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Do you support Partial Birth Abortion if the mother's life is not endangered? (1 Viewer)

Do you support partial birth abortion if the mother's life is not endangered?

  • Yes, a mother should have the right to abort anytime during pregnancy.

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • No, PBA is a barbaric act.

    Votes: 20 87.0%

  • Total voters

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
The SCOTUS is taking up this issue today.........Your comments please....
Navy Pride said:
The SCOTUS is taking up this issue today.........Your comments please....

Partial birth abortions are abortions that take place late, right? Meanwhile babies are surviving even when they are born as early at 21 weeks in some cases. So I think when the mother's health is at risk the labor should be induced and the baby should be given a chance to survive. I definitely don't support the killing of a child that may be able to survive.
SixStringHero said:
I am against it unless the mother's life may be at risk.

Me too. It will be interesting to see how the Supreme Court rules on this.
rtialRe: Birth Abortion if the mother's life is not endangered?

Do you support partial Birth Abortion if the mother's life is not endangered?

What kills me about these questions is...no one supports abortion. No woman wants to have to go through an abortion.

I believe in a woman's right to choose, but I do not support abortions.

We could help end the neccessity for abortions if the religious right would simply get off their moral high ground and attack the problem at the beginning, BEFORE the woman becomes pregnant.

Unfortuantely, this means better sex education and more wide spread availability of contraceptives...both things the religious right does not support.

So, there's our dilemna. Do I want late term abortions banned? No. Do I want any woman to have to go through a late term abortion? NO.

There are too many other variables, besides the life of the mother, that can come into play. This 'late-term' decision is between a doctor and their patient, and certainly not the federal government.

Besides...if late terms are banned, does anyone honestly believe that they will simply go away like a breath of fairy dust?

The solution is at the beginning...not after the pregnancy.

Wake up America.
aps said:
Me too. It will be interesting to see how the Supreme Court rules on this.

The last time this came in front of the SCOTUS PBA was upheld with Justice Oconnor as the deciding vote.........I think Justice Alito will swing the vote the other way voting to ban PBA..........
Re: rtialRe: Birth Abortion if the mother's life is not endangered?

Hoot said:
What kills me about these questions is...no one supports abortion. No woman wants to have to go through an abortion.

I believe in a woman's right to choose, but I do not support abortions.

We could help end the neccessity for abortions if the religious right would simply get off their moral high ground and attack the problem at the beginning, BEFORE the woman becomes pregnant.

Unfortuantely, this means better sex education and more wide spread availability of contraceptives...both things the religious right does not support.

So, there's our dilemna. Do I want late term abortions banned? No. Do I want any woman to have to go through a late term abortion? NO.

There are too many other variables, besides the life of the mother, that can come into play. This 'late-term' decision is between a doctor and their patient, and certainly not the federal government.

Besides...if late terms are banned, does anyone honestly believe that they will simply go away like a breath of fairy dust?

The solution is at the beginning...not after the pregnancy.

Wake up America.

What a bunch of mumbo jumbo that was............You want it both ways...
Re: rtialRe: Birth Abortion if the mother's life is not endangered?

Hoot said:
We could help end the neccessity for abortions if the religious right would simply get off their moral high ground and attack the problem at the beginning, BEFORE the woman becomes pregnant.

I resent the fact that you are implying that the "religious right" are the ones who don't support abortion. I'm not religious at all.

Unfortuantely, this means better sex education and more wide spread availability of contraceptives...both things the religious right does not support.
Planned Parenthood is almost everywhere giving out free birth control and what not so I don't see your point. I'm not religious but I don't want public schools handing out birth control. It's not cause I'm uptight about sex it's cause I'd prefer teachers use their time in class to teach reading, writing, science, math, ect....

There are too many other variables, besides the life of the mother, that can come into play. This 'late-term' decision is between a doctor and their patient, and certainly not the federal government.

For now, but hopefully that will change.

Besides...if late terms are banned, does anyone honestly believe that they will simply go away like a breath of fairy dust?

Should we make murder legal because people still murder when it's illegal? Should we allow pedophiles to hurt children because laws against pedophilia don't make the pedophiles disappear like a breath of fairy dust....Nonsense argument.

The solution is at the beginning...not after the pregnancy.

Exactly which is precisely why women should be more responsible and realize they have birth control, condoms, the morning after bill, ect....By the time you get in to talking about partial birth abortions you have passed the point of the beginning by far.
Last edited:
Navy Pride said:
The last time this came in front of the SCOTUS PBA was upheld with Justice Oconnor as the deciding vote.........I think Justice Alito will swing the vote the other way voting to ban PBA..........

Do you think they will vote to ban it period, or ban it with the one exception of the mother's health.

I think it will be the latter. They didn't want to rule on that statute that required a girl under 17 (I think) to get parental permission because it did not include a provision of when the girl's life is in danger.
aps said:
Do you think they will vote to ban it period, or ban it with the one exception of the mother's health.

I think it will be the latter. They didn't want to rule on that statute that required a girl under 17 (I think) to get parental permission because it did not include a provision of when the girl's life is in danger.

I think the law that was passed made a provision on whether the mother's life is endangered but I think the health of the mother is to vague.........
This is a red herring. So called "partial-birth abortions" are already illegal unless a mother's life or health are at risk. If there is a problem with late term abortions being performed illegally, we need to enforce the laws we already have.

I support letting doctors and patients make medical decisions. The government has no business taking health care tools out of doctor's hands.

As a woman, I am very offended by the attempt to dictate what decisions I make about my body, my health, and whether or not, or when, I want to have kids. Sorry to be so blunt, but if you are a man who is against abortion, why don't YOU carry the baby to term and deliver it?! If you are a woman and you're against abortion, don't have one...no one is forcing you to have an abortion against your will!

I'm a big girl, I can make my own decisions, thank you. I would never dream of having an abortion, but I **** well don't want anyone taking that option away from any WOMAN who wants or needs it.

Men really shouldn't have any part in this debate until they start having babies. :mrgreen:
Oh, and I didn't vote in the poll, because it didn't have an answer that I agree with. What about, "I support late term abortions if it is medically necessary to preserve a mother's life or health?" I know, that isn't polarizing enough. :roll:
Navy Pride said:
The SCOTUS is taking up this issue today.........Your comments please....

I am against abortion unless the mother's life is endangered.So my vote on the poll is biased.
well if the mothers health is in danger anyway
why dont they worry about saving the baby and sacrifice the mother.
so what if the mother dies, its her job to sacrifice for her young
*ducks under desk*
DeeJayH said:
well if the mothers health is in danger anyway
why dont they worry about saving the baby and sacrifice the mother.
so what if the mother dies, its her job to sacrifice for her young
*ducks under desk*

If the mother wants to sacrife her life for her baby that has not been born then let her.If she does not want to sacrifice her life a real doctor( not some rat nazi who calls him or herself a abortion doctor)confirms that there is huge chance she will not survive her pregnacy, then the mother should have the option to decide if she wants to jepordize her life or not.
I didn't vote in the poll.

I support partial birth abortion conditionally. While I am generally on the extreme end of the pro-choice spectrum-- I think taxpayer funding of abortion saves us money in Welfare and law enforcement-- I do not think that abortion should be elective beyond a certain point, generally the 26th week.

However, I believe that if it is necessary for the mother's health or there is evidence of serious deformity or genetic defect, late term or partial birth abortion should be allowed.
Re: rtialRe: Birth Abortion if the mother's life is not endangered?

talloulou said:
I resent the fact that you are implying that the "religious right" are the ones who don't support abortion. I'm not religious at all.

Then you shouldn't be resentful, besides, everyone knows it was a general statement. You can find religious/non-religious/ conservatives/liberals/...etc...all types that oppose and all types that support a woman's right to choose.

Perhaps if I would've used the term "republicans" instead of "religious right" that would've suited you more? But even that's not an accurate term...look at Nancy Reagan, for one.

As a rule, the religious right opposes a woman's right to choose. This doesn't mean that everyone who opposes abortion is a right wing religious nut case, so why are you offended?

Talloulou said:
Planned Parenthood is almost everywhere giving out free birth control and what not so I don't see your point. I'm not religious but I don't want public schools handing out birth control. It's not cause I'm uptight about sex it's cause I'd prefer teachers use their time in class to teach reading, writing, science, math, ect....

Well, there you go. You and I disagree on this point. If it would help prevent even one abortion, then I say give condoms out to kindergarteners. Since you are so anti-abortion, you should support any measure that stops the need for abortion. Which is the worse scenario for you? Sex education and free condoms in schools? Or another young girl having to go through the trauma of an abortion?

Talloulou said:
Should we make murder legal because people still murder when it's illegal? Should we allow pedophiles to hurt children because laws against pedophilia don't make the pedophiles disappear like a breath of fairy dust....Nonsense argument.

Fine...outlaw abortions, then. The rich and the well connected won't have any problem getting an abortion. It's the poor that will end up in unsanitary conditions, in the back alleys with the butchers and the coat hangers. God bless America.

Talloulou said:
Exactly which is precisely why women should be more responsible and realize they have birth control, condoms, the morning after bill, ect....By the time you get in to talking about partial birth abortions you have passed the point of the beginning by far.

Which is precisely why we need better education and more wide spread availability of contraceptives. Ultimately, it's a decision that must be made by a patient and their doctor, even a regrettable late term decision, certainly not Big Brother.
Korimyr the Rat said:
I didn't vote in the poll.

I support partial birth abortion conditionally. While I am generally on the extreme end of the pro-choice spectrum-- I think taxpayer funding of abortion saves us money in Welfare and law enforcement-- I do not think that abortion should be elective beyond a certain point, generally the 26th week.

However, I believe that if it is necessary for the mother's health or there is evidence of serious deformity or genetic defect, late term or partial birth abortion should be allowed.

Great post, korimyr. An oasis of reason in a desert of stupidity.
Re: rtialRe: Birth Abortion if the mother's life is not endangered?

Hoot said:
I believe in a woman's right to choose, but I do not support abortions.

Why not, what is so bad about abortions that you do not support them?

We could help end the neccessity for abortions if the religious right would simply get off their moral high ground and attack the problem at the beginning, BEFORE the woman becomes pregnant.

Oh it's all the religious rights fault. What more sex education do we need and BC is WIDELY available.
Re: rtialRe: Birth Abortion if the mother's life is not endangered?

Navy Pride said:
What a bunch of mumbo jumbo that was............You want it both ways...

Exactly, the left wants to allow the killing of unborn babies but not have to deal with their own moral delima's. "I support the woman killing her baby but I don't support killing the baby"
On the other hand, the Right believes that fetuses are innocent children and are entitled to the full legal protection thereof-- but are usually willing to make an exception for rape and incest, and they aren't willing to stop pregnant women from poisoning their unborn children.

Personally, I don't think there's any other single issue in American politics more marked by cowardice, hypocrisy, and inconsistent moral reasoning-- on whichever side of the debate you happen to choose.
NYStateofMind said:
This is a red herring. So called "partial-birth abortions" are already illegal unless a mother's life or health are at risk. If there is a problem with late term abortions being performed illegally, we need to enforce the laws we already have.

I support letting doctors and patients make medical decisions. The government has no business taking health care tools out of doctor's hands.

As a woman, I am very offended by the attempt to dictate what decisions I make about my body, my health, and whether or not, or when, I want to have kids. Sorry to be so blunt, but if you are a man who is against abortion, why don't YOU carry the baby to term and deliver it?! If you are a woman and you're against abortion, don't have one...no one is forcing you to have an abortion against your will!

I'm a big girl, I can make my own decisions, thank you. I would never dream of having an abortion, but I **** well don't want anyone taking that option away from any WOMAN who wants or needs it.

Men really shouldn't have any part in this debate until they start having babies. :mrgreen:

Lets put it in a nutshell, then. You have the right to decide if you want to have the babies brains sucked out while it twitches, partially out of the womb. Gross description, but that is exactly what a partial birth abortion is.
In the case of the mother's health, I won't say a word. In the case of 'convenience', hell no.
And if the women want the men to stay out of this debate, then get a law passed that a man has an opportunity spanning three months from the time he is notified that Ms. X is pregnant to decide if he wants the baby or not. If he chooses not to, then he is exempt from child support for life, and doesn't get to see the kid.
She has no say in the matter, since it is not her life she is interfering with, but his.
Blue Collar Joe said:
Lets put it in a nutshell, then. You have the right to decide if you want to have the babies brains sucked out while it twitches, partially out of the womb. Gross description, but that is exactly what a partial birth abortion is.
In the case of the mother's health, I won't say a word. In the case of 'convenience', hell no.
And if the women want the men to stay out of this debate, then get a law passed that a man has an opportunity spanning three months from the time he is notified that Ms. X is pregnant to decide if he wants the baby or not. If he chooses not to, then he is exempt from child support for life, and doesn't get to see the kid.
She has no say in the matter, since it is not her life she is interfering with, but his.

You have to be careful when you say the mother's health is endangered........That opens the way to abort for a multitude of reasons.......I think you have to say if the mothers life is endangered.........
NYStateofMind said:
This is a red herring. So called "partial-birth abortions" are already illegal unless a mother's life or health are at risk. If there is a problem with late term abortions being performed illegally, we need to enforce the laws we already have.

And the medical community has testified over and over that there is no medical reason for a PBA. The AMA in the only time in it's history to take a position on pending legislation wrote a letter to congress stating so.

I support letting doctors and patients make medical decisions. The government has no business taking health care tools out of doctor's hands.

Sorry, Doctors are regulated in any number of ways, they are no more gods or saints than the general population.

As a woman, I am very offended by the attempt to dictate what decisions I make about my body, my health, and whether or not, or when, I want to have kids.

Except this involves another body.

I'm a big girl, I can make my own decisions, thank you. I would never dream of having an abortion,

Why not?

Men really shouldn't have any part in this debate until they start having babies. :mrgreen:

This is about little boy babies too so I think we'll stay involved.
aps said:
Do you think they will vote to ban it period, or ban it with the one exception of the mother's health.

I think it will be the latter. They didn't want to rule on that statute that required a girl under 17 (I think) to get parental permission because it did not include a provision of when the girl's life is in danger.
And the socalled "pba" bill didn't include provisions for health, so it still doesn't meet SCOTUS standards.

That aside, NP's premise is not met, as the D&X is a second-trimester procedure, and hence, he is trying to portray the terminology of "late term" to somehow mean 3rd trimester when it almost exclusively is meant as referring to second trimester.

So the poll as written is nonsense, not dissimilar to the law itself.

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