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Do you think Christmas has become too commercial? (1 Viewer)

Has Christmas become too commercial?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
United States of America and proud of it!
Political Leaning
OK, there's been a lot of talk about Christmas on this forum. I thought I would see if you guys, in particular the ones that are Christian, think that Christmas has become too dominated by commercialism. Pope Benedict has recently stated that he thinks that it has:


I think in some ways it has, in fact, become too commercial. I think we should get back to the real meaning of Christmas, which I think is to be generous to your fellow man and to think about Jesus.
George_Washington said:
OK, there's been a lot of talk about Christmas on this forum. I thought I would see if you guys, in particular the ones that are Christian, think that Christmas has become too dominated by commercialism. Pope Benedict has recently stated that he thinks that it has:


I think in some ways it has, in fact, become too commercial. I think we should get back to the real meaning of Christmas, which I think is to be generous to your fellow man and to think about Jesus.

The real meaning of Christmas? you mean like the Pagan Holiday about winter's arrival? You know, setting up trees, santa and all that?
libertarian_knight said:
The real meaning of Christmas? you mean like the Pagan Holiday about winter's arrival? You know, setting up trees, santa and all that?

To be honest...we Pagans are just laughing about the whole uproar this year with Christmas....and go about celebrating as we always have.The banter does add a bit more Joy to the holiday though, as far as discussion around the fire....heh
tecoyah said:
To be honest...we Pagans are just laughing about the whole uproar this year with Christmas....and go about celebrating as we always have.The banter does add a bit more Joy to the holiday though, as far as discussion around the fire....heh

I'm just curious, exactly what kind of pagan are you?
libertarian_knight said:
The real meaning of Christmas? you mean like the Pagan Holiday about winter's arrival? You know, setting up trees, santa and all that?

That's what I've been saying, though I don't think Santa originated with the pagans, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Christmas was established to compete with the pagan holidays, and Jesus just happened to be the perfect thing to say "nuh uh, our celebration is different!" (OK, maybe not that last bit necessarily, but you get the idea...)

Religion has never played a part in my family's celebration of the day. Yes, I say I celebrate Christmas, but I celebrate what I believe the true meaning behind it is, which would be about peace, love, and family...all that good stuff that gives you warm fuzzies.

And sure, I'm all about the commercial aspects of it. I love sending out holiday cards to let people know I'm thinking of them and that I care about them. I'm all about giving gifts to show the same. I don't think that makes me wrong, though.
Stace said:
That's what I've been saying, though I don't think Santa originated with the pagans, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Christmas was established to compete with the pagan holidays, and Jesus just happened to be the perfect thing to say "nuh uh, our celebration is different!" (OK, maybe not that last bit necessarily, but you get the idea...)

Religion has never played a part in my family's celebration of the day. Yes, I say I celebrate Christmas, but I celebrate what I believe the true meaning behind it is, which would be about peace, love, and family...all that good stuff that gives you warm fuzzies.

And sure, I'm all about the commercial aspects of it. I love sending out holiday cards to let people know I'm thinking of them and that I care about them. I'm all about giving gifts to show the same. I don't think that makes me wrong, though.

Believe me, I think Christmas is a wondeful Holiday, for all the reasons Christmas is supposed to be celecbrated: Warm Fuzzies, gift giving, charity, peace, Pagan Reasons, Chrsitian Reasons, Jewish Reasons, it's all good.. I just can't STAND the commericalism that overwhelms it and the crappy Christmas music. F*** JINGLE BELLS DAMMIT!

libertarian_knight said:
Believe me, I think Christmas is a wondeful Holiday, for all the reasons Christmas is supposed to be celecbrated: Warm Fuzzies, gift giving, charity, peace, Pagan Reasons, Chrsitian Reasons, Jewish Reasons, it's all good.. I just can't STAND the commericalism that overwhelms it and the crappy Christmas music. F*** JINGLE BELLS DAMMIT!


*sings* Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg....

whoops. Sorry! :mrgreen:
I think it has, but I could never say so publically, as I sell Christmas merchandise.:3oops:

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