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Do you know the German movie „Look who’s back.“ (Er ist wieder da.) ? (1 Viewer)


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Tender Branson

DP Veteran
Jun 3, 2021
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🇦🇹 Austria 🇦🇹
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It’s a dark-comedy about Hitler waking up in 2015 Berlin and trying to adjust to modern life, such as getting himself an email address (which is taken already) and so forth.

It is extremely funny, but also deeply thought provoking, because it shows how the masses can be manipulated and it foreshadowed the rise of Trump and Putin and other strongmen around the planet …

Modern day Hitler speech:

Movie trailer with English subtitles:

I have not seen the whole film, just a short youtube part.
Humour of the very black kind.

Just a few minutes ....
The final scene, when they drove through Berlin while filming the movie and a lot of people delivering the Nazi salute and Hitler then saying „It is something that we can work with.“

… is still giving me goosebumps. In a negative way of course.

The plot of the book:

In 2011, Adolf Hitler wakes up in a vacant lot in Berlin which appears to be the location of the garden outside the bunker where he was burned, with no knowledge of anything that happened following his death in 1945. Homeless and destitute, he interprets everything he sees and experiences in 2011 from a Nazi perspective—for instance, he assumes that Turks in Germany are an indicator of Karl Dönitz having persuaded Turkey to join the Axis, and thinks that Wikipedia is named for Wikinger ("Vikings"). Although everyone recognizes him, nobody believes that he is Hitler; instead, they think he is either a comedian or a method actor. He appears on a variety television show called Whoa, dude!, going off-script to broadcast his views. Videos of his angry rants become hugely successful on YouTube, and he achieves modern celebrity status as a performer. The newspaper Bild tries to take him down, but is sued into praising him. He is beaten up by Neo-Nazis who think he is mocking the memory of Hitler, unaware that he is the genuine article. In the end, he uses his popularity to re-enter politics.

It’s a dark-comedy about Hitler waking up in 2015 Berlin and trying to adjust to modern life, such as getting himself an email address (which is taken already) and so forth.
I think if you had integrated the name "Hitler" into the thread title, this thread would have more readers. :cool:
It is extremely funny, but also deeply thought provoking, because it shows how the masses can be manipulated and it foreshadowed the rise of Trump and Putin and other strongmen around the planet …
Another lib-tard and anti-semitic comparison of Trump and Putin to Hitler. Lets make light of what the victims of the Nazis went through to make bogus comparison of two people who were not any way remotely like Hilter to Hitler. I know lets compare Joe Biden and the queen of England to Moa Zedong or some other brutal dictator.

Germans seem to have ****ed up idea of what comedy is.
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I read the book.
Another lib-tard and anti-semitic comparison of Trump and Putin to Hitler. Lets make light of what the victims of the Nazis went through to make bogus comparison of two people who were not any way remotely like Hilter to Hitler. I know lets compare Joe Biden and the queen of England to Moa Zedong or some other brutal dictator.

Germans seem to have ****ed up idea of what comedy is.

Your local drugstore, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, or others can certainly get you some tissues. I believe their are also parental reviews for most movies and tv shows on imdb that you can use to determine if there are any other movies that are too offensive to your delicate and oversensitive feelings regarding Trump and Putin. Maybe someday congress will pass an act to prevent people from making fun of them, but for now you'll have to just build a safety net around yourself.

Poor lil fella.
Never seen that movie, but I watched

about political corruption and manipulation in Brazil. It is a slow burn but good.
No more comments in the case of Mr. Hitler re-vived?

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