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Do you think children in pre school should be taught about AIDS? (1 Viewer)

Do you think the publc school system should teach pre school children about AIDS?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • No

    Votes: 24 82.8%

  • Total voters

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I just heard on the news that the school system in New York want to teach pre school children about AIDS.......What do you think?
Navy Pride said:
I just heard on the news that the school system in New York want to teach pre school children about AIDS.......What do you think?

They're too little. It's bad enough we have to warn them about the bad people who may try to touch their privates! Can't we just let them maintain a little bit of innocence till they're older?
talloulou said:
They're too little. It's bad enough we have to warn them about the bad people who may try to touch their privates! Can't we just let them maintain a little bit of innocence till they're older?

Ditto dat!
Navy Pride said:
I just heard on the news that the school system in New York want to teach pre school children about AIDS.......What do you think?

Sounds like a scam for someone to line their pockets.
Navy Pride said:
I just heard on the news that the school system in New York want to teach pre school children about AIDS.......What do you think?

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! Pre school children do not have the capability to understand the complexities of the topic. We cannot begin to approach ideas such as sexual irresponsibility, stigma, the complex history of how aids patients were treated...hell we cant even expect pre-shoolers to understand the raw mechanics of how the disease works. As tall* said, let them have some innocence while they can.
Couldn't find anything on the internet about it. Would you mind posting a source Navy?
Kelzie said:
Couldn't find anything on the internet about it. Would you mind posting a source Navy?

maybe it was about using teacher "aids" like pictures and alphabet boards and what not:rofl
Navy Pride said:
I just heard on the news that the school system in New York want to teach pre school children about AIDS.......What do you think?
I think it's very good to teach young school children about infectious diseases.
jfuh said:
I think it's very good to teach young school children about infectious diseases.

Really! 'Cause I think they are much better served learning how to properly brush their teeth and hair and possibly tie their shoes before we overload them with info on infectious disease. :rofl
jallman said:
ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! Pre school children do not have the capability to understand the complexities of the topic. We cannot begin to approach ideas such as sexual irresponsibility, stigma, the complex history of how aids patients were treated...hell we cant even expect pre-shoolers to understand the raw mechanics of how the disease works. As tall* said, let them have some innocence while they can.

I agree.........
Kelzie said:
Couldn't find anything on the internet about it. Would you mind posting a source Navy?

kelzie I heard it on the news this morning........If I can find a link I will post it.......

Four and Five year old children don't need to be hearing about AIDS.........They should be learning how to wash their hands after going to the bathroom......
talloulou said:
Really! 'Cause I think they are much better served learning how to properly brush their teeth and hair and possibly tie their shoes before we overload them with info on infectious disease. :rofl
You don't teach your kids to wash thier hands when returning home from outdoors or prior to eating? To avoid handling objects in public areas? To cover thier mouths when they sneeze or cough? What do you think the purpose of those teachings are? Simple etiquette?
DO you honestly believe that teachers that teach school kids about AIDs will be showing them images that are unsuitable for them?
jfuh said:
You don't teach your kids to wash thier hands when returning home from outdoors or prior to eating? To avoid handling objects in public areas? To cover thier mouths when they sneeze or cough? What do you think the purpose of those teachings are? Simple etiquette?
DO you honestly believe that teachers that teach school kids about AIDs will be showing them images that are unsuitable for them?

Yeah I teach my children all about germs that doesn't mean I'm ready to dive into sex ed and HIV infection at age 5.
Navy Pride said:
Four and Five year old children don't need to be hearing about AIDS.........They should be learning how to wash their hands after going to the bathroom......
Why wash thier hands? Infectious disease, there's nothing wrong with teaching them about that.
You make AIDS seem like a taboo topic. There are other routes other then sexual transmission in which to acquire AIDs you know?
talloulou said:
Yeah I teach my children all about germs that doesn't mean I'm ready to dive into sex ed and HIV infection at age 5.
You don't need to dive into Sex ed to teach about HIV. Human immuno virus is just that, it's a virus, caution should always be excersized with regards to any virus.
There are several other routes that HIV can infect other then sexual intercourse. Not to mention, it is only in the case that there is a cut or direct contact with blood from an infected individual that there is the probabilty for an infection.
jfuh said:
Why wash thier hands? Infectious disease, there's nothing wrong with teaching them about that.
You make AIDS seem like a taboo topic. There are other routes other then sexual transmission in which to acquire AIDs you know?

What exactly would be the point in talking to preschoolers about HIV infection and how would the talk go exactly? I feel preschoolers have an incredibly low risk of contracting HIV so what's the point in boggling their little minds? Should we teach them about genital warts too.....that's an infection. Geez.
jfuh said:
Why wash thier hands? Infectious disease, there's nothing wrong with teaching them about that.
You make AIDS seem like a taboo topic. There are other routes other then sexual transmission in which to acquire AIDs you know?

There's a big difference here...BIG difference:

Catching a cold from classmate's sneezes: Likely to happen for a 5 year old.
Catching the flu from breathing classmate's cough: Likely to happen for a 5 year old.
Contracting HIV from a blood transfusion, dirty heroine needle, or unprotected sex: Not likely to happen for a 5 year old...

They are preschoolers...it is not appropriate to have pre-school teachers pushing them into conversations and lessons out of their realm of maturity. Its really that simple.
jfuh said:
Why wash thier hands? Infectious disease, there's nothing wrong with teaching them about that.
You make AIDS seem like a taboo topic. There are other routes other then sexual transmission in which to acquire AIDs you know?

Four and Five year olds can understand to wash their hands and brush their teeth....They don't need to know about AIDS or STDS at that age........
jallman said:
There's a big difference here...BIG difference:

Catching a cold from classmate's sneezes: Likely to happen for a 5 year old.
Catching the flu from breathing classmate's cough: Likely to happen for a 5 year old.
Contracting HIV from a blood transfusion, dirty heroine needle, or unprotected sex: Not likely to happen for a 5 year old...

They are preschoolers...it is not appropriate to have pre-school teachers pushing them into conversations and lessons out of their realm of maturity. Its really that simple.

Right on jallman!!!!
I'm not worried so much about them being taught the sex ed side of AIDS (I knew what AIDS was before I knew it was sexually transmitted), rather the fact that teaching them about AIDS, or any other terminal disease, is likely to terrify them. They're, what... four? How is saying "Don't catch AIDS, you'll die!" going to do anything except scare them silly, and possibly make them fearful of AIDS patients in the future? Bad idea, and I really don't think there's any need.

They just not mentally developed and rational enough to comprehend it yet. I knew what AIDS was in elementary school (about seven or so), but I was much smarter than most kids, and as I said I had no idea it was an STD - my mother just told me you can get it from infected blood.

I think, if it's true, it's a poorly thought out idea. If you want to make sure your pre-school child is safe, just tell him/her not to touch other people's blood. You don't need to scare them.
ROFl, I love the sensationalist hype surrounding this. have any of you actually looked into it and seen what they are teaching before going off the handle?

They teach that Aids is a sickness that makes people "not well". they tell the kids that it's not something to be afraid of and encourage them to not fear people with Aids like some kind of leper. There's NO talk about sex, sexuality etc. They tell them that if they see blood to be careful and not get near it, and if they are bleeding they should get an adult immediately Oh Noes!!!. What they are really doing is dispelling the crap these kids are hearing on the playground and calming them down. Remember when you were a kid and kids would say that you'd get 'cooties" if you went near Jimmy or Sally? All they are doing is dispelling myths.

I'll admit i was freaked out at first when i heard about it, but when you look behind the sensationalistic headlines and get a glimpse of reality you see it's no big deal. Sure occasionally some teacher will get carried away and veer off of the approved curriculum, but that's a reason to talk to your kids and find out what they are learning in school. And if some teacher does add their own bias or unnecessary information that needs to be corrected.

if you want to go crazy about something at your school you should be getting mad at teachers unions that protect bad teachers and not the kids they teach. if you want to get mad get mad that in some areas of the country garbagemen and bus drivers make more than your kids teachers.
Navy Pride said:
I just heard on the news that the school system in New York want to teach pre school children about AIDS.......What do you think?

They prove once again that the public school adminsitrations attract the most dumb amongst us.
Blind man said:
ROFl, I love the sensationalist hype surrounding this.

Look teachers are spending less and less time on reading, writing, and math. Preschool teachers should be teaching letter sounds and words. Not HIV, GENITAL WARTS, TRANSEXUAL 101. Good grief no wonder they come out of school so dumb. Teachers these days are so busy teaching tolerance for everything under the sun that kids never learn what the sun is! Are we socially programming the young or are we trying to teach them to read and do math?
jfuh said:
Why wash thier hands? Infectious disease, there's nothing wrong with teaching them about that.
You make AIDS seem like a taboo topic. There are other routes other then sexual transmission in which to acquire AIDs you know?

You never cease to amaze me. I have a question, how old are you and do you have kids?
vergiss said:
I think, if it's true, it's a poorly thought out idea. If you want to make sure your pre-school child is safe, just tell him/her not to touch other people's blood. You don't need to scare them.

Absolutely! Think about the discomfort the conversation incites in a group of mature adults...there is no reason to incite those kinds of feelings in children. You can always teach them safe practices without inviting conversations that are going to terrify them.

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