being lessened. Perhaps you can provide facts and data that show what regulations have been lessened. Also, can you support the highlighted statement? You know...with facts? Can you show that anyone advocates for "No regulation on energy producers..."?

Look. I know the temptation to engage in hyperbole is great, but you should really try to resist the urge. Hyperbole is NOT your friend in a discussion.
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Death of Shale Postponed… Again

Guest “oils well that ends well ” by David Middleton The Red Chinese coronavirus has led to a lot of wishful thinking on the part of “journalists” over the past few months… Shale May Not Recover From Pandemicby Nick Cunningham | July 15, 2020 The U.S. oil industry may have already peaked, with an all-time…

Risk to Alaskan polar bear cubs from oil exploration in coastal Wildlife Refuge is small

A bill recently introduced to US Congress (30 July 2020) is supposedly meant to “safeguard the Beaufort Sea polar bear’s denning habitat”. However, the bill is named the “Polar Bear Cub Survival Act”, which tells us this is an appeal to emotions rather than a call for rational decision-making. In fact, few Southern Beaufort Sea polar bear cubs are born on land in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and the risks to them from oil exploration is not overwhelming.
Deregulation and Regulation are two sides to the same coin and really require the same sort of thought process in order to implement. That said, deregulation is far easier than regulation. You just decide if you are going to deregulate with a stick of dynamite or a scalpel.

Overzealous regulation or overzealous deregulation are both harmful. Everybody including Obama said we were due for a round of deregulation going into 2017. However, Trump and his cronies have deregulated with sticks of dynamite stuffing as much cash into the hands of his cronies as he could as fast as he could with little care for anything else.

Regulation and deregulation down well can both yield benefit. Both done poorly or corruptly can be and often are very damaging. We will be paying for deregulating with sticks of dynamite for a long long time.
Is cheaper, more available, and proven methods of producing energy being used to produce energy worth less regulatory mandates levied on those who want to create, drill for, and search for energy?

No regulation on energy producers means it can go forward with toxifying the United States with toxin, burdensome environmental concerns, and hurt it's people, lands, and environment.

Do you think it's work it?

Easy production of energy?

More production of energy?

Lenient production of energy?

TBH, your OP is so generically written I cannot even come up with a statement or question to help you try to focus the thread. I have zero idea what you are even trying to get at.

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