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Do you Support Donald Trump Ending One of the Greatest Trade Relationships in History to protect American Junkies? (1 Viewer)

Do you Support Donald Trump Ending NAFTA/USMCA to Protect American Junkies?

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Here’s my prediction: the tariffs on Mexico and Canada will be short lived. It’s all bluster from the sex offender. Even he understands that prolonged tariffs will be the end of the MAGATS. Then he’ll claim some sort of victory for minimal “concessions” extracted from our friendly neighbors, engendering a lot of ill will from them.
He’s a windbag and FOS.
And a felon
And a sex offender
And a fraudster
Well this worked out as predicted, didn’t it!

“President Donald Trump said he agreed to “immediately pause” tariffs on Mexicoand Canada after speaking with those countries’ leaders Monday. Trump had announced the 25% tariffs on goods made in Mexico and Canada, as well as a 10% tariff on goods from China, over the weekend.”

What a jackass. All he accomplished was engendering ill will.
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I said that tongue in cheek because its not exactly a secret in Canada and we do not care. The trade war Trump is triggering is about competing financial syndicates fighting over territory at many levels of interaction. Its complex, its ruthless and its not about Trudeau kissing Mel's face.
In the photo, she looks positively orgasmic.
No, it'd be worse for ours, though it's true neither will benefit in the short term.

But now that Canada has been warned that we have a president who is willing to break trade agreements and flout international law, it knows that it has to diversify it's trade and rely on more reliable people.

I recall reading that the Canadian government is considering how important it will be to lessen its dependence on buying weapons and military stuff from Grumman and make treaties with other countries for supply.

Even though Trump has backed down temporarily, Canada is going to plan for much greater independence of US trade because of Trump's unreliability.

And all over the world, all countries can see how unreliable he is, so they're going to re-shape global trade by avoiding the US. All because of Trump. Instead of making America great again, he's going to make America more isolated and new coalitions are going to form.

Trump is a clumsy grandstander, which isn't necessarily a bad thing if used on the appropriate adversary who has resisted on important matters. But he has gained nothing in regards to Canada because there was nothing there to be gained.

LIke his idiotic theatrics with "rocket man" when NK had no idea what his intentions were, and in backchannels they sought guidance on his seriousness, in ended in a huge show of buddy and buddy publicity - solving nothing other than undermining South Korea's confidence in the US.

Canada must not hold back. Trade and alliances with the EU, China, and others must be pursued. China, in particular, would love a belts and road initiative in North and South America and have already made diplomatic inroads before now (eg on Tiawan).

If it weren't so tragic, I'd almost laugh to see a Canada lease Chinese supply and refueling portage just North of the border with the US. - Serve Trump right.

Do you Support Donald Trump Ending One of the Greatest Trade Relationships in History to protect American Junkies?​

It won't be Trump's decision.

It's up to Mexico and Canada.
For all the doomsaying, it looks like the result of all this tariffs talk is going to be an outcome that Trump wants. I can't say I agree with all his methods, but he appears to be getting things done.
I used to have something I clipped out of an old Time magazine from the late 1990s. It said something like:
In 1954, the ratio of the average annual blue collar wage and average CEO salary was 1 to 12, but some time in the mid-1990s, it was 1 to 465.

Once you make that ratio grow, the rich can invest their wealth and become even richer.

So, now, even if you address the ratio problem serious, that's just earned income, while the wealth gap is so humongous that only taxes on wealth will ever change it.

I'm not of the school that thinks my neighbor's $50,000 bass boat is why I have a $500 canoe.

Do you Support Donald Trump Ending One of the Greatest Trade Relationships in History to protect American Junkies?​

It won't be Trump's decision.

It's up to Mexico and Canada.
It’s not going to happen. It was never going to happen.
I’ll tell you what else isn’t going to happen: millions of people here illegally are NOT going to be deported. The farm, service, and construction industries aren’t going to put up with it. Here’s what IS going to happen: the felon/sex offender will order deportations of people here illegally living in sanctuary cities (mostly) then massively exaggerating the number actually deported. Then he’ll claim victory.
And the MAGATS will swallow everything he belches.
It’s not going to happen. It was never going to happen.
I’ll tell you what else isn’t going to happen: millions of people here illegally are NOT going to be deported. The farm, service, and construction industries aren’t going to put up with it. Here’s what IS going to happen: the felon/sex offender will order deportations of people here illegally living in sanctuary cities (mostly) then massively exaggerating the number actually deported. Then he’ll claim victory.
And the MAGATS will swallow everything he belches.
Even if what you said was true, it's still preferable to Biden waving illegals in here like they were going out of style.
And of course, it wouldn't be a left wing post without throwing in some sort of lame insult.
Even if what you said was true, it's still preferable to Biden waving illegals in here like they were going out of style.
And of course, it wouldn't be a left wing post without throwing in some sort of lame insult.
You do realize that illegal immigration was greatly reduced (I think by 40% or more as I recall) after President Biden issued his EO-which was similar to the BIPARTISAN bill that your hero the scumbag felon prevented from being voted on because he selfishly wanted to use immigration as a campaign issue. Is this really news to you?
Biden was waiting for Congress to do the right thing and vote on the BIPARTISAN bill because EOs can easily be reversed by the next president.
Clear yet?

“The seven-day average of migrant apprehensions has dropped more than 40% to less than 2,400 encounters per day since President Joe Biden’s executive action barring asylum at the US southern border went into effect about three weeks ago, the Department of Homeland Security said.”

You do realize that illegal immigration was greatly reduced (I think by 40% or more as I recall) after President Biden issued his EO-which was similar to the BIPARTISAN bill that your hero the scumbag felon prevented from being voted on because he selfishly wanted to use immigration as a campaign issue.
More insults. Should you ever decide to lose that from your discourses, maybe I'll start listening to you.
More insults. Should you ever decide to lose that from your discourses, maybe I'll start listening to you.
I don’t give a rats ass if you like what I write. Or if you listen to me.
I have zero respect for anyone who thinks a sex offender, a felon 34 times over, a fraudster-belongs in the White House. ZERO. Those people have enabled the jackass to become president.
I don’t care what his politics are-he’s a scumbag of a human being.
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Today Donald Trump signed an Executive Order effectively ending the NAFTA/USMCA and imposing 25% tariffs on our neighbors and, in the case of Canada, a military ally of over a century.

So what was this all done for, you may ask? To protect American opioid addicts from the dangers of illegally-imported fentanyl. So to be clear: A huge amount of our imported raw materials are purchased from Canada. A huge amount of our manufacturing is done in Mexico. The everyday living costs for Americans is going to increase markedly if not skyrocket, all so we can protect our junkies. Because it should be noted, fentanyl typically is not being put into our water supply so people get addicted without their knowledge. The initial taking of opioids (especially nowadays) is typically a choice.

So the question that should be asked is: do you agree with ending our free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico and exploding all of our costs of living for the sake of protecting our junkies from overdosing on especially-powerful synthetic opioids? I mean, did junkies our new bald eagle and I simply was not paying attention? Are they as a group some kind of endangered species that must be protected at all costs?
Well it looks like Trump knew exactly what he was doing and that it would work!
Because today Both Mexico and Canada agreed to "COOPERATE MORE IN PROTECTING THE BORDERS" !....
And Trump gave them 30 days to come thru on their side of the deal.

So now there will be less drugs and related Deaths, and less criminals coming in to America !

Why does that make DEM's so angry ?....
I don’t give a rats ass if you like what I write. Or if you listen to me.
I have zero respect for anyone who thinks a sex offender, a felon 34 times over, a fraudster-belongs in the White House. ZERO. Those people have enabled the jackass to become president.
I don’t care what his politics are-he’s a scumbag of a human being.
You do know that those 34 felonies came from 1 actions and it's all BS , right ?
Or are you going to keep repeating this crap until the media finally tells the truth to you ? Which they won't or
only after it has become to hard to deny.

Trump just help protect Americas and you hate that! Why ? Why would helping America make any American so spiteful and angry?
Interesting take. But I agree we should see how this plays out.
I think Trump is after something that hasn't been revealed, but I don't buy the 51st state idea.

Why do you all vote for someone where you are guessing in what they are trying to do?
I just dont get it
Why do you all vote for someone where you are guessing in what they are trying to do?
I just dont get it
I disagree with some of what Trump does. I disagree with practically everything Biden and the Democrats did.
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You do know that those 34 felonies came from 1 actions and it's all BS , right ?
Or are you going to keep repeating this crap until the media finally tells the truth to you ? Which they won't or
only after it has become to hard to deny.

Trump just help protect Americas and you hate that! Why ? Why would helping America make any American so spiteful and angry?
You do know that a fair and impartial jury returned THIRTY FOUR GUILTY VERDICTS against the scumbag you think is "protecting Americas", right?
Oh-and by the way he's also been found guilty (liable if you prefer a euphemism) of SEXUALLY ASSAULTING a woman. If it was someone close to you would you still be supporting the felon? Yes or no-or I'll answer it for you.
Most of these drugs are pushed into our country through legal border crossings by US citizens. What is your suggestion on how to deal with this?
They cross legally because the Canadians supply them with fentanyl, all under Trudeau's blessing. If we stop Trudeau and the libs, we save America.
LOL, @ the delusional post
LOL @ your confession.

Do you Support Donald Trump Ending One of the Greatest Trade Relationships in History to protect American Junkies?​

It won't be Trump's decision.

It's up to Mexico and Canada.

Given how expertly we just handled your boy, you're right, it is up to us.
Today Donald Trump signed an Executive Order effectively ending the NAFTA/USMCA and imposing 25% tariffs on our neighbors and, in the case of Canada, a military ally of over a century.

So what was this all done for, you may ask? To protect American opioid addicts from the dangers of illegally-imported fentanyl. So to be clear: A huge amount of our imported raw materials are purchased from Canada. A huge amount of our manufacturing is done in Mexico. The everyday living costs for Americans is going to increase markedly if not skyrocket, all so we can protect our junkies. Because it should be noted, fentanyl typically is not being put into our water supply so people get addicted without their knowledge. The initial taking of opioids (especially nowadays) is typically a choice.

So the question that should be asked is: do you agree with ending our free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico and exploding all of our costs of living for the sake of protecting our junkies from overdosing on especially-powerful synthetic opioids? I mean, did junkies our new bald eagle and I simply was not paying attention? Are they as a group some kind of endangered species that must be protected at all costs?

When the CDC examined data for Americans 10 to 19 years old, it found that, as is the case for adults, most adolescents dying from drug overdoes are male. However, the share of girls among these fatalities is larger than the share of women. More than twice as many boys who are tweens or teens are dying of a drug overdose for every girl in that age group.

Among adults, those who use more than one drug are more likely to die from an overdose than those who use a single drug. The most common combinations are fentanyl with another opioid, like a prescription medication, and fentanyl with a stimulant, like cocaine or methamphetamine. Fentanyl on its own is the key culprit in adolescent overdoses. For teens, 84% of fatal overdoses involved fentanyl, and 56% of all overdoses involved only fentanyl.

Drug Overdoses Third Leading Cause of Death in Adolescents in 2022 From 2019 to 2022, the rate of fatal drug overdoses among U.S. adolescents (age 13-17) more than doubled — increasing from 1.3 drug overdoses deaths per 100,000 adolescents to 3.2 drug overdose deaths per 100,000 adolescents. With that change, drug overdoses became the third leading cause of death among U.S. adolescents in 2022, following firearm injuries and transportation-related injuries (e.g., automobile collisions).

Fentanyl and related synthetic opioids played the largest role in growing adolescent drug overdose death rates, increasing by 293% between 2019 and 2022.

Those "junkies" whose lives you immediately dismiss as being disposable include a lot of kids, because the drug lords/cartels intentionally target young people, particularly in urban and suburban settings.
They cross legally because the Canadians supply them with fentanyl, all under Trudeau's blessing. If we stop Trudeau and the libs, we save America.

LOL @ your confession.
Less than 1% of the fent coming into the US comes from Canada.
How do you know? It doesn't sound like you even know any Democrats or talk to them or read about them.

It's Americans who are addicted, American kids who want a cheap thrill, etc.

Well, he's pretty bad at asking for cooperation if all he does is bluster and bully people. If I were a Canadian, I'd be so insulted I'd think about upping trade with China as well as EU and England just to spite that dirty old man.

sounds like justifying human/sex/child trafficking and drug trafficking to me

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