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Do you think its right the US government has been training to disarm American Citizen (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
I think its against the law, but when has the law ever stopped the government. The Constitution is toilet paper in our leaders.

What are you going to do when they come to disarm you?
I've got guns for that. :)

What is your point?
vauge said:
I've got guns for that. :)

What is your point?

Dude, thats not going to help this time.
They are ready for resistance...and planning for it.
Robodoon said:
Dude, thats not going to help this time.
They are ready for resistance...and planning for it.

Your tinfoil hat is obviously on wayyyyy to tight. Stop squeezing your junk so hard and let the blood flow to your brain
Calm2Chaos said:
Your tinfoil hat is obviously on wayyyyy to tight. Stop squeezing your junk so hard and let the blood flow to your brain

Look here they are training.


Dutch Marine in OAKLAND CALIFORNIA, says Disarmament Training going well.

Foreign troops on US Soil working with US Military and Oakland police in training to disarm Americans an put us in CAMPS!

Over the loud speaker it says:

Attention Attention Attention, US FORCES are here to help, we will not tolerate civil disobediance. Attention Attention Attention....

BUT THERE ARE FOREIGN TROOPS THERE, and its illigal to merge US military and local police, and the troops there say they are getting USE TO working together.

And when asked if they will disarm Americans by force, the troopers LAUGH and say "We better not answer that one"

And when asked "do you always use force ?", the trooper says "only if the people are saying they don't want help" :shock:

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